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Everything posted by SNapple

  1. Went to Kerbin orbit with the telescope. Got nothing out of it, but I did get something of it from the surface. So I tried re-entering. I reccomend that to everyone. It is just beautiful. As long as you use the telescope, atleast.
  2. Can I have a donwload for the telescope part? :C
  3. When I first saw that, I thought it was a picture of Duna and it's moon.
  4. 1/10 Never seen you. Your name seems familiar, though.
  5. 5/10 This is how you SHOULD do fillers.
  6. I think we would need some balloons to keep us up high in the atmo, and it would stay completely still once it reaches a certain altitude (The altitude defined by the ship you have). Then it would mark the ship as "Landed" so that you can leave it there. Or am I overcomplicating this? The world would be 3D. Every youtube account will be represented by a blue dot. The more likes, views, favourites, and subscribers the account has, the bigger the dot. Also, the dots would be 2D sprites that get transparent at the edges. To start, in the middle we will have the account with the most subscribers. We take the one of his subscribers with the most subscribers himself, and put him a certain distance away, depending on how many subs, views, likes, and favs he has. The more he has, the further away he will be. And then we do the same for him. If we calculate all the accounts, we go back to the account with the most subs and do it with the second next subscribed subscriber. And so on. If an account is subscribed to 2 other accounts, he will go inbetween them, depending on which one he has viewed, faved, or favourited the most videos of. The more subscribers an account has, the less influenced it's position is by it's likes, faves, and views. The more dislikes an account has, the more it fades to a grey colour. And the more videos the account has disliked, the more oval it is. as it is less active, it will get sharp edges. the less active, the sharper the edges. There will also be a huge green dot far from any blue dots, and for every account that has either been unused for year, or never liked/faved/viewed a video or subscribed/commented/done anything, the green dot is bigger. Also, it won't be a still model. IT WILL BE ALIVE.
  7. We should have a huge day on the forums to all go to the poles of each 3 bodies. Actually, each 4 bodies.
  8. hunger For some reason, it doesn't let me capitalize it.
  9. 6/10 I used to see you alot more.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJVXAs97LSg&feature=plcp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayQHEKUjUyo&feature=plcp
  11. Frustration Guys, for fillers, use this: [Noparse]1234567890[/noparse]
  12. 0/10, Never seen you before other than this very thread.
  13. 5 This is the most active thread that has ever been. Oh, and you can click on the button after the name on the quote in my sig to see the actual post in it's natural habitat.
  14. 3 Your avatar is familiar, but I haven't seen it in a long time. It might be a MIRAGE Your first sentence ended with a ;3 and then a period. The last ended with a ;3 but no period. Also, you need to capitalize the single "I"s.
  15. FABULOUS Usually I don't like stories, but I find that the pictures really gave it that touch that kept me interested, and the writing in and of itself was the sort of style I enjoy. FABULOUS
  16. 0 Because you have no avatar, I wouldn't recognize you if I ever saw you before.
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