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Everything posted by soulreaver1981

  1. Hey for your b2 you do now you can turn of control surfes right? You dont have to use them al
  2. Hey for your b2 you do now you can turn of control surfes right? You dont have to use them al
  3. hey clownbaby here is my idea on your gundam arms. hope it helps
  4. thanks i think looks like the russian fighter jet su-30
  5. okay it was late last night. i forgot the plane file, uploading now
  6. hey guy i had a idea for a new type of wing and a vtol engine. and so i made the hawk toggle's: 1 toggle's engine's 2 and 3 move's the engine's in to vtol engine. 4 toggle's the antenna i have a nice landing in the end ooohh and guys there is a bug you cant restart on the runway but you need to go to the hanger and then go to runway plane file: http://www./view/dgp2ouemd69ulku/hawk.craft
  7. almost done this time is has nuke enginge's and a more open cargobay for ease cargo placement and of course more engines wwwhhhahahahahaha.
  8. in imgur next to your image you have differed options for posting, use the (BBCode (message boards & forums)) then people can see you image form here
  9. in case anyone missed it lol. my new cargo ssto the arrowhead. in orbit around kerbin dropping the cargo back a the space center after a trip to orbit. the plane thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/85534-my-first-cargo-ssto-%28now-with-plane-file%29
  10. the arrowhead in orbit dropping the cargo (800 fuel left this time) back at space center
  11. first of thanks for the rep and i'm honored to join the jumbo group. and no i haved fitted other cargo in the bay. you can place docking ports where you want in the cargo bay, the plane is pretty big so I do not think it will create many problems. the orange tank fits pretty snuk, so thats how big you object can be. it fly's pretty good emty, i just landed on the runway after a trip to orbit (its a bit more wobbly) no fuel pumping needed for more jumbo you need a lifter to put it in the cargobay (i may try to build one)
  12. okay some stats: partcount 749 weight 102 tons thats it i dont have more
  13. Neither do I. so the guys that want to now the delta v will have to download the plane and tell me
  14. Its not a monster!!!! ....... This is I dont now how long it took. But it was long lol
  15. thank you does not matter, your appreciation is more than enough.
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