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Everything posted by Moustachauve

  1. Then I have no idea what may be causing it. I'll contact my web host right now.
  2. Can you try again now? I think I've found a possible problem that made this error come out for some people
  3. I've changed a couple of server settings, it probably fixed your problem. Glad to hear it
  4. While I'm still looking for the solution, I recommand that you should clear your cookies, as this could cause a "not acceptable" error
  5. 1GB/s is 1 gigabits (Bits are one and zero) and 1gb/s is one gigabytes (bytes are packets of 8 bits), so when your internet provider says something like 20MB/s and in your download you only get 3mb/s, thats why
  6. it still have 16gb ram and Xeon processor with 250gb ssd and a gb/s internet speed (1gb/s, not 1GB/s !! )
  7. We have SSD in my school computer room with windows 7, and I can't believe how slow it is to actually start up!
  8. This is really weird... Have you tried with another browser? Because It is not happening to me with the same firefox version, and you are the first one to tell me it doesn't work
  9. Here is a link about how to disable Javascript on firefox. Make sure to do the opposite of what it said, and try again. I don't have any issue with my firefox http://www.ghacks.net/2013/07/30/how-to-disable-javascript-in-firefox/
  10. Can you give me a detailed report of what you have selected please?
  11. Weird, I am able to log on. Do you still have the issue? can you tell me what time it was when you tried and it errored? (And timezone, please)
  12. Actually, you can! here is the example link for Eve : http://ribbons.cgagnier.ca/gen/downflag.php?body=eve&craft=0&orbit=1 Just replace eve with which ever body you want, replace the craft=0 to craft=1 if you want to show a craft, and orbit=0 for no orbit stripe and orbit=1 for one
  13. 7/10, always posting on this game
  14. You are absolutly right! I forgot to update a little part in the database, they should now be back, thank you
  15. The ribbons have been updated to version 1.1.0 ! Those are the changes for this version. Alot of code have been changed, so it is possible that many bug appeared. Changelog :
  16. The ribbons have been updated to version 1.1.0 ! Those are the changes for this version. Alot of code have been changed, so it is possible that many bug appeared. Changelog :
  17. 4 / 10, I saw you a couple of time
  18. Also, I would need a couple of tester in a day or more, to make sure everything works fines since I changed most of the code
  19. I've restarted to work on the next version! Planned feature are complete rewrite of the script that generate the image, custom ribbon order, some optimisation at other places and new devices for ribbons. I would like to be able to include the Grand Tour Shield, but I can't successfuly extract each layer as a single png. I would need someone to do it for me if you want me to be able to make a generator for it. If you have any other feature suggestions about THE WEBSITE, be free to write them here! (For suggestion about the ribbons, post them on the ribbon thread)
  20. Cabled Internet will always be faster than wifi, so try it
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