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Everything posted by DGatsby

  1. Are we ever going to see anything else from SXSW? They do realize most of their fan base wasn't able to attend?
  2. Hey man, awesome stuff! Thank you! Between your command pods and the new SLS parts coming up we'll finally be able to make some really unique space ships!.
  3. YES! YES! YES! Thank you so much for these new parts! I've always felt KSP has been lacking in good command modules, especially for smaller ships and especially for Soviet-alike craft, but between this and the Radish pod we finally have some great alternatives to the limited stock options. Thank you so much! I love you. ... I hope that doesn't make it weird.
  4. Looks great! Much excite. I would encourage you to made the pod fairing for 2.5m parts as well. Adding more ways to use your pod will only increase its popularity!
  5. Hey man, awesome stuff! Keep up the good work and happy holidays!
  6. I'm a sucker for direct ascent myself. I love the pod; it's allowed my brave Kerbals to explore the moon without getting too lonely.
  7. Hey Frizzank, thanks so much for all the hard work! This is one of my favorite mods; it's a real must have.
  8. The science lab needs work, that's for sure. I still like it though, even if it's just for purely aesthetic reasons.
  9. Hey guys, just wanted to say that I love the mod! Also, I've tested it a little and it seems to work perfectly with .23.
  10. Great stuff, man! I'm downloading it right now. I've been waiting for Squad to make an official 2 man pod, but this will do the trick just perfect.
  11. Glad you all like! Direct your praise to Barrydennen12!
  12. The guys at Barrydennen12 on Youtube have made a great machinima, recreating the documentary "In the Shadow of the Moon" in Kerbal! Check it out: Just to clarify, I didn't make it; I only saw it and thought it deserves a place here. Direct all praise to Barrydennen12
  13. Do they get little beds?
  14. Imperial Cascadian Space Administration. Cascadian because I live in what is considered Cascadia, Imperial because I like empires, and Space Administration because that's what it is!
  15. Gregdred. I only got him once a few updates ago, and I didn't do anything that special with him, but my god what a name!
  16. I usually go with "Imperial and Royal Space Administration". Sometimes the "Royal Space Colonial Service". Or sometimes the "Cascadian Space Administration". My flag is a mashup of the Cascadian flag and the German Empire's colonial office flag. + =
  17. The laws of the universe are broken.
  18. Anything thinking about naming your child with a name from Kerbal Space Program? I want my son to be called "Gregdred."
  19. Greetings everyone! Today is the anniversary of JFK's notable speech at Rice University, in which he discusses going to the Mun...moon. Enjoy!
  20. FishyFishy13, Greatly depends on the quality of student you are!
  21. Pleborian, I would say "Wow, that sucks. I bet since they are a great dev team they will fix it soon." But at least the wait will be over.
  22. Personally I've always felt the lack of a release date is a little insulting to the fan base. I could understand why they wouldn't want to have one when the .17 update was first announced, as they had several months of work to do. But at this point, when the update seems to be rather imminent, not having a date just torturers people. It's like showing a dog a bone, but refusing to give it to the dog and putting it back in the box. "Oh you want this? It looks pretty cool, doesn't it? NOPE. You'll get it an indeterminate amount of time later."
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