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Posts posted by Nobody_1707

  1. If the new Aero is similar to FAR (especially with regards to the lower losses due nto air resistance) then this nerf is well deserved.

    In FAR you were able to catapult your capsule with a single yellow booster up to an altitude of >250 km (with other words, into far space)

    If SRB's had gimbal, I would have been able to reach orbit with just an RT-10, a small capsule, and a parachute using 0.90 FAR. :D

  2. The new aerodynamic system is perfect for me. pre 1.0 I used FAR, found it too complicated, so I tried NEAR and found it too simple. But the new stock aero seems to hit the sweet spot (at least for me)

    The new aero basically is NEAR though, the interesting changes are in the heat system (which previously only existed in KSP Interstellar).

    - - - Updated - - -


    The VAB was more than half full.

    Wackjob, can I have the craft file for that?

    EDIT: Whoever designed this forum is a BadS flipping genius! Instead of letting me accidentally double post, it just edited my previous post to include the new content!

  3. Well, someone who let the game play itself with KER, this is what you get without. You actually have to try, test and find out stuff by yourself, instead of letting a mod do everything for you and be like someone who's just watching a movie. A great experience, isn't it?

    KER doesn't play the game for you, it just tells you what your DV and TWR are. Perhaps you were thinking of MechJeb?

  4. Well, the 'memory leak' is not a leak per se :)

    It's just that in some cases, the game does not free memory it no longer needs. So when these unfreed memory starts to accumulate, while the game keeps requesting new free memory, you soon hit the 32bit memory limits (for the 32 bit client of course) once that happens, the OS will start using the hard drives as a cache, slowing down the game tremendeously (most os's aren't suited to address more memory than that) - or outright crashing the game.

    Just so that everyone is on the same page, not freeing memory that you no longer need is the very definition of a memory leak.

  5. When I was in college, in the US, (2000-2004) I was taught that while most industries in the States use "American" units (inch, mile, pound), space industries had switched to the metric standard. This included a senior project with a design concept for an air-launched satellite - with the arcraft portion presented in American units and the rocket/satellite design expressed in metric.

    Yeah, metric is currently standard for space applications to prevent problems when we work with foreign space agencies. We were definitely still using US Customary units until, at the very earliest, they canceled the Apollo program.

  6. I bought the game through Steam. Of COURSE I'm going to update--Steam's Big-Brother-ware gives me no choice.

    That being said, I do have a couple caveats:

    1) I've already made my now-traditional backup install of the current version of KSP in a directory that Steam doesn't know about, and may well continue my current save there, at least part time.

    2) I really am looking forward to 1.0 (at least cautiously), and will doubtless pounce on it with a new save as soon as I get home from work on Monday.

    The Steam version of KSP is DRM free. Copy your current game folder to a different place on your hard-drive (or to a thumb drive). Then you'll have 0.90 forever.

  7. A google on "Mexico City time" pops up a clock giving localtime for Mexico city amongst all the other search answers.

    So I'm six hours ahead. Most of the EU is seven hours.

    I shall do a quick check when I wake on Monday.

    Guesses that we won't see anything until Squad have reached the office and have their coffee in hand aren't crazy. That's going to be late afternoon for me, and then it's up to their internet connection.

    Remember, it is a big download. Steam will cope better, I expect, but 600 MB will take time. With my line, my local internet, call it three-quarters of an hour if nothing else slows it down.

    I can live with the likely delays, but I am not going to say I like them.

    Thanks to DST, I'm currently +0 hours ahead. This is probably the only good that has ever been accomplished by DST in all of history.

  8. True! ÃŽâ€V and TWR should be displayed stock. Always visible in VAB/SPH and through the skills of one of your Kerbal engineers during flight. But what good is a tool without the skills to wield it? All of this is useless without proper tutorials.

    I was shocked that the TWR & ÃŽâ€V weren't in the Engineering Report of the VAB, I knew that the in flight readout for those was delayed, but the Engineering Report was the perfect place to put them while designing the rocket.

  9. Fixed that for you. Isn't valentina supposed to be a big part of this release? :)

    In English, "he" doubles as the gender neutral pronoun. And from an historical perspective, it's probably more accurate to say that it doubles as a gender specific pronoun since the gender neutral meaning came first.

  10. They were supposed to be androgynous but - like most other things that are created by humans - they look far to distinctively male to be reasonably considered anything but male. So after much pressure from the community (myself very much included) and a lot of thought and work, they have added female Kerbals as well.

    Did we ever actually have confirmation that they were supposed to be androgynous, or did people just assume that?

  11. How can you call it a hype when half the game is changed without a 0.99 pre-launch bug fixing release is still mind boggling....

    Only thing I look forward to is to just get this blunder done so that Harvester can focus on a Unity 5 build for multi threaded physics 64bit release, wich should have been a 1.0 even if it took another 2 or 3 months.

    Try five or six months. They'll have to almost completely rewrite the entire game for Unity 5.

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