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Everything posted by HarvesteR

  1. I do have a theory on why some people were affected while others weren't. The drifting issue was related to how the SAS would release attitude lock when input was detected, and that could have been getting interference from joystick axes with zero deadzone. We corrected that by setting a minimum deadzone that's independent of the joystick deadzone, so if you have joysticks with no deadzone, it will still properly ignore the jitter from the analog inputs. I think those who didn't have this issue either didn't have any noise on their input axes (as detected by unity), or had deadzones set for their joystick assignments. Not sure... That's just my theory of how it could affect some and not everyone. Cheers
  2. Hi, I'm glad to announce we've just released the 0.21.1 Revision Patch for KSP. This patch addresses some of the most critical issues found on the 0.21 update. Most importantly, it fixes a big issue where you could end up stuck in the Editor scenes, due to the Launch and Exit button becoming unresponsive; and also fixes the new SAS, which wasn't holding attitude like it should have been. Here's the changelog: ==================================== v0.21.1 Bug Fixes and Tweaks: * Removed some unused assets from KSP/Parts. * Fixed an issue with some scenery meshes that could cause bits of the UI to become unresponsive in some cases (mainly in the VAB and SPH). * Tweaked some object scales slightly. * Tweaked the ocean color at sea level on Kerbin (was way too dark). * Fixed an issue that would cause lag while moving parts around the editor scenes if too many crews were hired at the same time. * Fixed an issue with the new SAS not properly maintaining attitude. Should be much better now. * Tweaked some parameters on the SAS to make it more responsive. We've also changed a few other details about the SAS: Now, all command pods, be them probes or capsules, enable SAS for the vessel. Not all of them are able to apply torque on their own though, much like it's always been with the old system. We've re-tuned the SAS to get a sharper response as well. The issue we found with it was a simple one but it had some very far-reaching implications. The new SAS releases the attitude hold when you apply input, so you can still control the ship with it on, but an issue on the logic for that was causing the attitude lock to not set very well, which resulted in it drifting off target. As always, you can get the latest update through the KSPStore, the Patcher, or get auto-updated if you're on Steam. (If Steam hasn't updated yet, try shutting it down and restarting. That usually causes it to refresh all apps) Important Note: * Do mind that as with any new release, you shouldn't expect mods to work with the new version. We strongly recommend doing a clean reinstall of your game on each new release. Happy Launchings! Cheers
  3. We did tweak the lighting on this patch. As a whole the lighting was too strong, and there were several places where you'd get complete white-out. Lighting for rendering is a complicated thing. There is no single solution that mirrors what you'd see with your own eyes (your eyes adapt), unless you use HDR (high dynamic range) techniques to simulate this adaptation, which alas, isn't something Unity does very easily at the moment. That said, we're always trying to find ways to improve the looks of the game, and we found that by lowering the main sunlight intensity, we got a much nicer tone distribution throughout the lighting range, which means you get to see more tone variation, which is good. This shot shows it pretty well. Where now you see pretty splash lighting, before you'd only see a white blob. As for the Mun itself, my opinion on it varies from shot to shot... Sometimes I think it's too dark, other times I think it's ok... I guess it's one of those things that will keep getting tweaked over time. Cheers
  4. I think a slightly critical piece of info slipped past untold... Whether or not crews can respawn is a toggleable difficulty setting now, which admittedly lacks a UI toggle switch, but is already definable on the save file. Have a look at the Parameters section and you'll find it. The default setting (for now) does allow crews to respawn, so even if you do end up with a favorite Kerbal on the "lost" list, if the game parameters allow it, they'll come back to life eventually. Cheers
  5. Thanks! It's very nice to see someone noticing our backend work, outside of a bug report. It really was an insane amount of code reshuffling that we needed to do to make it happen... Verging on stupid almost, but I'm very glad we managed to pull it off, because now we have a much neater solution for elements that are shared between multiple scenes. As for other similar systems. One game I know does something along these lines is ArmA. Once you load a map on it, that map will stay loaded until you exit the game or load a new map, even if you quit to the main menu (there are background cutscenes for each map). That cuts down on loading times while you're doing missions on the same map. The same happens for KSP now with PSystem. We don't have discrete maps, but you'll notice that if you're just playing around Kerbin, especially near KSC, the transition time between the space center, VAB and launch is drastically reduced, because the terrain can just remain unmodified while we switch scenes now. We only have to rebuild now if you're returning from somewhere far away. Cheers
  6. Now this is much more like it! I'm also suspecting from all the reports that something, could be a mod, could be a bad settings file, could be old parts lingering about the KSP/Parts folder, might be interfering with normal SAS operation. The new SAS might be a lot of things, but it most definitely isn't a thing that requires constant input to maintain attitude. It's been pretty consistently doing that on all the test cases we did here, and there were a lot of them. If the SAS isn't holding attitude properly for you, then it very well may be in a buggy state, because that is certainly not the intended behaviour. First things first though, we need a proper baseline to compare different cases here. So how about we use the Aeris 3A spaceplane as a benchmark? It's easy to fly and it's got a few particular flight characteristics that are easy to spot. So, the test is as follows. * Launch a new Aeris 3A from the runway, set it at full throttle and try to maintain level flight. * Do not adjust trim. On neutral trim, the 3A has a slight tendency to pitch down when the tanks are full. * Climb out to 1000m altitude and verify that it's doing that. Let go of the controls and make sure this tendency to drop the nose is there. * Ok, that's our control. If you've observed anything else at this point, something is already wrong with your game and you should be doing a complete reinstall. * Now, let's test the SAS. From level flight, engage it with T and don't apply any input. Verify that it's maintaining attitude. * If that didn't happen, then something is wrong with your game. Reinstall. * Now, a few more tests. Apply some slight pitch up input without disengaging SAS. Pitch up to about 30° and watch the aircraft maintain the new attitude. * If that didn't happen, then something is wrong with your game. Reinstall. If you spotted something wrong by doing this test, please list all your mods if any, and check the KSP/Parts folder to see if there's anything in there (on a stock install it should be empty). Also, try deleting your settings.cfg file and running the game again. It's unlikely, but not impossible that a bad config would mess things up. That should be enough to spot most cases where things are very obviously wrong. We can start with that for now. Cheers
  7. Hi again, I'm very happy to announce that we've just released the 0.21 update for KSP! As you all probably know, this update was our first to focus mainly in Career Mode. We've still got a long way to go with that, but I can't tell you how satisfying it is to finally see progress in this part of the game, after over two years of working on the sandbox. Here are the main features for this update: * Revised Flight-End scene flow. In preparation for Career gameplay, we've redesigned the way flights are ended. Gone is the 'End Flight' button in the Pause Menu, cause of many a tale of accidental space station deletion. Now, you'll either get to return to the Space Center (as before), or when applicable, Revert to an earlier state (to launch or to the editors). * New Space Center Scene. The most underdeveloped part of the game finally gets its much deserved overhaul, featuring new models for nearly all the facilities, plus a couple of new ones as well. Keep on reading for more details on them. * The Astronaut Complex Facility. Another huge feature in the making, the Astronaut Complex is a new building at the Space Center, that gives you an overview of all your available victims brave explorers, and lets you recruit new ones from a list of applicants. * Crew Management Along with the Astronaut Complex, this adds the ability to select the crew for a vessel before launch (from the launch sites or from the editors). Pick from the list of available crewmembers, and assign them to any (yes, any) part on the vessel. * New VAB and SPH Interiors. The insides of the construction facilities are also completely re-done, the models are not only vastly better-looking than before, they're far more efficient as well, so there's no performance tradeoff here. * PSystem. This was one of the biggest code overhauls we've ever pulled off. Now, instead of having everything duplicated in each of the game's scenes, all common elements like the scenery, game logic, ambience and the planetarium are created once and get reused. This means the world you see at the space center is now exactly the same as the one you see in flight, and in the tracking station. It also means much slicker transitions between scenes, as we don't have to respawn everything again. * Overhauled SAS Flight Control Sytem. Veteran players (and new ones alike) will be happy to know we’ve done away with the old Stability Augmentation System (or Sickness Avoidance Solution or whatever you want to call it) we had, which caused more flight stability problems than solutions sometimes, and re-built it completely from scratch. We can’t overstate how much of an improvement over the previous system this is. * Much Improved terrain on Kerbin, the Mun, and other places. New procedurally generated craters on the Mun, low hills around Kerbin, and a lot of other tweaks and optimization make for a much more interesting landscape to fly around and <s>crash into</s> land at. * A Completely Redesigned Website. Alex's secret project is finally revealed! Check it out. And of course, the usual battery of bug fixes and tweaks. Here's the changelog (there are actually more changes than this, these are only the most noteworthy): ==================================== v0.21.0 New: * Space Center Scene: - The Space Center scene now uses the same terrain as in flight. - Time now passes in the Space Center scene, and day/night is consistent with in-flight. - The game terrain persists across scene transitions, making loading scenes much faster. * Construction: - Completely overhauled the interior models for the VAB and SPH buildings, complete with animated trucks and cargo lifts. - All-new exterior models for the VAB, SPH and Tracking Station. - New Astronaut Complex building. - Added a description field where you can write up a few lines to describe your space-faring contraptions. * Crew Management: - It is now possible to assign crew manually to missions before launch, both from the Construction Facilities and from Launch Sites. - Added completely new Launch Dialogs on the Runway and Launchpad at the Space center. - The new Astronaut Complex dialog allows you to hire crews from a list of Applicants, and view the status of all your crewmembers. - Revised the crew handling game logic, for a much more reliable and robust system. * SAS Modules: - Rewrote the SAS control logic from the ground up. - SAS is now enabled for the entire vessel, and requires actuators like winglets, RCS or others to actually have an effect. - Repurposed the old SAS modules are now Reaction Wheel Modules, that apply torque while consuming electricity. - The new SAS logic allows applying manual input while SAS is on, letting you set the ship's attitude without having to constantly toggle it. * Procedural Terrain: - Added a new module to generate craters procedurally on the Mun. - Largely revised Kerbin's terrain to produce much more interesting mountains, hills, valleys and coastlines. * Flight Re-Flow: - Removed the physically-impossible "End Flight" button. - Added new options to "Revert" a mission back to launch or to construction. - Added new 'Recover' button on the Tracking Station, to allow recovering a vessel (as opposed to Terminating it) when possible. - Recovering vessels makes its crew available again, while Terminating kills them. - The 'Space Center' button now allows you to leave flight at any time, warning when necessary about saving restrictions. * Progress Tracking: - The game now tracks your progress as you play, providing essential data for the upcoming Career Mode features. - Progress data is (optionally) uploaded to our servers, * Misc: - Improved the in-game shadowing to enable shadows at much larger distances. - Added several new parts from the KSPX pack as stock content. Bug Fixes and Tweaks: - Scenario Modules now properly save and load when the rest of the game saves and loads. - Scenario Modules can now have multiple target scenes set. - Improved the internal logic for switching to nearby vessels, it shouldn't refuse to switch with valid vessels nearby anymore. - Added a system to attempt upgrading incompatible save files if/when possible. - Tweaked PQS on other planets and moons to not initialize until approached. Improved performance a bit. - Added a new system on PQS to clamp terrain subdivision while moving very fast. Orbiting low near the surface is a lot smoother now. - Many more small tweaks and improvements. Important Upgrade Notes: * Do mind that as on all new updates, you shouldn't expect mods to work properly. * This new version is incompatible with SFS (savegame) files from previous versions. However, we now have a system that will allow you to upgrade these incompatible files if possible. So, as usual, you can get the new version at the KSPStore, or be automatically updated if you have the game on Steam. You can also use the patcher to sync your install without having to do a full download. Happy Launchings! Cheers
  8. Planets being small was one of the most important design decisions we made. The Kerbal system is scaled (roughly) to 1:11 of real-life. This allows for a number of "improvements" over the real thing: You can orbit Kerbin in around 30 mins, instead of the 90+ it takes to orbit the Earth; Launching into orbit takes around 4-5 minutes, as opposed to 10-15; Orbital velocity at 100km altitude on Kerbin is around 2300 m/s, around the Earth it's over 7000; With everything scaled down, things happen faster, and you also get a better understanding of what exactly happens as you orbit. It's a much more dynamic experience this way, and consequently more fun. Others have said it already, and it's very true: KSP is a game first, a simulation second. If some aspect of the real thing is boring or too complex, we will do all we can to minimize time spent doing it or making it simpler. Examples of that are how Mun is at 0° inclination to Kerbin (you can get there thinking in 2D), or how the galactic plane is aligned to the ecliptic and equatorial plane, creating a unified space "horizon". We take such liberties wherever we find that there's no fun to be gained in making it more realistic. Because really, if complete realism were the most fun you could have, we'd all be outside playing. Cheers
  9. Very true. In fact, the Vomit Comet needs to be piloted just right to maintain that parabolic trajectory, which isn't that easy on a craft specifically built to not free-fall. But you don't have to be perfectly parabolic to start to feel weightless. Close enough will do, and this is what happens if you fly close to orbital speeds while maintaining altitude. You're not perfectly in free-fall, so you experience something in between zero and 1G. Cheers
  10. A "chip in your brain" is a very vague proposition... What are the specifics of it? Would it be connected to anything in the brain? Would it have a power source of its own or be powered by induction from an external source? would it have any sort of network interface, and if so, would you be able to configure it? Or is it just a random piece of electronics I found in my head after waking up in a bathtub full of ice one day? IMO, I understand a "chip in the brain" by the notion that it is a complete computer, only with a very very 'user-friendly' human interface system. No keyboards, touchscreens or anything, just a straight connection by what you will it to do (somehow). The outputs could be visual, or audio, or just a mental image. The issue then becomes a much more familiar one. What sort of Operating System are you willing to install or have installed? Will it let you tweak it to your liking ala Linux (with the possiblity you might zap your own brain by botching up a tweak), or will it be an in-brain version of iOS? Computers do what we tell them to do, nothing more and nothing less, and most certainly not necessarily what we want them to do. Whether or not you want one in your head is actually besides the point... Cheers
  11. Ok, so, I'm going by the assumption that the OP question was this: If you take an aircraft that can go fast enough in the atmosphere, does it experience less G force as it approaches orbital velocity? Yes. I've had this happen here myself. This has nothing to do with centrifugal force and whether or not it exists (it does in a rotating reference frame), it's simply the fact that the mechanics of orbiting don't switch off just because you're in the atmosphere. I built a space plane one day that had enough engine power to fly at an appreciable fraction of orbital velocity. IIRC, it could do over 1000m/s at around 20km altitude, which is nearly 50% of orbital speed at Kerbin. Flying level above the surface (0 vertical speed), I noted the G meter indicated around 0.5 G. I was perplexed by that for a while, until I realized that we really were flying at almost half the speed it takes to orbit the planet, and it makes sense then that if you're moving that fast and maintaining altitude, the G force will tend to zero as you approach vCirc. Note though, that this is G force I'm talking about, not the gravitational pull of the planet. The force of gravity acting on the ship is still the same (or roughly the same as at the surface, because 20km is peanuts to space). Zero-G is achieved once your acceleration matches that of gravity. We experience 1G at the surface because we are opposing gravity already just by the fact that we're not falling through the ground. Orbiting however, isn't opposing gravity, it's falling along with it. As you fly forward very fast then (assuming level flight in relation to the surface), you experience less G force on you because you're approaching a state where your acceleration matches that of gravity. You don't experience zero G immediately however, because you're still opposing it by maintaining level flight. The closer you are to orbital speed then, the closer to zero G you get, and the less wing load is required to stay level. If you go faster than vCirc then, you actually have to pitch down to maintain level flight, because that trajectory would send you away from the surface. You then experience G force again as you have to oppose the acceleration of gravity. I hope this explanation made sense... I tried to explain it by as many angles as possible, but there's only so much you can do without having to start drawing up charts (I'm not going to start drawing up charts). Cheers
  12. It's nothing to get excited about I'm afraid... The server simply seems to be down. We're scrambling to fix it and will resume normality as soon as possible. Cheers
  13. That map is an example provided in one of the Libnoise tutorials, which is an opensource numerical noise library we still use to generate terrain in KSP. The very earliest versions of Kerbin were using the map as a placeholder, and after the game went public people started founding countries and creating all sorts of stories around it. We didn't have the heart to replace it by a unique one, even though it was a few tweaked seed values away. These days, the original map isn't used at all anymore, but we've generated our height maps from it (and from that generate the planetary surface maps), so the continental layout remains very similar. Cheers
  14. Craft files are still compatible. The only thing that needed to break was save compatibility. Your creations should be safe... Assuming of course it's not using mods that might themselves break, or something else... compatiblity is never simple. In any case I've been using the same stock ships here as always for testing, and they didn't give us any trouble so far. Cheers
  15. While we've been able to maintain compatibility over the last couple of updates, unfortunately this one isn't such a case. The new crew management system changed the format for saving crews (to something much better), and the new format isn't compatible with the old version. Instead of risking breaking things even more by writing some sort of upgrade logic, we decided it was better to just break compatiblity and start fresh. This also gives us a nice opportunity to do other tweaks that we can't usually do, exactly because they tend to break saves. Because we're going to break it anyway, we can push in a lot of other little tweaks that wouldn't have gone in otherwise, so hopefully they will make it worthwhile. You can always manually edit your save so it matches the new format, but that can cause other issues, so we really don't recommend it. Stay tuned for a dev blog soon about new things that we got to add because we decided to break compatiblity. Cheers
  16. Threads like this are the reason we started the Science Labs board. It's just awesome to see such an aggregation of brain power come together to tackle a difficult and interesting problem. So, what I would consider to be the ideal solution to SAS is this: When enabled, it would hold the vessel's attitude to what it was when it was engaged (as it tries to do now), but if any input is applied by the player, it would allow you to command the attitude setpoint. I think any solution to the SAS system will involve some sort of adaptive scheme. It could start off with default values, and by noting the input it's applying versus the reponse it's getting, it could adapt its parameters to something more suitable. The problem is that this response might be buried in noise, or it might only become measurable after a delay, so grabbing good data isn't easy. Factor in the vibration from the vessel's own geometry, and it gets even worse. I do have a few ideas about how to exclude the vibration from the input... We know where the CoM is in relation to the vessel transform, so we can take a cross vector of that against a 'pristine' CoM, calculated using the stored pristine coords for each part, instead of the actual part positions. That difference is your 'flex' vector, and we can exclude that from the vessel's actual rotation to get a 'rotation at CoM' value, and derive the angular velocity at CoM from that. Excluding flex, we can hopefully have the true angular velocity for the vessel, with makes for a much more reliable input to any PID scheme. EDIT: Better yet, instead of a cross vector, we can take a from-to quaternion, and use it to directly exclude the wobble from the vessel's rotation. The resulting rotation can then be used to find the flex-free angular velocity. Cheers
  17. Hi again, I've realized there's something that could be a possible source of confusion. Who exactly is currently part of the KSP dev tem? The Credits shows a good number of people who aren't part of the team anymore, so I decided to write up a short post about the dev team and who's actually part of it these days: The KSP Dev Team, as of today: Working on the game itself: Myself (HarvesteR): A brief search shows that I am in fact, still here (as Full-time lead developer). Chad (C7): Full time technical artist. Mike (Mu): Full time tools & game developer. Jim (Romfarer): Part-time UI Developer. Artyom (Bac9): Part-time Content Designer, working during weekends and in his spare time. Working on other KSP-related things: Alex (aLeXmOrA): Full time web developer. Daniel (DanRosas): Full time animator, going back and forth between doing game content and promotional videos. Rob (N3X15): Intern web developer. Marco: Full time technical support. Miguel (Maxmaps): Full time PR Manager. James (Skunky): Full time Community Manager. Managing a dozen projects at the same time (of which KSP is but one): Adrian: Executive Producer. Ezequiel: Executive Producer. New to the team (say hello): Jesus: Full time production manager. Freelance: Victor: Soundtrack composer. Edu: Sound Effects composer. On Leave: Claira (ClairaLyrae): Part-time Content Designer, currently on leave for classes. Jeff (NovaSilisko): Intern Content Designer, currently on leave. No longer part of the team: Anthony (Damion Rayne): Community manager until April. Jacobo: Content Designer until early this year. Ivan: Did some content for KSP once, still works at Squad on other projects. Juan Carlos: Did some content for KSP once. No longer at Squad for a while now. As you can see, the credits can make it seem like we're a much larger team than we really are. Regardless though, I just wanted to reassure everyone with this post that despite us being only a few, we are all working as hard as we possibly can, to make sure KSP becomes the game we want it to be. Cheers
  18. You know how we say we're amazed every day by what you guys manage to pull off? This is a whole new level of that. Hats off to you sir! I'm properly amazed. Cheers
  19. These extreme loading times appear to be caused by a new unity bug (introduced on the latest version and exposed by a tweak on 20.2). There is a known workaround, which is to disable any unconnected network adapters you may have. I can't guarantee it'll work for everyone, but it appears to have been effective for many. Cheers
  20. Ah, I see you found the source. That post was the very first public announcement about KSP. Everything else sprouted from that (there was a post on Unity forums and on GameDev as well, but those didn't catch on). Heh, quite a blast from the past, certainly. And at a most auspicious time too, we're a few days away from the 2nd anniversary of that post. Cheers
  21. Hi again, So, here we go again. We are now starting work on the 0.21 update to KSP, so I'm writing this post to let everyone know what you can expect on the next big update to the game. Keep in mind that the following items are our proposed goals only, and as we all know, plans can and often do change. This means these are neither promises nor commitments, they're just the things we are going to be working on, as of this writing. As most of you already know, 0.21 is an important update for us, because it's the first proper update primarily focused on Career Mode, the least developed area of the game at the moment. Needless to say, we are all very excited about what's coming. So without further ado, here are our main goals for the next update: * Revised Flight-End scene flow. In preparation for Career gameplay, we are rethinking the way flights are ended. Gone is the 'End Flight' button in the Pause Menu, cause of many a tale of accidental space station deletion. Now, you'll either get to return to the Space Center (as before), or when applicable, Revert to an earlier state (to launch or to the editors). More information on this here. * Player Progress Tracking System Another step forward into Career Mode, this is an internal game system that will be used to track players as they progress towards advancing Kerbalkind to being a proper space-faring civilization. This is a core system, so don't expect much in terms of new content from this... It will pave the way towards some very cool new features down the road though. * Overhauled Space Center Scenery Time to go over the most underdeveloped part of the game. Gone will be the placeholder terrain, and in comes proper scenery for the space center. And because it's the same terrain as in flight, we don't need to reload it when going for a launch. This should cut down transition times from KSC to flight quite a lot. * The Astronaut Complex Facility Another huge feature in the making, the Astronaut Complex is a new building at the Space Center, that gives you an overview of all your available <s>victims</s> brave explorers, and lets you recruit new ones from a list of applicants. * Crew Management Along with the Astronaut Complex, this adds the ability to select the crew for a vessel before launch (from the launch sites or from the editors). Pick from the list of available crewmembers, and assign them to any (yes, any) part on the vessel. * Overhauled Space Center Facilities. We're also re-doing the VAB and SPH models, to bring them up to par with the facilites we already did on the previous updates. * More Upgrades to Parts and Part Modules. Continuing our work with moving all our parts to the new Modules system we implemented in 0.18, this update will feature yet more parts completely re-coded to the new system, allowing for many new possibilities from both stock and mod parts. These are our highlights for the update. Of course, there'll also be the usual batch of tweaks and bugfixes. Again, please do keep in mind none of these items imply a commitment from our part, and any or all could be delayed or modified at any time, as necessity demands. And as always, please refrain from asking about release dates. Stay tuned for more news and details about these and other topics on our dev blogs. Cheers
  22. Also, if you press space while holding shift, you'll jump off the ladder in the direction you're leaning towards, instead of just letting go. It's called a push-off, works best in very low gravity. Cheers
  23. Hello once more! Just to let everyone know, we've now released the 0.20.2 Patch for KSP. This patch is a quick hotfix, to deal with two critical issues that were left standing after the previous revision: Bug Fixes and Tweaks: Fixed the mouse wheel input issue on Linux. (should work like it did on 0.19) Fixed the excessive memory usage loading png and jpeg textures. Our thanks to Linux players Epinull and Mat Banks, who helped us figure out a way around the mousewheel bug. Mind that the mouse wheel problem is actually a bug in Unity, not in KSP. This means our solution for it is only a workaround, and isn't a 100% fix. There's still some weirdness around scrolling lists in dialogs, but that's minor in comparison to not being able to use it at all. For most critical cases, like zooming, scrolling the VAB view up and down, or scrolling the staging stack, the scroll wheel now works as intended. It should hold well enough until a fix from Unity comes along. As always, you can get the latest version from our KSPStore, or if you're on Steam, you should be updated automatically. Happy Launchings! Cheers
  24. Hi again! We don't believe every player should have to be a tester. On the other hand, if we had to keep the game at an ever perfectly stable state, we'd never make any progress. So, we're doing something here that'll hopefully allow us to move forward, without forcing everyone to endure the inevitable bug or thousand that comes with a game that's still under heavy continued development. Enter "Previous Releases". It is now possible to roll back your game to the previous version at any time you want. Here's how it works: * If you have the game on the KSPStore, you'll now find two sets of buttons to download the game. One for the latest release, and another for the previous version. Download and install whichever one you prefer. * If you have the game on Steam, you'll find a Beta branch on your Steam Game Settings for KSP, called 'previous'. Opting in to that branch will downgrade your install to the previous version. Changing back to the default branch will upgrade you back to the latest version. This way, if you find a new update has made something incompatible, or if it's too buggy for you and you want to wait for a more stable patch, you can opt to keep the old version a while longer. So, here's a few probable FAQs: Q: Are Previous Versions bug-free? A: Most likely not. Keep in mind KSP is still a work-in-progress, so even though these are more stable builds, it does not by any means guarantee a bug-free experience. Q: Can I load saves from the latest version on the previous one? A: Reverting back to a previous build will break forward-compatibility with saves from the later versions. (You can't load a save from 0.20 in 0.19, for instance). Supporting this would require time travel. If you've got a working implementation of time travel however, do let us know. Q: Will mods for the newer versions work on the previous one? A: Maybe. Most likely not. It depends on the type of mod (part packs are usually more resistant to change than plugin-based mods), but really, if a mod had to be updated to be compatible with the new version, it probably won't work anymore on the old one. BTW, If you didn't see it already, the 0.20.1 patch is out! Happy Launchings! Cheers
  25. Hi, I'm happy to announce that the 0.20.1 patch is now available! This patch fixes most of the issues encountered on the 0.20 release. Here's the changelog: Bug Fixes and Tweaks: Tweaked the logic for part-to-part collisions. Things should be much less likely to explode on contact. Reverted the Mun's height values, so landmarks and bases shouldn't spawn below ground anymore (mind 20.0 saves though). Tweaked part components on EVA so they start up with the right values. Tweaked the suspension on the new Medium Rover Wheels, to fix jittering. Fixed the too-low resolution on planetary diffuse and normal maps. Fixed the screen resolution not being properly applied on game start. Fixed some situations where the 'Control From Here' selection would be lost on resuming a game save. Fixed a serious issue with the Cupola Pod that could cause spontaneous unplanned vessel disassembly. Fixed an issue that caused internal spaces to spawn in duplicate sometimes. It was harmless but wasted resources. Fixed the scale of Gilly in the Tracking Station scene. Fixed a few issues with flags behaving weirdly after they were toppled down. Fixed the camera jitter when walking around on EVA. A note for Linux users: We're aware of the issue with the mouse wheel input. This seems to be a Unity bug however, introduced in the new 4.1 version (0.19 was built with an older version). We're in touch with Unity support on this matter, but unfortunately, there is nothing we can do on our end to fix this problem. We apologize for the inconvenience, and hope a fix will be released soon. More information here. You can find the new version as a full download on the KSPStore, or if you have the Steam version, you'll be updated automatically. Happy Launchings! Cheers
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