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Everything posted by robly18

  1. So I tried to reach escape velocity using RCS... Didn't quite work as I expected. I am now using the EVA pack, I shall now get a munar orbit and practice doing rezendvous instead. Wish me luck!
  2. So today I finally managed to land on the mun straight... FML
  3. Zoxygene, remotetech, damned robotics I've been rocking vanilla since 0.17 tho.
  4. The joystick I use? It's called keyboard :3
  5. Hey look buddy. I'm a kerbal. That means I solve problems. Not problems like "how to make a safe rocket", because who needs safety? I solve practical problems. For instance, how am I gonna make me an efficient way to make interplanetary burns with an 800 specifil impulse? The anwer... Use a NERVA And if that don't work? Use moar NERVA
  6. Sleeping? Today? Nah, let's postpone that to... next month?
  7. Short answer:No. Long answer:KSP is not quite a simulator, it's a game. It's not ment to be realistic. It's ment to be fun.
  8. I'm surprised noone has yet talked about... Deep Space Kraken(AKA Space Kraken):A weird happening that causes your ship's parts(And sometimes your poor kerbals) to go crazy, mostly do to extreme velocities. Luckily, in the next update, the devs are going to slay this mightly horrible beast
  9. I use mostly stock, with the exception being life support because of zoxygene. I very much hate using mods that add other engines and such without any special attributes or something. For example, kethane.
  10. Hello, fellow kerbonauts. So I've been enjoying the game a lot in the past few months. Sadly, I run at a slow pace, and only now am begginning to be able to land on the mun and come back. Sadly, I've ran into a small problem. I want to make a permanent munar base. One would think that is easier than going there and coming back, except I have the mod Zoxygene. I can get to the mun and come back, but the problem is, when I try to lower the drills, most of the times they break for some reason. Help with this would be appreciated :\
  11. Actually, Scott Manley has made a video on how to exploit the Orbeth effect as to be much more fuel efficient about this kinda stuff.
  12. Are you using the demo? If so, that's most likely the problem
  13. I want to have a RemoteControl part working but I don't want to change the config. If I use one of those mods that add empty crew slots can I fill and use those?
  14. Trying to land on the mun. Times attempted:18. Times failed:18
  15. Pretty much this. ASAS is like an autopilot, wich helps your ship stay upright. SAS is like a gyroscope that helps your ship control itself.
  16. How I do it: Open the zip. Check if there is a "Plugins" or "Parts" file. If so, skip next step. Open the file. Go to previous step. Drag files into KSP_win or whatever yours is named. Now you just click some "yes"'s and you're done!
  17. Same. First thing I did when I got the paid version was to land on minmus and come back. That was 3 weeks ago. Until this day, I haven't yet been able to safely land on the mun. I tought minmus was to be harder?
  18. I already use the rep system. It's actually a good way to reward good and helpful comments. The only problem is if people start making "add some rep" sigs. There should be a rule aganist that or something.
  19. I only use 4 mods: Zoxygene mod-Adds life support, recommended. RemoteTech-Zoxygene mod and this are a great pair, as if you don't feel like making all the life support you can just make a remote control satellite. Damned Robotics-Just for small stuff, such as rotating a parabolic antenna. And there's the fourth mod wich is just a fix to the 0.16 fuel bug.
  20. WASD QE rotate and flip. Use shift to rotate only 15 degrees, without shift it rotates 90.
  21. Thank you. This is pretty much all I wanted Still, the other explanations helped a lot. Thanks everybody.
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