Most of my labels vary, but most of the time for probe it's [Type]-[Orbital Destination]-[Model Designation and Orbiter Number]_[Mission Name]. Example: CommSat-GSO-A1 or EP(Exploration Probe)-MKO-A1 VARS (Van Allen Belt Research Satellite/Station). For my Inter Planetary probes it's [Model Name]-[intended Destination]_[Craft Role]-IP. Example: Hermes-Moho EP-IP/DS or Thor-Jool/Laythe AtL-IP. For my Mun/Minmus Landings, I just call it by the Program name and mission number/designation. Example: Aphrodite (Munar Program) 5A (Crew lander), 5B (2nd Crew lander), 5R (Rover lander).