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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Will you be creating Falcon-like rocket dubs as well?
  2. I got excited, then saw the rules and decided "holy crap this is impossible."
  3. Make sure you have the main Powertech.dll plugin installed as well.
  4. Thank you so much! These are all fantastic as usual! Will there ever be any way to gather scans from multiple satellites at once? For instance, some command center where we can monitor their mapping without having to do each one manually Thanks so much again! -Nolam
  5. Hey Dani-Sang, it looks like MIT is building satellite thrusters based off of your engines Just thought everyone here might like to see that. Tschüss! -Nolam
  6. And another great stock piece! Thank you so much! I love space stations and bases, even if it isn't stock I'll be willing to download whatever is needed to make it awesome. Keep it up man! -Nolam
  7. When I try to use Orbital Operations with the Pods and MechJeb, the engine is on the top and therefore MechJeb does everything backwards. Is there a workaround for this???
  8. Yep, that's exactly what happened. As soon as I downgraded from MuMech/Jeb 1.9.1 to 1.9 everything works perfectly. Thanks! -Nolam
  9. Thanks so much. In the meantime I'll attempt a downgrade to MuMech 1.9 from 1.9.1 and see if that's the issue. -Nolam
  10. I'm having the exact same problem with the same replicated steps. For the solar panels it either says "Not Available", or just doesn't work when I can put them on. EDIT: Do we HAVE to be using MuMech 1.9 with PowerTech_MuMech? Is 1.9.1 not compatible? EDIT2: Actually, the Ion Engine and Batteries work fine for me. Everything will attach and work, but solar panels are not responding. It's like they are just static, there doesn't seem to be any way for me to activate them and they are not blue icons like in the screenshot, just gray (sp?).
  11. Looks great! I'll send one up when I get home and maybe take some purty screenshots :3 Thanks! -Nolam
  12. Ok so I have MuMechLib.dll 1.9.1 installed in Plugins as well as PowerTech_MuMech.dll for KB.16 and MuMech 1.9. Do I need to install the PowerTech.dll as well? I've tried with and without it and the Solar Panel kits are either not compatible in one way or will attach but I have no way of deploying them. Documentation on installation procedures and how to operate it could be a bit better, I'm really confused
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