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little square dot

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Everything posted by little square dot

  1. The Mainsail texture is a MASSIVE improvement over stock methinks, but I would probably just stick to that one atm. I like engines that aren't uniform in appearance, and that each add their own personality, however some of the stock textures (like the Mainsail) are a wee bit too flashy or otherwise gaudi, whereas your Mainsail is much grittier, which I love. Keep up the good work though! I'm confident that over time this will evolve into something great. **EDIT! -I love your Skipper texture too. I missed that one before.
  2. This mod makes me happy while highlighting my brain's shortcomings, ha.. Those transitions have always annoyed me but I've never really consciously thought of them beyond basic recognition of them as the cause of my annoyance. My brain simply dismissed them as necessary annoyances. Modding the game to skip the transitions never would have crossed my mind, haha... evidently my brain doesn't think in practical terms.
  3. Bumpclarification: Specifically what I would like to know, if anyone has time to load these up, is whether the center of lift needs to be adjusted on the wings and control surfaces, whether my crudely-scaled drag numbers are sufficiently un-terrible so as to have minimal impact on the game, and if there are gaps in the available parts and/or ways to improve the current selection. If you have any ideas for a useful part, or better still a totally useless but amusing part, I'm all earsy-eyes. I've spent a lot of time testing them, but I have enough trouble creating a balanced stock space plane, so unfortunately failure is the norm for me even with well-balanced parts. Also, I'd be happy to join forces with anyone creating welds of their own. Amalgamating similar mods such as weld packs would go a long way towards stunting the growth of the mountain of mods everyone has to sift through. It's somewhat annoying trying to remember who did what weld when searching for parts.
  4. Great mind think alike...ish... admittedly mine are welds and probably won't look half as tasty, but we made many of the same parts, ha.
  5. Before I'm accosted with "necro!, NECRO! OMG, NNNEEEECCCRRRROOOO!!" and other such comments from over-zealous moderator-school drop-outs, I was about to say exactly the same thing as the OP, so why start a new thread? Anyway, I just rekindled an old flame after installing a Lunar Flight update, after which I thought to myself, in a perfect world KSP and Lunar Flight would have software-babies. Sort of embarassing that I just caught up to trvtannenberg circa 2011...
  6. Thanks. Not my cup of tea either. haha... (edit: that said, I'm starting to enjoy the SPH, although I'm not quite used to the sensation of horizon expansion...)
  7. I think you mean, "to quote every other person from the forum." =) I said pics to come because I'm uploading to imgur from my iPhone... gah. soon.
  8. Hey guys, Several months ago I undertook a project to revisit the entire VAB-oriented stock parts catalogue, seeing to all rescales and welds that I could think of to fill the gaps in the available parts, the hope being that I could widen the scope of the game and make it a wee bit more fun, while keeping it all stock so folks can still use the parts long after I've moved on from KSP(<-as if that's ever going to happen...). I had initially intended on leaving the SPH-oriented stuff out of it, simply because I never spend any time in the SPH except to design rovers, and I am the noviciest of novices when it comes to that side of the game, so I was concerned about offering tremendously unbalanced parts. When I was just wrapping up my Advanced Stock Rocketry, Station Parts Project Redux, and Colonization Parts packs however, I couldn't shake this nagging feeling of having left a job half-done. So I said eff it, I'm in pretty deep already, so why not just slog it right down to rock bottom? As for balancing-assistance, that's what the forum is for! Hence, here I am with my .rar full o' after-thoughts, seeking your counsel on how best to balance these parts before release. Cheers! (pics to come shortly) Batch 1 -Cockpits. Mk.2, Mk.1 with RAM intake, Mk.1 with super pointy nose, Mk.1 with integrated ejection system and parachute (<-all cockpits equipped with this), UAV pod. (Original concept for Mk.2 Cockpit by polecatEZ. I cleaned it up and added a bunch of features, with his blessing of course.) Batch 2 -Mk.2. Here we have the Mk.2 parts, and I should mention that for every size of fuselage there are LF & LFO variants, and the small sections have RCS and SAS+battery sections, but I won't go over them individually. ALL crew-capable parts have an ejection/parachute system so your planes are no longer death-traps. There are 2 Mk.2 Crew Compartment versions, one with integrated VTOL engines, and one without. Batch 3 -Mk.3. Again we have two versions of the crew cabin, one with VTOL and one without, different sizes of fuselage in LF, LFO, SAS+battery configurations, a Mk.3 Adapter stretched in order to match the angle of the Mk.2 Cockpit, and a Mk.3 -> Mk.1 adapter. I think I missed a few Mk.3 parts, but you get the idea. Batch 4 -crewable nose cones. Practical? Not particularly, but the Nose Cone Crew Compartments are pretty fun methinks. They have space for one brave kerbal and offer a bombadier's view from IVA. 2 models: cupola IVA and landerCabinSmall IVA. The default angles are wonky in order to accommodate the IVA's, but they look normal once rotated and attached. The first pics are cones mounted on stability enhancers, while the second set is flying over everyone's favourite island landing strip at night. Batch 5 -Integrated Intake Wings. Self-explanatory. These wings come in small(0.625m) and large(1.25m) formats, with RAM and circular models, + one Air Scoop version. Extension pieces are cross-compatible regardless of intake type, and the back nodes can either be used as engine mounts, or you can simply cover them with the included 1.25m/0.625m RocketNoseCone rescales. Batch 6 -final for now -Engines, Wings, Alternate-attach-point Wings, Control Surfaces, Decoupling Counter-weights, Gear Re-scales, Drop Tanks for both LF and O... etc? (The engines aren't welded to the fuel tanks btw. The fuel tanks are there for testing purposes.) I know that I've inadvertently omitted a few parts, such as 1.25m/0.625m RocketNoseCone rescales, among a handful of others, but I'm sure imaginations will suffice for rescales. I've also noticed a number of cosmetic flaws in the parts, but I'm more interested in balancing the performance at the moment. Thanks for your help! DoPToOT Aerospace pre-release The DoPToOT packs by little square dot are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. (Do whatever you like, but play nice and share... or else.)
  9. awesome awesome awesome awesome. Great work dude... you just filled one of the biggest voids in the KSP parts catalogue in one fell swoop. Have some rep. =)
  10. In this instance I would assume that it's something to do with the overlapping hatches in the weld, or at least something to do with clipping. I've encountered a lot of odd bugs by mashing parts together. If you were using unmodified stock parts when it happened and clipping can be ruled out as the issue, then I have no idea.
  11. Yeah, the confusion for me resulted from only the one axis being mentioned, as it would have to be a heck of an odd plugin if it only worked in the z-axis. that would mean that only parts in a straight line stretching forwards/backwards at x0, y0 could be selected. Anyway, all clear now. Cheers. =)
  12. ok, time for a likely stupid question... why the heck would a physics engine use a system that can't handle larger numbers with a reasonable degree of accuracy?
  13. Ah, computers suck at maths. http://www.techradar.com/news/computing/why-computers-suck-at-maths-644771/1 (thanks for the heads-up=)
  14. Well if that's the explanation, clearly no. Would you care to enlighten us, or are you merely here to highlight our ignorance? nm, I'll fire up google.
  15. This is probably a dumb question, but I've fallen out of the loop somewhat. Did this mod more or less absorb the Orbital Construction Redux mod?
  16. ^^that was my take on it too. mareolan, could you please clarify?
  17. btw, Wooks, I had a hard time just sitting through the drive to the end of the runway 3 times, haha..
  18. ok, I am officially at a loss. This is just bizarre... didn't change a thing; simply reverted to launch. Test #2 -much less deviation Test #3 -deviates in the opposite direction!
  19. Just tested the wheelMed. Rover body is a single welded part and according to the .craft file the wheels are perfectly symmetrical. The results:
  20. hahaha... evidently. That was my first thought too, but after checking the .craft files of several vehicles, it would seem that the positions of symmetrically placed wheels are identical, save the inverted x-axis. I probably should have assumed this to be the case given that it would actually be more difficult to code the game to be imprecise than to simply invert the x-axis and rotate the y-axis 180 degrees. I think the two most likely explanations would have to be either flex in the vehicle or a slight imprecision in the part itself. I'll just weld a vehicle into a single part to test this. Given that the .craft shows identical coordinates on both sides, if the welded vehicle deviates from the centre-line of the runway, it would have to be a flaw in the part... or the runway.
  21. Considering that most people have this issue, and considering that I've had better luck with mod wheels and the RBI tracks, is it possible that the CoM is slightly off in the part itself? ie. if the wheel part's CoM is slightly forwards or backwards of centre your vehicle would always deviate slightly, as the wheels are the inverse of one another meaning that one wheel's CoM would be offset forwards and the other one backwards, thus the pulling to the left or right.
  22. You're right; I don't believe that you loved every minute of it. =)
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