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Everything posted by EuSouONumero345

  1. Did they added more quests? I am not playing the game yet, I'll wait for some feature-implementing update, as the last one hasn't added THAT much, but it was cool, as it was a bug-fixing update, plus secret other additions.
  2. Ok, eu espero, afinal "antes tarde do que nunca"
  3. Dynamic Warp Dá pra usar slow-motion e dá para acelerar o tempo mais ainda, nunca usei, e parece estar desatualizado, mas ainda deve funcionar.
  4. When I found some matter blocks, I threw them in the trash(didn't know what to do with them cause I haven't defeated the first boss) Makeshift Armor IIRC
  5. Could you do some pictures comparing high resolution clouds with low resolution?
  6. Nossa, todas as vezes que entrei no servidor tinha alguém, mas estava parado no Space Center ou no VAB, no último caso, construindo um foguete sem nome(com o nome padrão,Untitled Space Craft)
  7. Eu lembro que minha primeira órbita foi uma órbita bem inclinada e excêntrica, mas também lembro que tentei orbitar a Lua pelo menos nos próximos lançamentos(quero dizer, devia ser realizada poucos lançamentos depois da primeira órbita, mas é claro que os fouetes paravam no meio do caminho, ou chegavam na SOI do Sol, ou até mesmo explodiam no lançamento, coisas que, por mais que eu tenha aprendido as mecânicas do gameplay, não deixam de ser inevitáveis, claro que com o passar do tempo, as falhas se tornam mais "raras", na verdade, quando digo raras, quero dizer que umas falhas piores ainda acontecem, eu tenho quase certeza que alguns de vocês já devem ter colidido na superfície de Mun no primeiro pouso, ou colidiu com outro módulo da estação espacial, talvez fez um pouso num terreno acidentado, ou pousou forte demais e o motor caiu).
  8. Claro! Basta deixar o satélite em uma altura de 2868,75 km(isto de acordo com a wiki de KSP)
  9. Don't die. Die and you're dead. Don't turn around, don't look back and don't DIE,good luck Seriously, you don't wanna die too often in this game, you will loose all your pixels, like me and now I'm travelling through space searching for a good amount of Pixels and maybe some ores, or weapons. I found silver on a planet only because there was a flat area with a giant anchor, and of course I decided to explore it, and found a HUGE "pirate flying ship", they had enough weapons to kill me instantaneously, but they were "harmless", but then, everything changed, they found me stealing their loots, and then they killed me, but I got enough resources and a tech point.
  10. I am only exploring, couldn't defeat the Distress Beacon boss and now I'm only a traveler searching for resources anywhere, but I can only land on planets with a low threat level so not too planets to explore(if anyone wants fuel, coal or unrefined wood works perfectly well).
  11. Eu tambem não, tetryds Estações Espaciais e bases gigantescas!
  12. Nossa, será que tem como fazer isso ainda?
  13. Baixa o Editor Extensions, tem essa função nele
  14. Os mods do SP(spaceport) normalmente têm instruções de como instalar, mas a maioria é só colocar na pasta "GameData"
  15. Kethane is awesome! EDITED CONTENT Don't know how to delete posts, sorry
  16. I think.... let me check..... "look at the resources tab" Ok thank you NathanKell
  17. THIS MOD IS EPIC! Meanwhile....... -Man, how can I save three kerbals in orbit only grappled by a big RCS tank? -Landing legs are the solution! Some time later...... Ok maybe not.
  18. Had some problems with the life support mod(ECLSS), when at 35-40 kilometers above Kerbin(only tested in Kerbin's atmosphere), the kerbals simply disappear and the flight results(F3) say that they died, and the Astronaut Complex says that they're missing in action(a smoother way of saying they're dead)
  19. Can someone upload a view from the map view, wanna see the new planets and stuff(and maybe see something about their orbits,heard they're odd,AKA, hard to reach)
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