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Everything posted by Moustachauve

  1. Do you know how to program in PHP or any other weblanguage?
  2. I'm also doing something like that to make it easier to find them. more details here Its a great idea to support video, i didnt though of it !
  3. look at the last reply, we will do so
  4. its planned to separate them by categories and to have filters to help searching. Did you red the first post of te first link?
  5. this is the solution we came with : http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/18305-Calling-All-Mod-Plugin-Developers-I-have-a-proposal-I-need-your-support
  6. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/17434-Craft-Mod-Plugin-database its quite simple
  7. Why is the picture all grainy as if you had saved it in 16 bit?
  8. What we will do for the moment is that when you would "upload" on our website, your file would be uploaded to our guthub repository. It would be as easy as if you were posting on the forum, but the mods would be easier to find and to browse through
  9. Salut ma gang de francais/québécois/ect
  10. when this happen, just switch to your vessel and press B
  11. The other day my friend really wanted to download a mod, but the forum was down. I can say that he was REALLY impatient about the forum being down. Maybe its nothing for you, but it may be really frustrating for others.
  12. We have no way to index the forum. GitHub provide a nice API that give us the ressource needed to do it automaticly. We could possibly give an alternate choice to upload your plugin from our website that would put it automaticly on our github repo and for you and the other user, it will be the same as f they downloaded it from the forum, you can even copy the download link from our site and post it on the forum if you want, you won't have to upload it at many places
  13. We need your opinions ! From All Mod/Plugin Developers : See this link : http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/18305-Calling-All-Mod-Plugin-Developers-I-have-a-proposal-I-need-your-support From every one : How would you prefer to browse plane/craft/mod/plugins? 1) or 2) ?
  14. We need your opinions ! From All Mod/Plugin Developers : See this link : http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/18305-Calling-All-Mod-Plugin-Developers-I-have-a-proposal-I-need-your-support From every one : How would you prefer to browse plane/craft/mod/plugins? 1) or 2) ?
  15. I don't know if you already checked it out, but could the buoyancy things could be related with water?
  16. I've written the Feature list : • User system • Comment system • Search • List of mod/plane/rocket/plugin • Filters • Advance search with filters • Rating system • Tags system • Update system • More ... And here is some filters I've tough about for when you are searching or navigating through a list : General : • Stock • version Plane specific : o Long-range o Orbit capable o Space exploration o Easy handling o Easy landing o RCS o VTOL o Fast o High altitude o Replica Rocket specific o Mun able o Minmus able o Return capacities o Heavy lifter o RCS o SSTO o Replica o Space Station o Mun/Minmus base Plugin specific o Mod specific o Plugin powered Feel free to suggest me any other filters or features!
  17. I've written the Feature list : • User system • Comment system • Search • List of mod/plane/rocket/plugin • Filters • Advance search with filters • Rating system • Tags system • Update system • More ... And here is some filters I've tough about for when you are searching or navigating through a list : General : • Stock • version Plane specific : o Long-range o Orbit capable o Space exploration o Easy handling o Easy landing o RCS o VTOL o Fast o High altitude o Replica Rocket specific o Mun able o Minmus able o Return capacities o Heavy lifter o RCS o SSTO o Replica o Space Station o Mun/Minmus base Plugin specific o Mod specific o Plugin powered Feel free to suggest me any other filters or features!
  18. Yea, i would not put any mod/etc there. Its the owner job to do so
  19. I didn't know it was possible to do such thing with GitHub, that is a wonderful thing ! thank you for sharing it, I'll check what are the possibilities, I'd love to do something like that ! Yes, of course I'll establish a standard for that so each mod/plugin/... will be in the same format. On the detail page, if there is any mod required, they will be link to this mod's/plugin's page. I don't know if I could do better than this, but I'll try to make something better. I don't know what is RubyGems :s
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