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Everything posted by Moustachauve

  1. I know this could sound really cliche, but one thing you can do, well at least on ksp, is ignore them. You cannot be appreciated by everyone, sadly :/ Are they worth it? You don't know them, don't let them put you down, find someone else to play with Talking about that, we could play together sometimes, I don't have any friend that appreciate KSP, so I always play alone Edit : I would not listen to ROFLCopter64bit, you will just get more trouble from authorities and they will certainly want to take some revenge. Like I said, the best thing to do is learn to not be touched by them, or at least trying to not show it in front of them (They will stop, one day, if you don't react). I know it is really hard to accomplish, though :/ Start doing it in KSP, it should be easier since they can't see how you feel except if you want to (By writting, if you don't talk, they can not know)
  2. var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('canvas'); canvas.setHeight(600); canvas.setWidth(600); canvas.add(new fabric.Rect({ top: 100, left: 100, width:100, height: 200, fill: 'red' })); rect.set('selectable', false); I was messing with my code
  3. Well, I made a thread for this before the april crash, but it was only a suggestion. Now it is in developpment By the way, I would really appreciate if some of you could suggest some shapes to use in it
  4. I agree with commander Zoom. Plus, I would like to precise that I didn't make those ribbons, Unistrut did. He already discussed alot about this in the ribbon thread before the april crash. If you really want to show multiple mission on a single ribbon, take out GIMP or any image editing software and edit your ribbon as you wish Or you can suggest it on the ribbon thread again : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/25188
  5. I don't think that rounding corners could really work... But I do plan to add rotation to shapes
  6. True, 120 step / minutes The user below me landed on mun today
  7. Banned for blurry animated avatar
  8. Thank you Text will definitely come around sometime I want people to be free to make everything they want, sorry :/ I will ask Chobit, as she is graciously making the shapes for me Exactly, this tool will be useful for people like me who find it very hard to do nice things with Gimp (I'm really bad at editing images, just look at my signature).
  9. Introduction This is a mission patch / flag generator. It will be used a little bit the same way that the game Call of Duty manage their emblem ( ). You will then be able to download the image you made to use it as you want. This is still work in progress and is still not publicly available. How does it look? Here is a screenshot (Warning: big image) : http://i.imgur.com/lTEQrvU.png (Do not mind the design, I haven't work on it a lot for the moment) (Many tools, as you can see, are not yet ready) Example: With only the three starting shapes, I managed to make a simple pacman How can I help you? There are many things you can do to help me. You can also give constructive feedback, suggestions and ideas. One of the most useful thing you could do is suggest is some shapes idea. Keep in mind that every shapes need to be quite simple, be monochromatic. (So no things like a Kerbal walking on EVA on a planet holding something, this is not simple) If you know how to work with SVG and javascript, you could help me to convert this so it generate SVG images.
  10. The image of the back of your ship (Last one) is just amazing
  11. I prefer the one with the stripes (Second one) rather than the one without stripes
  12. Well, as example, on of my station around duna could be looking very beautiful and be impressive and all, but I had a lot more fun rolling with my little probe-rover on the surface, which isn't really impressive, but I would still place the rover on my ribbon
  13. I usually place the mission I had the most fun while doing it, instead of the most awesome
  14. While many may have heard that I am working on a mission patch generator, I can assure you I will not miss the occasion to do a flag generator too
  15. Well, one of the most flagrant example is the Kerbal lost stripe : Once extracted (This image), if I place it over the shieldl, it look like this : instead of like this : There is other weird black stuff, like on this pips :
  16. In the old thread, as Eric mentioned, Unistrut informed us that he didn't want to separate the ones who play with mods from the vanilla player. If you think you don't deserve something because you used a certain mod, then simply don't put it in your signature. On an other hand, If any one that have a minimal "talent" with graphical programs like gimp or photoshop could send me a private message to help me extract each "layer" without weird black things (Or other problem I have), that would be very nice
  17. 2/10, as I keep sauing, it is hard to remember someone without avatar
  18. I'm sorry, I lied, It will take me longer, since I am encountering difficulty extracting each layers of the shield as a png without the images being really weird :s
  19. Those are amazing! I just switched my background image to the Jool one !
  20. Where do you live? my server is located in canada, so if you are really far from there, it may be slow...
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