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Posts posted by Nobody_1707

  1. Just out of curiosity, are there any more examples of how this improves rocket designs? I don't use shuttles of planes myself (not yet anyway) and I am mostly on Mun runs and space station construction missions so I am curious to know what would this do to my current rocket designs if anything. I know that drag would be reduced but by how much are things improved? Not sure how much it would actually effect my rockets seeing as most of my rockets have a Mk3 command module at the top with a docking shield. But there are a few designs with side fuel pods that would be able to have a nosecone for drag reduction.

    You can single stage to orbit with a vertical rocket with only a small SRB some fins and a Mk-1 Crew capsule, but you'll explode during ascent if you have Deadly Reentry turned on. Considering that a single SRB would never make it past the thickest part of the atmosphere with that payload before, I'd say that it improves rockets a lot.

  2. No, he meant x87 which is the floating point co-proccessor for the x86. They implemented more efficient vector math instructions like MMX and SSE, but the x87 instructions and floating point stack are still there for backwards compatibility. While you can't use MMX and SSE for all kinds of calculations they are good at the same kind of things as the GPU, just a bit less efficiently.

    While restricting the CPU code to x87 would increase the disparity between CPU and GPGPU the GPU is still much faster at easily parallelizable calculations because it can run more of them at the same time. Moving from their custom physics engine to a GPU based engine isn't a simple thing to do though, and if they have to shuffle a lot more data out to the graphics card per frame then they currently do then they might only break even on the switch to the GPU. Memory is slow.

  3. So, after finally getting the Ferram Aerospace Research mod installed properly, I decided to see what aerodynamics can do for a rocket by building the simplest one I could think of:


    I've used similar rockets before as the starting point when iteratively designing rockets, so I figured I could use it as the spring-board for a new rocket designed not just to look aerodynamic, but to actually be aerodynamic.

    Well, Jeb was raring to go, so I hit the launch button and off he went. Looks like a good launch to me, and Jeb seems pretty happy.


    A scant few moments later and things started to get interesting; we broke the sound barrier.


    Wait a moment, that's starting to look a bit hot.


    Oh, good Lord. We're getting reentry effects while leaving the atmosphere. On a single SRB.


    It's a good thing Jeb was piloting this flight, or I think I might have fainted. I am so glad I uninstalled the Deadly Reenty mod before installing this one. We ran out of fuel, so I separated from the SRB. We were still getting reentry effects.


    Holy hell, look at that apokee. :0.0: I've never gotten performance like this from an SRB before, not even one of the big ones.


    Well Jebediah, it seems that you are having a bad problem and you will definitely be going into space today.


    Let's take a look at Jeb's helmet cam, shall we? What a wonderful view.


    Look at our speed as we fell back into the atmosphere. Fireworks were coming.


    Oddly, the heat didn't last as long coming in as it did going out. We might have even survived this reentry without a heat shield if Deadly Reentry had still been installed. We wouldn't have survived the ascent, but still...


    As soon as we were moving slow enough not to rip it right off the capsule, we deployed the parachute.


    After touching down safely, we took a picture of Jeb in front of the capsule. For posterity.


    So, in conclusion, proper aerodynamics make rockets go up very quickly, at least if they're small.

    PS. Not that it matters for such a simple rocket, but I've included the craft file for it: http://www./download.php?wq9s99pr1g0srdc

  4. Look for a part folder named "Aileron." That's what corresponds to StandardctrlSurface. It might be that you have the part.cfg in there from the mod download, without any of the models that I expected to be there from the stock game (I didn't want to make the download larger than it had to be). Try re-downloading 0.17 or using the patcher since it seems like you're missing a part, which would be the source of the problem.

    I'm having the same problem, I just made sure that all of the original parts that you haven't touched were copied over into my parts folder but it still got stuck on StandardctrlSurface. I have a folder called "Ailerons" but none for the singular "Aileron". I've had Steam make sure that I'm not missing any files, and they all seem to be there. I'm using the Mac version btw, and although Spacesport said you would have special instructions for me in this thread, they seem to have disappeared with the forum reset. I don't know whether that matters.

    Never mind, it seems to not be copying over the model files and such, I'm doing it by hand now. It's weird that this is only happening for some of the parts...

    EDIT: I finally got it working. I would kill for Steam Workshop support. Manually copying over meshes, models, and textures from my backup parts folder to my actual parts folder is very tedious. I wish I knew why merge didn't actually merge all of the folders...

  5. That's beautiful. It also kind of looks like Outlaw Star on a bigger budget. It's rather a shame that Japan has never managed to get a space program up and running. They design such pretty hardware...

  6. Boiling hot gravy in my opinion! If I had to attach heat shields to all my reentering craft...well let's just say I wouldn't be doing a lot of reentering. :P

    That's why I mentioned having heat shields built in to the bottom of the capsules. Which is, incidentally, something that the tooltips for the capsules claim are already installed. You only have to strap heat-shields for the mods because the parts don't currently have any data for heat shielding on them. Speaking of which, are their any third-party heat shields for the FASA Gemini capsule? None of the reentry mods heat shields fit it.

  7. Yes. Yes we should. By now we could probably have manned bases on the moon and a Skylab derived space station programme for less than the cost of the shuttle programme. The shuttle was a death sentence for manned space development beyond LEO.

    Well, you would because I'm a Brit and thankfully not a single one of my tax dollars went towards the shuttle because I don't pay American taxes, and the taxes I do pay aren't in dollars anyway. But still....

    Simon Hibbs

    The decision to let Skylab fall was unforgivable. NASA as a whole has been a complete joke ever since, despite the heroic efforts by many engineers at the ground level of the agency to try and actually do useful work. The only thing keeping it from being the worst waste of taxpayer money is the fact that we spend a significant portion of the federal budget funding a Department of "Education" that spends no money actually educating people and, in fact, seems to only exist to artificially inflate the cost of education by keeping lending agencies unaccountable for bad student loans.

    And yes, reusing our rockets developed for the Apollo program would have been cheaper, more efficient, and more effective than the Shuttle program. Mind you, the original plans for the Shuttle would have reused much of the Saturn rockets and actually had reasonable design goals and would have been usable for real operations and not just the busywork NASA actually ended up using them for.

    Also, we didn't stop flying Titans until 2007, so I don't see why we would have had to use the Saturn 1 just to get into LEO. We could easily have used the much nicer Gemini capsule for that.

  8. The only things I actually want in .20 are better aerodynamics and payload fairings, anything else is just gravy. If they could manage to include reentry heat and built in heatshields on the bottoms of capsules then it would be very tasty gravy.

  9. Wait, someone made Kerbal Veritechs? That is awesome! It would cool if you could get the SDF-1 to work. Even if it couldn't transform.

    Robotech gets a bad rap from anime snobs, but the Macross saga part of it was barely different from the original (just enough so they could fit the later shows in) and was pretty well done. It's nice to see that other people liked it too.

    I don't suppose anyone's made a Kerbal Outlaw Star?

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