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Everything posted by EuSouONumero345

  1. Banned for not knowing how to use a duct tape, Jebediah way, and saying you're him.
  2. I think there are some texture errors, they make some props look red. The kerbal portraits are odd now, is there any solution to this?
  3. Banned because the cake is actually a pie, and you won't receive it.
  4. Haven't watched it yet, is it a good remake?
  5. É, isto pode causar certos momentos de pura raiva, mas como nosso amigo Climber disse, quando dá certo é demais!
  6. A tank hitting my tank with me inside, what can go wrong? Dinosaurs or Kitties
  7. With this: / How would you blow the TARDIS
  8. Banned for being a dragon-type pokemon, and for being on Youtube
  9. you can press H to go forward, N to go backward, I to go up, and K do go down, this is translation mode, as Lumpman2 says.
  10. banned for having a typo in your hmmm, little green bar below your username and profile pic.
  11. Hey, we need to slow down, we have 1 minute to collision *BOOOOM* Jeb, can you hear me? We've made a mistake, the timer was showing the time in seconds!
  12. Banned for being on Trenzalore. WHAT IS YOUR NAME???? "unhearable whisperings" *opens grave door*
  13. 7/10 Very....philosophical Also, I think I recognize the first quote, the others,
  14. Some nano-genes appear and cure me, but they accidentaly modify human DNA by trying to cure a dead guy with a gas mask, and it starts spreading, hitting the next poster.
  15. 3000.12: The Ice Age stills going, some kerbals say it might last for more 600 years. 3014: Still going, some kerbals say the temperature is going down slowly, it is now near -10 degree Celsius. 3014.4: Kerbals create the Ice-Age Olympic Games.
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