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Everything posted by Moustachauve

  1. I don't know if you received my private message, but I sent you one about making a generator out of this, like with the ribbons
  2. I use avast and I never had a single problem with it and it never crashed
  3. maybe the game was running on the sandbox of avast because it wasn't allowed on your computer
  4. I have the Gigabyte GeForce GTX 770 OC clocked to 1189MHZ : http://www.bestdirect.ca/products/251454/Gigabyte/GV_N770OC_2GD/
  5. I've totally changed plan since last time because of the new gtx 700 serie. So I bought a GTx 770. I just encountered this power supply deal, is it a good one for me? (I7 2600, 8gb ram, 1 dvd read/write) : http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=8160005&SRCCODE=LSCAN&cm_mmc_o=-ddCjC1bELltzywCjC-d2CjCdwwp&AffiliateID=mOD7hhi6MCA-wJ1mM52Ca.A_NI7R9NYX6g
  6. If someone you don't trust send you any unprecise message like this one with a link for 'tips' or "tricks' to do something, it is rare that the link will be something else than scam
  7. I do not have this problem, send me more detail and your username by private message please
  8. I used to play a lot in the last year, but after what, 4-5 years of playing I think, I'm a little bit tired of it, I never know what to do :/
  9. Wow! those are really nice looking !
  10. There is a final things that is missing (The grand tour shield). I am waiting for Unistrut to work on something before I can make it to the generator It will still be updated to follow the game content, of course
  11. So is there any news about this?
  12. Hi, I just received a shipment from an Order that I had cancelled, and sadly, my families didn't knew that it was cancelled and accepted it. Do you think there is a way I could return it without paying the awful fees?
  13. Yea, I see tons of "Noobs are coming!" posts, but I don't see much "troll" post or anything bad except for this. The most annoying things on this forum actually are threads like this one and the "Let's not."... They are multiplying horribly
  14. I think you didn't understood what I said correctly... If the chip use is to think of a question and then it google it for you and send the answer to you directly in your though (Like : Hey, how does train work? I don't know ! oh ! I know it (because the chip just inserted the answer in my mind)). if a chip can do such a thing, someone could hack the computer or the service that is sending you the answer and brainwash you.
  15. I agree with TMA Btw, If you want to be sure Unistrut will read your suggestions and consider them, make your suggestion on this thread : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/25188
  16. Well, if this chip is made to receive information from a computer (Like information, or anything) and then transmit it to your though, someone could hack said computer and "make" you though things you would normally not. It would not control you directly, but it would influence you to do thing in an even worse way than television
  17. Imagine if everybody had such a chip. If someone can take the control over you, why couldn't they take the control of the world? (This sentence sound really cliche) Image what a tyran could do if everybody had these little chips inside them
  18. To access more information, and many futuristics things. Imagine how great it would be to have something like google glasses, but directly in your brain. (Of course, I would NEVER want something like that, since it is really really risky). On a more realistic way, I would never want any kind of Robot police or any armed/dangerous robot wirelessly controlled, as someone could take control over it
  19. Here is an example of article about this : http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-16305299
  20. Maybe it is because I didn't play enough with the new version, but I saw no difference at all
  21. What are the pro you can see? What are the con that repeal you toward this idea? Briefly, here is my opinion : I would never want anything like that Implanted inside me. First of all, if we observe how easily television can influence us, I don't even want to imagine what a chips directly inside our head could do to us. Secondly, seeing how easily hacker could possibly access any system they want if they really wanted, I don't think it is a good idea at all to have something in our head that could possibly control us and be accessed by everyone.
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