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Everything posted by 0jam3290

  1. Banned for not hearing the music.
  2. 7/10 Looks good, especially like how you used the candy cane to replace the 7.
  3. 8/10 No pictures, but I really like the quotes.
  4. Banned for banning the banned that banned.
  5. 8/10 That's some nice historical stuff, I especially like your Explorer.
  6. You do know that you have to hold down F9 for a second or two before it actually loads. That said, it's unlikely it was your cat unless your cat was laying on the key.
  7. Given the amount of RTGs on there, I don't think power is a problem.
  8. Banned for having an eerie avatar.
  9. My .20 save (I haven't taken it over to .21) is on Year 6, Day 207. I use Kerbal Alarm Clock, so I do pack quite a few things in, I have an Eeloo probe launched back in June, that has yet to reach Eeloo.
  10. It's not. Grasshopper is a test rig "proof of concept" for the reuseability of the Falcon 9 core stage by landing the 1st stage on engines alone.
  11. I don't really have any problem being on the Mun, except at night... I have been playing way too much Amnesia.
  12. -0 currently -~7 stationed long-term currently -I'm at #1263 currently, of all my screenshots up to .20 (although some earlier ones have been lost/overwritten)
  13. This is definitely a fine piece of engineering, but shouldn't this be in The Spacecraft Exchange section, not General Discussion?
  14. In his title, it says developer on leave; and in fact, if you look back, you'll see he made some of the planets back in .17 and some of the parts in .16, .18, etc.
  15. Most of my labels vary, but most of the time for probe it's [Type]-[Orbital Destination]-[Model Designation and Orbiter Number]_[Mission Name]. Example: CommSat-GSO-A1 or EP(Exploration Probe)-MKO-A1 VARS (Van Allen Belt Research Satellite/Station). For my Inter Planetary probes it's [Model Name]-[intended Destination]_[Craft Role]-IP. Example: Hermes-Moho EP-IP/DS or Thor-Jool/Laythe AtL-IP. For my Mun/Minmus Landings, I just call it by the Program name and mission number/designation. Example: Aphrodite (Munar Program) 5A (Crew lander), 5B (2nd Crew lander), 5R (Rover lander).
  16. Banned for being a reptile ambassador.
  17. 3/10 I vaguely remember seeing you somewhere recently. IDK where.
  18. 112: Using the same action group for both your launch engines and self-destruct system. 113: Forgetting parachutes. 114: Including only 4 seconds of fuel on your launch vehicle. 115: Having off-balance thrust.
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