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Everything posted by SNapple

  1. Turns out that print screen takes a screenshot of BOTH my screens. Oh well. Right click on the image and press "Open image in new tab", there you can zoom in to read the text. And yes, I have KSP running constantly.
  2. It doesn't matter how good it LOOKS, I just like it because it is very innovative and creative. Patry Kerman's seal of approval is got.
  3. In the Kerbal Dictionary, SOS means "Shield Our Ship".
  4. One floor at a time. You meant 110. You continue downwards to floor 109, where you find Capt. Skunky.
  5. No. I quote from the end of Spore: "Just look for the third rock from Sol." You probably heard NASA reffering to Martian days as "Sols".
  6. Our star is called "Sol". Not "Sun". There are multiple suns.
  7. I strive to make all of my rockets extremely on-the-edge interesting. I suppose landing with tricouplers is pretty interesting. Never managed to get the right timing to reach Gilly, though.
  8. The "Best Cinematics" award? I'd probably fail. And also fail for the rest, too.
  9. A picture is worth a thousand words. 2 images is worth more than can be described. But to be fair, the landing legs weren't even long enough. It was the atmosphere that really screwed me over, though. I had 2 parachutes, 1 for Duna and 1 for Kerbin, but I had to activate them both at the same time. But I still died. Well, almost died. EDIT:
  10. Real gas giants form out of ice-crystal cores. Jupiter is essentially an ice planet. Wow.
  11. The fact that i am on a collision course with Laythe seems to be missed. *Insert predictable joke about the injestion or snorting of drugs* *Or about the rainbow* *Or "This is what Jeb sees"* *Or unpredictable joke about Rainbow Dash's feces*
  12. I'm back. Did you miss me? Do you even remember me? I think you do. But I am here to stay, whether you like it or not and I will try my best to be awesome. Good to be back.
  13. It wasn't broken. Infact, he made it worse if you ask me. I think it was a great one, with that subtlety.
  14. Oh, ok. I saw someone mentioning Vsauce in the comments, that must be it.
  15. gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! And then it points prograde due to atmosphere and then explodes on contact at 400 m/s parachutes down.
  16. It turns out the mods saw you, and the chase you with their banhammers for profanity. Luckily, you escape to floor 112, where you find SNapple self-promoting himself.
  17. I saw one on Vsauce, and I saw it had many wheels, with no tracks. That's probably a different one.
  18. Someone has done that with stock. And yes, I know that I am replying to post that is half a year old, but hey.
  19. Don't be sad. Whenever I publish something, only THEN do I see huge holes in every square inch of my work. And with Youtube videos, I can't fix it without re-uploading and confusing people.
  20. [/noparse] There, I grammared it up. Typos aside, this reminds me of that huge platform that NASA uses to transport its spacecraft to the launchpad with. It has a couple hundred wheels, is smegging huge, and costs thousands. It's kinda like a launchpad on wheels, only with no tower and/or water interior. I like it for originality.
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