helicopters fly by maintaining a near-constant rotor RPM and varying the pitch of the blades to move about the up/down movement move both (or all four) blades with positive/negative pitch (called collective) the cyclic movement (forward/back, left/right) is "added" to the collective input (the swash moves up/down for collective, but is unrelated to the cyclic tilting.) cyclic is an inverse reaction on either side of the rotor blade, if the heli is to roll left, the blade at the right will be increased a few degrees in pitch while the blade at the left will be decreased. due to physics reasons, the maximum amounts of pitch actually occur before their 90 degree counterparts, but that is the best way I can think to simplify it. the duty of the swash plate is to mix all of these inputs up to the rotor blades smoothly and efficiently.... however from the video here I think you can see it is quite clear that swash plates are not a viable option in KSP