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little square dot

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Everything posted by little square dot

  1. Let me start off by saying how grateful I am for this mod. Absolutely essential add-on as far as I'm concerned. One issue that I've been having however, is that there are times when symmetry snapping seems to get confused by tab-ing between VAB and SPH, leading to struts and whatnot vertically wrapping horizontal parts, or wrapping horizontally around vertical parts. I suspect that this might be due to the select-root-part plugin "remembering" the VAB\SPH state of the root part when the new root is selected, but I haven't yet had time to verify this. Has anyone else encountered this issue?
  2. I was working on sound for the mod, but when I arrived at a fork in the road and emailed for direction I never received a response, so I shelved the project for the time being. Too bad. This one has a lot of potential.
  3. Really nice work. If KSP looked that good, I would probably forget the rest of my life. (...like I haven't already...) Crashed on Eeloo is my favourite I think. =)
  4. I have two installations, modded and non, and I can honestly say that neither way of playing is better than the other. Playing stock is much more challenging, and having to improvise with the stock parts is a heck of a lot of fun... the ghastly looking frankenships that one inevitably creates are pretty hilarious. That said, the stock game feels rather lifeless, and the severely limited selection of parts can become quite annoying, which is where mods come in. I have been absolutely amazed by the quality of most of the mods this community has churned-out, and there are plenty of game-enhancing mods that don't detract from the stock game in any way(ISA MapSat, Remotetech, KAS, Chatterer, Crew Manifest, etc, etc, etc.). Of course, once one begins to add mods to KSP, one has trouble knowing where to draw the line, often resulting in the game becoming less challenging, unstable(those delightful out-of-memory crashes!), and sometimes even overwhelming(TOO MANY OPTIONS!!). Also, the persistent save files of heavily modded games aren't always easily transferred to new versions of KSP, leading to many fresh starts. Depending on the person, this isn't necessarily a bad thing. Anyway, tomato, tomato... erm... I guess that doesn't translate well through text. Tomato, tomaaato? (welcome aboard papics=)
  5. The fuselage is my new best friend. Great for making space station modules, airlocks etc. Only trouble is that the part count grows very quickly when each module has at least 6 structural parts, if not 12-18 if I use multiple fuselages per module. Would it be possible to create single-part fuselages, or do the mechanics of the plugin require multiple parts? Cheers.
  6. I think it's important to remember that a game isn't a game unless it's fun; people tend to get far too attached to some sense of accomplishment or whatever, then manage to convince themselves that said accomplishments are somehow essential to the game and a pre-requisite to further enjoyment, which will inevitably lead to disappointment. Such thinking is a subtle sign of a gaming addiction, which most of us have to one degree or another... It's similar to a drug addiction really. One begins with occasional recreational use, all in good fun, but before long they come to view the drug as absolutely essential to daily life. They no longer enjoy the stimulation it offers, but feel that they require it in order to carry on, somehow forgetting that life was perfectly stimulating prior to drug use, and can be perfectly stimulating post-addiction, if only they allow it to be. If the thought of starting a new space program is unappealing, then either there are fundamental flaws in your way of thinking that can be easily reversed, or the game just isn't for you. Either way, take a break to sort it out. =) Personally, I use every update as an excuse to wipe everything out and start again... it's like de-cluttering a workspace; sometimes you have to kick yourself in the butt to do it, but in the end it's deeply liberating!
  7. Stop playing once you've become frustrated. The problem is that you're not letting yourself have fun. You've become so focused on a goal that you've forgotten to enjoy the game.
  8. And we can't, because there's really nothing to know that can be put into words, besides which we can never know that we know anything. Any definitive statement regarding "what is" is rooted in language, based on perception, interpreted with prejudice, and limited by our conceptual abilities. I find it humourous that as humans we tend to think that we have this ability to "unravel" the "mysteries" of the "universe", and we tirelessly pursue this goal like a bunch of crazy primates who have forgotten that our minds are nothing more than the radar systems of our organisms; early warning / detection systems of sorts, and most definitely not omnipotent tools. Every time that we "answer" a question we are inevitably left with yet more questions, but we still don't seem to understand that god-like omniscience (objective) is laughably impossible from our subjective perspective.
  9. How is speculation ever useless? It's intellectual stimulation, without which you would have no ideas about anything.
  10. Be mindful of CoM; more mass & thrust at the bottom usually does the trick, and a higher gravity-turn start point and/or reducing the severity of your gravity-turn curve will ensure success at the expense of a wee bit o' DV. I'm sure you've figured this out already, but just in case... =)
  11. erm... that's a wee bit simplistic, but I don't have time for this discussion now, haha... home(&dog) beckons. =)
  12. haha... Hilarious comment aside, there are a number of people who need to stop throwing temper tantrums and focus on helping the devs to sort this out. While I agree with your comment, it doesn't necessarily reflect what has happened in this thread, and in several others for that matter. If anyone finds the game to be unplayable, surely they can manage to submit a report before finding something else to do while they await a fix. The sun will surely rise tomorrow, even without KSP tonight. Five deep breaths.
  13. ...and what are the problems if he does? PwnedDuck, do whatever the heck you want to man. I've thought about doing it many times, mostly for my GPS constellation, because once you've done it a few times, there's really no point in wasting several hours doing it again if you don't want to. It's a single-player game; there is no such thing as cheating. If you use hyper-edit and feel as though you've cheated yourself, simply remove whatever you added, but for goodness' sake, don't feel guilty about anything... it's a GAME!
  14. Planet and galaxy are both nouns, and empty and infinite are adjectives, or words used to describe nouns. Nouns themselves are descriptions of sorts, in that they represent perceptions, so all that we accomplish through the use of language is to describe descriptions of our perceptions are they are perceived. None of this whatsoever, has any intrinsic value, so philosophically speaking, we're all full of crap. It's all just noise really. *edit: since my life has been largely dedicated to philosophy, I don't want this to come across as me pooh-poohing on a philosophical discussion, so I will end with a question. Where exactly, does a planet end and space begin?
  15. HA! same. Early development of empathy = a lifetime of gaming OCD.
  16. I thought as much. That's why this has me stymied. The flat. I'll try the radial when I get home tonight, and if I can't figure it out over the weekend I'll post a video. Come to think of it, I'm wondering if it has something to do with the part that I was attaching it to... not that the other part has caused any issues in the past, but I haven't used the port-o-hatch extensively, and can't recall attempting to attach the hatch to anything else. I wonder if they're clipping, or otherwise not getting along. Let me troubleshoot a bit more before you waste your time, 'cause this may all boil down to a dumb oversight on my part. ...pretend I was never here...
  17. Question... do you just want variations on the beep-blap-boop theme, or would you like some more complex nonsensical probe chatter?
  18. Has anyone else found that the port-o-hatch kills staging? For some reason the staging icons won't show up in-flight when I have a port-o-hatch on a vessel, and although the icons appear as soon as I've manually (via right-click) detached the stage with the port-o-hatch, they all appear together in a single stage.
  19. Waiting on feedback from Razchek, so I'll make a few probe sounds tonight. As for the caterpillar tracks, that will be a major undertaking... I'll start those this weekend.
  20. This has been mentioned a bajillion times in this thread. MapSat 4.0 requires a gig or so of memory to run. You'll need to delete some parts/plugins in order to free-up memory. You'll know you've deleted enough parts when the task manager shows KSP as using less than 2.5 gigs when not in flight. Until then, PURGE!
  21. teehee, I just realized this and was about to edit my post. on it.
  22. Good stuff... another one of my favourites. Just found the Quindar specs: 2 x 250ms sine waves at 2,525Hz and 2,475Hz respectively. That'll take a good 30 seconds to throw together. I don't see anything about a third tone though. Was a third tone used, or did you just want a custom tone?
  23. I'd be happy to. Big fan of the mod(coupled with dynamic warp;)). Shoot me a message if you have any specific direction. I'm just polishing-up a few sounds for Razchek, but I'll have a look to see what I can dig-up in terms of raw samples of tracks/engines. Also, if they're based on real-world models, give me the info so I can have a look for the appropriate sounds. I don't know much of anything about tracks... :/
  24. On the flip side, after a lot of grumbling I opted to delete a number of mods, and I feel much better as a result... things are less cluttered and more stable, and so many of the parts and plugins that I was hesitant to let go of really haven't been missed at all.
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