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Everything posted by BlueSubstance

  1. Holy moly, that's actually true. ^^ The user below me likes memes.
  2. Yup, you got it right. ^^
  3. Ok, my riddle is a rather easy one. Two fathers and two sons walk into a candy store. They each buy something for $0.50 but they only spent $1.50. How is that possible?
  4. Ssh! Keep quiet, this thing is supposed to land on the black market... Waiter, there is no soup in my soup.
  5. Sure thing, i'll press that button. Press the button to release the kraken.
  6. Nope, that ain't me. I choose you, noname117!
  7. Gets random object from the deep web. Inserts space helmet.
  8. Hm, I can't view the video (from germany). Time to activate ProxFlow. ^^
  9. Oh, don't worry. Just click it, you'll win a free ipad too! Waiter, there is he-man in my soup... He just won't stop singing...
  10. Banned for having 15 different ribbons in your signature.
  11. Uh oh. Quick, get him out of there before he... *Jeb lights the firework rocket* Ok, nope nope nope RUN! JUST RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! Waiter, there's a space helmet in my soup.
  12. You ordered the special soup. It comes with all dlcs! Oh yeah, here's your bill. *hands you a 500 dollar bill* Waiter, there are earphones in my soup!
  13. Banned for spying on the KSC (Location: Circumnavigating Kerbin, VERY SLOWLY)
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