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Everything posted by angusmcbeth

  1. I would have thought that the next logical step would be the development of LAPCAT, which would be much cheaper? (I think?) I would love to see LAPCAT in our skies...like a new age concorde!! http://www.reactionengines.co.uk/lapcat.html I'm a big fan of Skylon.
  2. did you place the models at 0,0,0 in blender and unity?
  3. I also try to use ATM machines like the touchscreen on an smartphone Thank you all for the replys and encouragement. @ Greys Thank you for posting those pictures. I spend a long time looking at these, it helps me a great deal. We all build stuff differently and I'm trying to avoid making something that could only be used in one rigid way. Again, thank you all. I hope to update soon! Best Regards Angus
  4. Quick update before bed. I have a chassis ready that will fit inside a rollcage. The rollcage will be re-made, but here is a mock up of whats in my head. The rollcage has been rescaled slightly larger. (1.8 now, was 1.5). Any thoughts or concerns I'd be grateful to hear from you. This will be a 2 man version, there will be a 1 man version also. (and a 4 hopefully!) Kind Regards Angus EDIT:you know its bedtime when you click on a screenshot and try to rotate it!
  5. Make it so! (Picard was the best) Nice modelling - if you can manage to give your model sound(I don't know if thats possible) heres my suggestion! I can hear it in my head when I look at that 3rd picture!
  6. Well, that has to be a good thing! I'm only at the start of this journey too. This forum is full of excellent models. Lots of really talented people making lots of fun objects. Be sure to show off your creations!!!!! Good Luck!
  7. @Tommygun Absolutely brilliant. There will be a white version, great idea. That 3 wheeler looks wild! It is possible to move the seats out so that there is only a small clip, but it looks silly. Yes, 2 man needs to be wider. Thanks for the feedback!
  8. Mihara, I did not know that was possible. Would you know how I go about doing this? Thank you! I agree, it would be better with one model + multiple textures. I made it like this only to give options to people who do not know how to change the png files. Your method is much better.
  9. Thanks to all for the encouragement, comments and suggestions. Everyone builds stuff differently so its great to hear all these different opinions. My best regards to all Angus.
  10. Kris I only partially understand cfgs, so thats a big help. I did think about making this part a pod, but I decided that adding a dashboard part as a pod might be interesting. I'll test this out, it should be good till I get a dashboard model done. Thanks Kris:D
  11. I'll keep it compact whatever method I go with. Thanks Kris
  12. Yes Scotius, I know what you mean. My reply to Bubba should have been clearer. I'm thinking of a separate axle part so you can have as many sets of wheels as you like. (add rollcage then axles then wheels) Have you made anything with this yet? any pics? Thanks!!
  13. Thanks Bubba, I will either make some sort of axle, or as you suggest, some flat spots. Still undecided on that issue. Cheers for the feedback!
  14. Yes, this is one of the issues that will hopefully be fixed in the Mk2. I use the small cube structural truss. Place one or two (depending on which wheels you want) on the back, add your wheels. Then ALT-click(to copy) the 'axle' you have made and add the assembly to the front. If you are having problems with the wheels clipping, try sliding them from the top of the truss, downwards, they should go green allowing you to attach. I'm working on the Mk2 now. Thanks!!!
  15. Thanks Talisar, I would love to see anything you create. The more I see the better this part will be (eventually)
  16. I actually designed this with the purpose of reducing my part count, but you are 100% right and now its annoying me.....off to try fix it. Thanks for the feedback!!
  17. Great idea for anyone making their own parts! I wish I had this a week ago...very handy indeed.
  18. Thanks LH! Necessity is the mother of all invention! Hurra for the coal powered PC!
  19. Goes faster than most rovers because its red! Want the part? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/34014-WIP-Rover-RollKage
  20. Yes, this will be improved. I would be delighted if you would post some pics, so I can see how people use this. Thanks for the interest!
  21. I haven't tried it with a parachute, but If you crash a rover, the Kerbal can be unseated, but he/she/it tends to stay within the cage.
  22. Yes Scotius, there are nodes top and bottom. If you use the stock small cube truss piece, you can attach ports to the front and back too. It also makes a good cockpit for hovercraft, low altitude flyers, helicopters etc.
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