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Everything posted by EuSouONumero345

  1. With lots of plankton and bacon How to successfully flip pancakes?
  2. Hmm, vou tentar fazer um amanhã, além disso, os sub-forums lusófonos deveriam ter umas threads de desafios, como no sub-forum de desafios, também deveria haver um lugar para se colocar os foguetes que as pessoas gostarem de compartilhar com os outros, seria uma mistura de todos os sub-forums daqui.
  3. Any Whovian should be aware of this mod, it is SUPERB, and now it is going to get updated! Finally! It will change Fallout New Vegas completely, add regeneration(12 limit, you can regenerate more times after this, but it will drive you mad), other planets, Doctor Who enemies, new classic consoles,new classic screwdrivers, NEW EVERYTHING+new flight mode(AKA:completely re-written flight code). Now the best part: Blog or the forums So,if you already played it,what are your thoughts? If you never saw it, and you have Fallout New Vegas, and you like DW, get it NOW!! And if you never heard of DW, well, reply something random!
  4. Problem: planet is about to blow. Solution:
  5. 8/10 thanks, I think, and yeah, your avatar is also unforgettable.
  6. http://purposepowercoaching.com/site/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/The-Bullet-Proof-Vest-9.jpg google picture war?
  7. Banned for surviving the great April crash and being here longer than me but having also, a lower post count, which makes me think, a lot of people might have a wrong post count, but no one realizes, some people has a hyper wrong post counting. Oh no!!! MY POST COUNTING IS WRONG!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  8. 8/10 I don't know a lot about MLP, but, you seem to like it a lot, and it has a link, and you are sincere and say you're a brony.
  9. Banned for destroying my ships many times! I hate the Kraken!
  10. 10/10 I really love Portal(1 and 2).
  11. Wait, you docked.... NINE PORTS..... AT ONC???>><2121 http://freethoughtblogs.com/entequilaesverdad/files/2014/01/014.jpg
  12. Gotta keep tracking this... Has a great potential, Squad should implement this on latter game
  13. Stephen King? Dark Tower? Wasteland?
  14. The episode which he tricks his death and causes a massive collapse of time. Also,rep point for your username+knowing DW stuff.
  15. In the fields of Trenzalore, in the fall of dragonth, a banning request will be made, a banning request that must never ever be made! Trenzalore where? Trenzalore where Banned for speculating about Trenzalore
  16. Again, banned for your post counting being wrong
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