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  1. I would have phrased option 2 as, "No, I'm getting it for free since I bought KSP before May 2013", but I'm weird.
  2. No, he's exactly right. My dad was an industrial engineer over at the Michoud facility where they built the external tanks. NASA ran the shuttle solely to burn tax dollars. Any real work that the shuttle accomplished was strictly incidental. The Orion is the same way as evidenced by the fact that they refused to use the pre-existing 40m fabrication tools, despite repeated urging to do so from the people who have to actually build the rockets, until after they'd been in storage for so long that they needed to be completely replaced.
  3. So long, Frizzank, and thanks for all the fish the amazing mod.
  4. Is that Spike Spiegel's spaceplane in your sig? O_O Color me impressed. What mods did you use for it? On topic: I'm mostly playing a lot of LoL right now, but I'm thinking of maybe doing an all stock low part count lifter for the challenge. Can't wait till the update.
  5. You can actually asparagus stage with only one set of boosters you know, and honestly, the lower thrust after dropping a booster should be made up by the lower mass after dropping a booster. A couple of pairs of asparagus staged boosters hardly cause any drag at all, anyway.
  6. But having aero is easier to fly in than the old pea soup. Just set heating down to nothing.
  7. Woohoo! He's back! HYPE!
  8. I'd rather scale up the Kerbol system 6.4x and rebalance the rockets appropriately for that scale than make the physics for reentry heating less realistic just to add challenge.
  9. Due to the ludicrously small size of Kerbin, being able to make a Munar return without a heatshield quite realistic from a physics perspective. Things like this are why RSS was created in the first place. I'm not sure about the shuttle, but I can only assume it's much, much lighter than an actual shuttle.
  10. RSS has an option for a 6.4x sized stock Kerbol system, right? That and NuFAR ought to fix all the problems when they get released.
  11. NathenKell was speaking of the jet engines having 10x the ISP of real jet engines, he said nothing in that passage of SSTOs.
  12. Does it still count as stock if the only mod one has installed is the unofficial bugfix mod?
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