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Everything posted by Moustachauve

  1. When going on the website, the home page will be something to determinate for the moment. To check for a mod/plugin/etc, you can either click on "Database" button to see the latest of each categories, or hover your mouse on the database button and select a category. There, at the top, there will be the top 5 polarities for the category, and under it there will be all the thing from this category. You will have the possibility to add filter, which aren't yet determined, to browse it easier. Or you can simply use the search bar at the top to search for a name or the advance search bar to search for something that correspond to your criteria. No, but I'm doing one just after the template is finish. they will be a registration system and a moderation system to be sure everything is fine. Can you develop your question please? Sorry if I'm not totally clear or if I do lots of mistake, English is my secondary language. Edit : this is what the details page would look like :
  2. Thank you for answering, I'll pm you. Oh, sorry. Could you edit the title to "Mods/Plugins/Crafts/etc Database" please? I'll shortly start the PHP part, once all the stylizing will be finished. I'll keep you updated ! Edit : this is what the details page would look like :
  3. Well, you will have filters to affect what you are seeing, for example, you can choose to only see the craft for 0.16 release or to see all of them. The page shown in the screenshot is when you press on the "Database" link, it show the lastest one updated. In the left box, they will be links for only "Rockets", where you can see rocket and organize them with your selected filter. I'll see what i can do, that could be great for the home page, thank you for your idea It would be very nice to have some of your web designers' friend to give me advice
  4. Hey, i had this idea later on this week about making a website where you could upload your craft/mod/plugin/... so they would be better organized. For example, you could search for a ship that is able to go to the moon for 0.16 and that are only stock part, or search for a ship that launch a satellite/space station. When you would upload one, the creator could add pictures; add a description; indicate the game version; if mods where used, which one were used; etc. Screenshot Home page : Main Database page : Details page : Subscription page: Features • User system • Comment system • Search • List of mod/plane/rocket/plugin • Filters • Advance search with filters • Rating system • Tags system • Update system • More ... Search/Navigation filters General : • Stock • version Plane specific : o Long-range o Orbit capable o Space exploration o Easy handling o Easy landing o RCS o VTOL o Fast o High altitude o Replica Rocket specific o Mun able o Minmus able o Return capacities o Heavy lifter o RCS o SSTO o Replica o Space Station o Mun/Minmus base Plugin specific o Mod specific o Plugin powered (Feel free to suggest me any other filters or features, I'll add them.) We need your opinions ! From All Mod/Plugin Developers : See this link : http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/18305-Calling-All-Mod-Plugin-Developers-I-have-a-proposal-I-need-your-support From every one : How would you prefer to browse plane/craft/mod/plugins? 1) or 2) ? PS: I would need a logo, as I am not good with artwork, so it would be very nice from you if someone could make us a nice logo.
  5. Nice job, you found a monolith ! There is plenty more, I just found one near KSC
  6. Hey ! I've made a couple of change, created the list's style and made a search bar ! Still in need of a good logo though Didn't edited so the post go up Edit : I'll move this post to Fan-art since, for the moment, it is an "artistic creation about the game"
  7. it's 2868.4 , not 2875, you can confirm that on the kerbin wiki page
  8. The base model is stock, the two other are just modified rocket with some mod, so basically the first one is stock
  9. This is what the actual design we're making is looking like, its very basic at the moment, as we are just trying to position the things at the best place. We'd like to have your opinions on it. Here is the image : (Original size, it's very big) It isn't the true color, font or anything, except for the background. And we would need a logo, as neither me or Tyonar are good with artwork, so it would be very nice from you if someone could make us a nice logo, we would put his name in the footer or you could even put your name directly in the logo (not too flashy)
  10. I think its good for "Kerbal's process" (Trial and error )
  11. I love your plane design ! could you share it?
  12. Yea, but the challenge is to actually get there with all this
  13. Nice job! Next step : do it on mun
  14. Yea, i saw that. Maybe ill put little not annoying google adsence publicity to have enough to have a better host later if there is lots of traffic, because i don't have a high budget, and it's the cheaper i've found. karolus10: Second post removed (Please use "edit post" option) and merged bellow: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EDIT1: Where can i post my WIP project since it's not really an add-on or a plugin?
  15. I didn't talked about hosting this at home, it was an other player. I already have a functional base website so I just have to make it fit with the template and to add some functionality. I think i can say that my PHP level is quite decent. For security concern, I have a friend who is actually a hacker and i think he would love to help me to securise my website.
  16. Did you try to add winglet? They help to control spin while in atmosphere
  17. Thank you for the suggestion, I'll check that ! Since im really not a good designer, i picked up some pre-made template that I could modify a little. Which one do you prefere? 1) http://www.openwebdesign.org/viewdesign.phtml?id=5593&referer=%2Fsearch.php%3Fsearchstring%3Dspace%26tab%3Dkeyword 2) http://www.openwebdesign.org/viewdesign.phtml?id=5616&referer=%2Fsearch.php%3Fsearchstring%3Dspace%26tab%3Dkeyword 3) http://www.openwebdesign.org/viewdesign.phtml?id=5579&referer=%2Fsearch.php%3Fsearchstring%3Dspace%26tab%3Dkeyword%26page%3D2 4) http://freehtml5templates.com/downloads/free/retrorocket/ (If you want to contribute or you have better template/suggestion, feel free to tell them !)
  18. I don't know much about server's computer, but here is my hosting plan i'm using : http://www.hostpapa.ca/web-hosting-plan/
  19. Hey, i'm really happy to have found this forum ! I just have one question : will the moderation before posting always be there or is it just because I am new?
  20. I already have a web server with "illimited bandwidth" and "illimited storing space", as my host said, so i will probably do a subdomain to it, and have a couple of friend to help me moderate the entries!
  21. I think its better to take the vehicle name gen : http://www.seventhsanctum.com/generate.php?Genname=newvehicle
  22. Hey, i had this idea later on this week about making a website where you could upload your craft/mod/plugin/... so they would be better organized. For example, you could search for a ship that is able to go to the moon for 0.16 and that are only stock part, or search for a ship that launch a satellite/space station. When you would upload one, the creator could add pictures; add a description; indicate the game version; if mods where used, which one were used; etc. Screenshot Home page : Main Database page : Details page : Subscription page: Features • User system • Comment system • Search • List of mod/plane/rocket/plugin • Filters • Advance search with filters • Rating system • Tags system • Update system • More ... Search/Navigation filters General : • Stock • version Plane specific : o Long-range o Orbit capable o Space exploration o Easy handling o Easy landing o RCS o VTOL o Fast o High altitude o Replica Rocket specific o Mun able o Minmus able o Return capacities o Heavy lifter o RCS o SSTO o Replica o Space Station o Mun/Minmus base Plugin specific o Mod specific o Plugin powered (Feel free to suggest me any other filters or features, I'll add them.) We need your opinions ! From All Mod/Plugin Developers : See this link : http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/18305-Calling-All-Mod-Plugin-Developers-I-have-a-proposal-I-need-your-support From every one : How would you prefer to browse plane/craft/mod/plugins? 1) or 2) ? PS: I would need a logo, as I am not good with artwork, so it would be very nice from you if someone could make us a nice logo.
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