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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. I did, a while ago. It's fuzzy as to when it happened. It started as a temporary leave but I decided not to come back. So sometime around the middle of 2013, really.
  2. New blog post, talking about the Hopper creature... http://www.scienceofthespheres.com/hopper-modelanimation/
  3. Things are progressing much, much faster. First visuals of the terrain engine should be coming within a few days. The basics of the ship construction system are now complete, mostly what's left to be done is the implementation of some form of UI to actually interact with it.
  4. So, development is picking up at last. We've sort of drifted back to unity for development... it ends up so much faster and easier to get things made, since nobody has to learn python (as long as you make proper considerations for its limitations). I've gotten physics hopefully working nicely for small things (minimal jittering), have written a solar system generator (no terrain yet, only locations and statistics), and am beginning work on the early phases of the construction system. The downside of course means that this: Doesn't really apply too much anymore. So far, only the voxel engine will be coded in C++, and loaded into unity that way, and the rest will be done in C# like a normal unity game. That said, I still intend to make everything very moddable, at least to the level of KSP (a plugin system is a possibility), and in some cases beyond; the music system would be and functional as described before, user-created solar systems could be put in which override the normal area seed input (instead of using the input as a seed, it would just load the custom system matching that seed)
  5. Nova's* Science* I am in agreement however, half the reason I'm making it is because I really want to play it.
  6. Frankly, I'm surprised that concept got as far as even having a scale model made, heh.
  7. For an addendum to my previous statement, if you're just trying to string together pre-made loops in audacity, I'm going to slap you. Also, not sure what you even mean by "a dubstep"? Dubstep is a genre of music, not an item. This isn't really the sort of thing you want to just jump into doing with absolutely no knowledge of how things work - do some investigation, learn a bit of music theory, find some software specifically made for music composition, etc. And whatever you do, don't purchase any packs of looped samples or "construction kits" (unless they're drum breaks and you intend to make drum & bass, in which case go nuts)
  8. Apart from the shuttle SRBs* and maybe some experimental rockets, that's how every rocket ever has worked since the beginning of spaceflight. SpaceX is only just now beginning serious attempts at recovering rocket stages. *a bit of a stretch, since they were just big long tubes with nozzles at the end full of rocket fuel, and a bunch of pieces of them were blown off in the descent process... they practically had to be rebuilt after recovery.
  9. Part of me wanted to join, but I imagine that might've brought around some problems
  10. 6/10 not entirely certain what you mean by "classic ksp style" This thread is weird.
  11. The only thing congress is really doing here is sitting and listening, there's no indication yet that they'll actually go for this (which is unfortunate, I'd really like to see this happen) However, the fact they've agreed to sit and listen is nice!
  12. Currently writing up some internal design stuff on a means through which you can program automated functions into spacecraft, I think the power might be going to my head. Also have been making some early semi-placeholder part assets for things. I plan on doing a bit writeup on the level of In Orbis Parvum about the plan for the construction system as a whole.
  13. This is awesome. I award you an unprecedented FOUR gold stars: ★★★★
  14. Bonus to the vinyl idea... can make a thing in the sound options for the game to enable a looped crackle effect to play over it, as well as the sound of the needle being set on and being taken off of the record.
  15. No, all you have to do is just put it into a tub of ice water, that cools it down very quickly. Be sure not to unplug it, the ionization of the water from all the electricity in it helps to clean out dust!
  16. Not sure what part of "for that video" you didn't understand ;p But I guess it's an "ingame model" in the sense of "it's a model and the game also has models in it"...
  17. New small post. http://www.scienceofthespheres.com/tangent-1-in-the-groove/
  18. That model was made specifically for that video.
  19. All stock "size 1" parts are 1.25m in diameter. Every cylinder I started with for the size 1 parts was 0.625m in radius, or 1.25m in diameter. Unity uses units equivalent to meters, and parts are also 1.25 unity units in diameter. Not sure why this is worth arguing about. The scale bar just shows one meter because that's a nicer round number than 1.25, I guess.
  20. Constellation unfortunately was a bloated disaster of a program, and SLS is no different. Both the Ares family and SLS existed/exist solely to keep the dollars flowing to the same contractors they've always been flowing to since before the beginning of the space shuttle program. Obama's goal was "man to an asteroid by 2025" then "orbit mars by the mid-2030s" (not exactly the most inspired speech of solid goal), but NASA's budget keeps going down and down and down due both to the actions of the white house and congress - simultaneously telling them to do big things while not giving them the money to do so. The 2021 asteroid capture mission is kind of a bare-minimum cop-out for the "man to an asteroid" goal, but in a way it's the best they can do. This is of course avoiding all the problems that exist within NASA... for instance, the huge hairball of bureaucracy and constantly shifting priorities, the same sort of managerial machine that led to the losses of Challenger and Columbia, unfortunately. The whole thing is just a mess, and I feel like the current SLS program will just be a repeat of Apollo - a brief spurt of missions going farther then we have before... and then coming home and staying home as the budget dries up. Personally, I have more faith in private enterprise like Bigelow and SpaceX, but we'll have to see how that plays out. SpaceX has the potential to open up much of the solar system for exploration if they can accomplish their ultra-cheap rockets goal, and who knows what the hell they have in store for their top secret mars plans. In the event private enterprise does take over manned spaceflight, I think it would be ideal for NASA to go back to pushing the boundaries with robotics and deep exploration missions, while not even bothering with either spacecraft going to whatever celestial bodies are being utilized by commercial entities (why do that when you can hitch a ride), or anything in LEO.
  21. No clue! Whenever a new concept is made I'll post it. I'm going to be writing up a number generator for solar system parameters tonight, to later be bolted on the actual generation systems and feed them numbers. In the box of "boy it sure would be nice to bring this back one day", alongside my portal mod, the robot game, my half-life 1 mod, doom wads, and a hundred other things. I'm thinking of making a new background, with some nebula in it, maybe that will help.
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