These two are my pride and joy. The delta cruisers, available in both mechjeb and non-mechjeb. [ATTACH=CONFIG]31815[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]31814[/ATTACH] The delta cruiser is a twin engine high-speed cruiser. Though she is no fighter, she is both fast and maneuverable. She can also glide quite a distance after running out of fuel. Most notable are the twin rudders and the odd (even for a delta shape) wing design that gives both stability and control. It is so stable it is hard to get out of control and even after tumbling out of control can recover in less than 1000 meters with engines. On the runway, the plane is level with the ground and can take off at less than 100 m/s. Fully loaded, she is 20.1 tons and has a twr of 1.34. Because I can't figure out how to do embed images, here's a direct link to the album.