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Everything posted by soulreaver1981

  1. can some one help me. if installed toolbar and infernal robots. but have no button when i fly. i can see the toolbar but see no infernal robots controls
  2. help!! i installed Infernal Robotics and the toolbar but i see no buttons one's i leave the hanger. i see the toolbar but no infernal robotics button's and i love this mod. i made this in version 0,22 (not toolbar) and i want to make more can some one me tell where to put the toolbar to make it work.
  3. thanks i like the new version to. a cargo door is tricky with no moving part's and i want to keep this one stock.
  4. hey guy's after multiple designs i got my titan transporter stto in a 150km orbit around kerbin and have around 2000 fuel left (a litle more) i'm stil tweaking the design and have to load it with something. here is the old design http://i.imgur.com/2LxoCcS.jpg and here are some pic's of the new one. http://i.imgur.com/cV9LSlH.jpg http://i.imgur.com/ZHV8UVZ.jpg http://i.imgur.com/4dD9heZ.jpg the part count is a 865 part, the new version of ksp seems to handle it wel.
  5. i cant seem to get Infernal Robotics to work with the toolbar mod
  6. i see four sas and om my god thats a lot of struts for such a smal plane. but the plane looks cool. i would put the vtol engine higher, you get more ground clearance.
  7. Thanks for youre feed back. I was thinking about a few dockingports on de loadingfloor. So you can dock the rover.
  8. hey guys here is something i'm working on. its based of the titian, a big plane i made a while ago (see first image) this is gona be a stto intended to bring big loads in to orbit (a orange tank at least) http://i.imgur.com/47DGPpt.jpg http://i.imgur.com/keIxx43.jpg http://i.imgur.com/ZusV3FP.jpg i hope to get some feedback and maybe some ideas form you guy.
  9. seems to me you could easily combine the two version's.
  10. try using the smal rudder on the side's of youre engine. it does not change the line's of you plane and it may even look cool
  11. wanna go faster remove two fueltanks and replays them with emty tanks or hulls
  12. you mind if i give making this plane a try???
  13. Here is my latest design stto https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/240x135q90/c/36/6vqi.jpg and the links for the plane and a video: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/66538-new-dutch-design-%28elysium-mk-3%29-stto-vtol
  14. hey guy this latest version of the elysium the mk3. http://imageshack.com/a/img36/3620/6vqi.jpg the elysium can get into orbit easy and have liquidfuel and oxidizer to spare. http://imageshack.com/a/img401/5299/vya1.jpg in this case 569 liquidfuel and 415 oxidizer (and i am really not that good at orbiting). We have a guest pilot, whose name we can not say, So we call him bobbas toggles: 1 toggle's the 5 turbo jet engine's. 2 toggle's the 5 lv-909 liquidfuel engine's. 3 toggle's the 2 basic jet engine's (for vtol flight). 4 toggle's the airintake's (turn them of at the start). 5 toggle's the transmitters in the nose and on the wing's. 6 toggle's the landinglegs for landing on the moon (not yet tested on the moon). 7 toggles the ladder's. Here is a video of me flying in to orbit: (if somebody can help me get the image of video here I would be very grateful) and of course the plane link: https://www./?r5rmqhn6fl3xdri i hope you guy like the plane. you have questions please ask them and if you want to adapt te plane be my quest. I'm looking for ideas for aircraft/space plane, if you have request, idea please post them in the comments.
  15. here is a tank i built some ksp versions a go. (how do you show the pictures directly??? can somebody help me?)
  16. hey guy's here is the turbocat improved. it now looks even more like the real deal. toggle's: 1 outer engine's 2 middle engine 3 front engine's 4 and 5 move's the vtol engine's 6 and 7 move's the wings youtube (i like to place a link with a picture but dont now how) http://youtu.be/01-MPYjVs_o mods you need: KerbPaint http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/...ight=KerbPaint Infernal Robotics Parts Pack#1 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/...mokeIndustries B9 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25241-0-22-B9-Aerospace-Pack-R4-0c-New-pods-IVAs-engines-fuselages-structures the plane is file: http://www./?bk2gyy3py0bia9l
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