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Everything posted by BlueSubstance

  1. Cool! Bei dem Flugzeug "Orca" hast du die Procedural Fairings benutzt, oder?
  2. Der sieht aber mal flott aus! Wie hast du es geschafft ein System zu bauen das ihn stabilisiert?
  3. Good ideas you have there! The only thing is that we need for all of them is more Fuel Tanks, smaller sized of course. I think i will work on something like that! Thank you very much for replying!
  4. Yeah, sorry for that. I'll turn the draining down a bit.
  5. You could make a IVA and add a single Kerbal as Camera and put something infront of him so the camera won't view his face.
  6. Ich hab auch mal ein Propellerähnliches Flugzeug gebaut, mit dem damaligen großen ASAS. Das waren noch Zeiten, ich wollte tausende von denen bauen, aber dann hatte ich einfach keine Lust mehr.. (Manchmal ärgere ich mich über mich wegen so was )
  7. Yes, I try to save them, I even build safety-constructions and test them a few hours. The new 0.21 Function with reverting the Launch removed that feeling. Now I don't care about that anymore, I just revert the Launch if something went wrong.
  8. I have created a big, driving robot duck and landed it on Duna. Mission went succesful.
  9. I updated and replaced the CC Thing. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/
  10. You mean the CT-85 Chemical Container? Yeah, the texture is a bit messed up at this point, but I'll fix that too. Edit: Thanks for the clue, I replaced "plugin" with "addon".
  11. Awesome work! (What about the Mark 3 one? )
  12. Ok, thank you for telling me about that, I didn't know about that. But I hope the Forum Members are so nice and don't steal models from someone else. EDIT: I will fix the ReadMe file in the next release, maybe tomorrow with new models. (Smaller Fuel Tank and Bug fixing)
  13. Here we go, I got it working. Now this thread has pictures of the four parts.
  14. Here they come, they show off the parts that are included for now.
  15. This is a Addon called "More Utilites". The first addition is a Generator that produces Energy and uses a chemical Substance, to produce the Energy. ----------=-----------/ Here are the Parts that are included for now: Known Issues: -The Radial Attatchable Fuel Tank is faced into the wrong direction, you have to flip it for now. (Will be fixed next release) - If there are any other Bugs, please report them to me, it would help me a lot. Changelog: ------------/ -Release 1: 17.08.2013 - First Release - Added 2 Kaleonium Tanks - Added 2 Kaleonium Converters -Release 2: x.x.x [COLOR="#FF0000"]Not Released yet[/COLOR] --------/ Permissions: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ How to use this Addon? You have to transfer the Fuel from the Tanks into the Generator. Download: Here Thanks for viewing this thread!
  16. Yes, I had that problem too. I created a Rocket and the last step were the Boosters, but they attached very strange. They floated next to the craft. Sorry if you have that problem too, but I think you can't use that craft anymore. You could edit the craft file and delete these parts, I didn't try that. Good luck!
  17. Thank you! Well, that was the easiest way to get to the mun for me.
  18. Hello, I just made a video. It shows you how to land on the Mun! There's not much to say about it. Give it a try! Thanks for watching! Bluesubstance
  19. Bei mir ist es genau so wie bei Markus, ich spiele ohne Mods, die Treiber dürften auf dem neuesten Stand sein. KSP hab ich nun zum zweiten mal frisch runtergeladen, selbes Ergebnis. Ich vermute, das meine Grafikkarte etwas veraltet ist..
  20. Hi Leute, ich wollte euch mal zu einem ernsten Problem etwas fragen. Es geht um KSP. Wenn ich ganz normal spiele schaffe ich 50 FPS durchgehend. Manchmal aber kommt es zu FPS Einbrüchen. Das bedeutet, das Spiel bleibt für ein paar Millisekunden stehen und läuft dann normal weiter. Das passiert ungefähr alle 5-10 sekunden. Es ruiniert den ganzen Spielspaß! Weiß jemand eine Lösung? (Prozesse beenden bringt auch nichts.)
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