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Everything posted by soulreaver1981

  1. hey guys i just wanted to show you what I'm working on peace means having the bigger stick
  2. the arrowhead mk2 cargo ssto new this is the improved version of the arrowhead (and it look nicer to ) specs: parts: 848 weight: 92 tons cargo: a orange tank (or something of the same weight or lighter) kerbals : 1 fuel:4230 oxidizer: 3300 airintake: 24.80 ksp version: 0.24 pics video: You can find the arrowhead on my thread here:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/87403-Reapers-Dutch-Designs-thread-arrowhead-mk2-cargo-%28one-orange-tank%29-ssto-uploaded
  3. Nice to bad you have lose your landinggear Reaper
  4. here is my starcraft 2 siegetank mk2 it can be found here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/87403-Reapers-Dutch-Designs-thread-arrowhead-mk2-cargo-%28one-orange-tank%29-ssto-uploaded
  5. after some trouble the arrowhead mk cargo ssto is done and uploaded. hope you like its guys
  6. wow good idea on the crane. you now you can use the lv-1r as a moving part. somebody use it to make a stock vtol engine
  7. hey guys this is the new version of my starcraft 2 siege tank replica. pics it can be found on my main thread here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/87403-Reapers-Dutch-Designs-thread-%28stock-and-modded-craft-s%29-new-starcraft-siege-tank
  8. update: new version of the starcraft 2 siege tank uploaded. hope you guys like it. reaper
  9. and here i was thinking to ask you if you wanted to test the arrowhead mk2 nevermind
  10. Thanks. What i ment was that the legs move back with out holding the button. I normaly have to hold a button/nummer until the move is don.
  11. Thanks. The new back wing helps stabilize the ssto with out cargo and you can load it with a truck via the back. The plane look like the assins greed logo lol
  12. the arrowhead mk 2 is almost done. i only have to sort the fuelline's out and ad some last touches. preview
  13. you can sent me the file if you want. your zoid was pretty good. how do you make the legs go back with one button press???
  14. maybe the the copit then. when i load the craft the engine's are running in the hangar
  15. Then it the copit i think. In the hangar the engine's are running and when i go to the runway the game freeze
  16. Thanks for the spelling check. There are no mods because i need update the modded crafts to 0.24. i planning some improvements using a new mod.
  17. hey looks pretty cool but dont seem to work in my game
  18. DUTCH DESIGNS intro welkom everbody to dutch designs bij me, soulreaper. from now on ill will post my crafts on this one thread, instead of each single craft on its own. the first crafts will be my old one's. each craft will be placed in its own categorie and sub categorie. here is also the link to my youtube channel where you can see most of my craft and see me play other game's: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX0qqjEV4nUN3scqcY8gNtQ/feed?filter=2 stock plane's SSTO'S okay guys here is the arrowhead mk 3,3. after more than a month of development its done......sort of. emty it can reach a orbit of 150 km and stil have lots of fuel left. it hase a moving cargobay and moving ramp and they are both stock it also has a moving locking systeem in the cargobay toggle's: 1 engine group 1 2 engine group 2 3 the rocket engine's 4 open close the airintake's (close before lift of) 5 open close cargobay 6 open close locking systeem (does not always work) 7 arm the locking systeem craftfile: https://www./?e46k919do4nkl3y Here is a challenge:" put something in the cargobay en bring it to orbit. The Arrowhead a cargo ssto capable of transport a orange tank of fuel in to a 120 km orbit. spec's: weight: 63 tons cargo: 38 tons kerbals : 1 fuel:2940 oxidizer: 2112 airintake:27.20 ksp version: 0.24 pic's: video: craft file: http://www./view/ji55y5iidm7n9f0/arrowhead_cargo_ssto.craft the arrowhead mk2 cargo ssto new this is the improved version of the arrowhead (and it look nicer to ) specs: parts: 848 weight: 92 tons cargo: a orange tank (or something of the same weight or lighter) kerbals : 1 fuel:4230 oxidizer: 3300 airintake: 24.80 ksp version: 0.24 pics video: craft file: http://www./view/k2c90p2gf1c32qh/arrowhead_mk2.craft The Elisyium ssto 17 kerbal transporter this ssto can transport 17 kerbal in to orbit around kerbin. spec's: weight: 40 tons cargo: none kerbals : 17 fuel:1830 oxidizer: 1320 airintake: 8.20 ksp version: 0.24 pic's: craft file: http://www./view/rytmmi4m1ga36nm/elesyium_17_kerbal_transporter.craft atmosphere plane's The kerbal dorp plane a plane that can drop 10 kerbals in to a warzone. pic's video craft file: https://www./?yim9d8x0je2b1lk atmosphere plane's that use mods vtol The reaper new a combat vtol with hidden weapons. pics: video: mod's (i think i have al the mods) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/37707-0-24-2-Magic-Smoke-Industries-Infernal-Robotics-0-18-4 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80234-24-2-TweakScale-Rescale-Everything%21-%28v1-36-2014-08-04-21-58-UTC%29 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/85209-BahamutoD-s-Armory-v0-4-1-Dev-Thread-%28-camera-angles%29-Aug-3 http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/220695-taverios-pizza-aerospace craftfile: https://www./?r5rp60bbqz2cc3e The Hawk (needs a update to 0.24) a vtol fighter jet pics video replica's F16 a F16 replica i made. pics video link: plane file: http://www./view/y68j2y82ny6fwpn/f16.craft F15 a F15 replica i made. pic's video link: plane file: http://www./view/zg6syjk7c0kbc2s/f15.craft F22 a F22 replica i made. pic's video link: plane file: http://www./view/48kd4vz23dhbkjz/f22.craft F35 a F35 replica i made. pics video link: plane file: http://www./view/mjavg889k2o1tnu/f35_vtol.craft replica's that use mods Starcraft 2 Siege Tank(uptodate) the new version of my starcraft 2 siege tank capable of transforming in the turret. pic's video: mods used: InfiniteDice -=Skillful=- Combat Damage & Weapons Mod http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64211-InfiniteDice-Skillful-Combat-Damage-Weapons-Mod Infernal Robotics http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/220267-magic-smoke-industries-infernal-robotics-v0-14 taverios-pizza-aerospace http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/220695-taverios-pizza-aerospace ActiveStruts Dev http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/85599-WIP-ActiveStruts-Dev-Thread craft file: The Turbokat (need a update to 0.24) the turbokat form the cartoon serie's the swatkats. it has vtol mode a cargo bay and gun under the copit. pic's video The VF-1J (needs update to 0.24) this is the VF-1J from macross saga/robotech and it can transform pics hope guys like what you see and if you want me to build something or need help with a plane do ask thanks soulreaper
  19. hey guys here is apc i made it can move on land and on water. toggle's: 1 and 2 move the turret left and right 3 and 4 move the turret up and down 5 toggles the engine's 6 internal light mods used: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/37707-0-24-Magic-Smoke-Industries-Infernal-Robotics-0-17 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64711-0-24-TweakableEverything-1-3-1-For-all-your-part-tweaking-needs http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/42189-0-22-GatlingGun-mod` the graft file: https://www./?ol4s16yaibjda1x hope you like it guys. leave a comment if you do
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