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Everything posted by 0jam3290

  1. Personally, I like to give them a nice view: But in terms of Hitchhikers, the space between the cuploas can be considered a Hitchhiker's space along with the (we can assume similar) crew capacity/space of the cuploas. So that means that in the case of the aforementioned space station above, the primary hab unit has about 2 hitchhikers worth of space for 4 kerbals.
  2. I played the .13 Demo for a week before buying the game in .15.
  3. I'm pretty sure that's from the Mythbusters episode where they polished poo to test an idiom.
  4. I doubt it, all Mechjeb does is automatically control the attitude keys(it's just like its pressing q/e w/s a/d, except its a computer). In fact, the new (a)sas might actually help because MJ occasionally toggles sas to help keep attitude.
  5. I'm using Lionhead's LEM/Apollo pack for the CSM/LEM and the Apollo Mission Pack for the SaturnV(the AMP comes with its own CSM/LM, but Lionhead's looks better)
  6. My launch is planned for later tonight because I won't be able to do it tomorrow(on the actual landing date). Until then, here's my launcher:
  7. In my current save I don't (unless its around KSC area and causes lag on launches), but in the past I've deleted all my debris in order to prevent lag (looking at my current save, that was unnecessary).
  8. For me it's business as usual. I have 2 major interplanetary missions and alot more planned for right now. When 0.21 comes out I'll probably download it mainly to play around with the new features. I'll continue playing .20 until (A. All my main mods are updated or (B. I get to a major stopping point on my .20 save (probably B in any case). I'm excited for the new update, but I'm in a good spot in my current game.
  9. I named my current space program "UKASA" (United Kerbal Aeronautics and Space Association). And I call my Mission Controller Mod campaign-ish space program the "Dalekieum Empire".
  10. I use quite a few mods, especially Bobcat, FASA, and Lionhead. They give different realistic and good-looking options when supplemented to stock.
  11. Gregrox, I know how you feel. Right now my aunt is touch and go in the hospital and has a fair chance of not making it. I'm sorry for your loss.
  12. July 4th is American Independence Day
  13. Loster Kerman: He was used on pretty much all of my many Mercury program missions recently. Sherski Kerman: The brave soul that manned most of the planes I came up with back in 0.15.
  14. Dear Squad, I want you to add more rocket boosters so that we can smash cars which a kerbal is flying directly into Jool. Also I like to shoot kerbals into the Kraken's maw. You should bring love to Kerbin through donuts shaped like Kerbals. This won't add chaos to the game revenue because donuts are tasty and bacon is evil. This pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis will affect Eeloo in landings because Jeb cannot sleep without rockets falling apart almost every millisecond. So multiplayer can kick Bill's kerbehind out the planet's atmosphere. Besides, Bill gets extreme G-force when jeb flies on SRBs. Donkey's lick explosive liquid Kolas when they invade Kerbin with cake and flavored octopus. I eat SANVICH when I play my game on Macindownux. That's not all that Mr. Postman wants from Moho
  15. Granted, but the muffins are actually filled with tiny Black Widows that you only notice when you bite into one.(picture that, I dare you.) I wish you made more credits when you play a game in WarThunder.
  16. Considering I'm not posting this before you or at the same time as you, true. The user below me is an avid Whovian.
  17. 10/10 Call me a PfL thread regular.
  18. I think I'm around Lvl 9-10 overall with Americans: 7, Germans: 5, Russians: 4, British: 3, Japanese: 3.
  19. I've done the same, sometimes even put landing legs and a probe core on it to emulate SpaceX's planned F9 reuseability. I've also been sure to put communication equipment on virtually all my flights and some commsats around the Kerbin system to ensure communication links with all craft(I don't even use RemoteTech).
  20. Thats from Carl Sagan's Contact right? Anyways: -Rusting Duna -Smashing Buttons -Implementing wormhole -Herding ground crew -"Educating" engineers -Patching exhaust vent on Munar trench
  21. I do remember seeing a thread where there was a picture of a custom control box that someone made out of some (I believe) plywood/sheet metal and spare electronics parts, but I think it got wiped in the Purge. But I do remember it being greyish-silver with alot of buttons, some sliders for throttle and (possibly) a small analog joystick (it was a few months back, so the details are kinda fuzzy).
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