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Everything posted by Elios

  1. no need for GPS NASA could track missions just fine be for GPS when you know the inclination and speed of an object + having a data link getting a fix is pretty trivial
  2. the shuttle COULD be flown by remote if they wanted to the AO talked them out of it and the only part of the shuttle that gets hand flown is final approach to touchdown lol and the last refit be for they where retired added the systems for an automated landing but they where never used lol
  3. to be fair mechjeb is less advanced then the Apollo guidance computer .... and mission control had orbit projections by the 70s just saying the guys in the rocket had little to do really other then punch the number in to the computer assent was fully automated the astronauts had to talk NASA OUT OF making them little more then "man in a can" even in the Mercury days the LEM had to be flown seat of the pants but that was about it and Apollo 13 had some seat of the pants moments now THAT could be a good challenge wonder how hard it would be to build a save file for that .... thing is the "mun" in ksp seems much closer to the planet then the moon is from earth
  4. they also want to get the thing out over the water as soon as they can from the cape which part of why they turn so soon
  5. heres one dont snub SRBs i have seen a lot of people here not wanting to use SRBs they are great for getting you off the pad
  6. i made a play list of some videos i found on orbital Mechanics
  7. first your controls will be 90deg out of phase 2nd does KSP model torque? if so youll need a tail rotor for yaw but helis hard to fly in the first place might need an SAS to heli with heading hold i fly RC helis btw let me know if any of that helps but screen shots would help also the ship file and what mods your using
  8. well it was stuck on page 3 when i bumped it
  9. give this a bump its been a week
  10. now that .17 is out lets see who will be the first
  11. minecraft is very memory intensive but needs very little CPU and GPU on the other hand KPS needs lots ram and CPU power and not much GPU
  12. Pentium-M/Core/Core2 where all based on the P3 P4 aka Netburst and was a major leap from other CPU designs at the time and was planed to be scaled all the way up to 5Ghz but.. that never happened Intel thought that the low IPC could be made up for with clock speed and later used hyperthreading as a bandaid to help keep the pipeline full netburst a VERY long pipeline for the time which in a cache miss had to be flushed make it even slower i7 ironically is closer to what they wanted to the original P4 to be like be for most of the chip had features cut and proves to scale to clock speed only dreamed of with the P4 a 4Ghz P4 never saw the light of day but he i7 will over clock to over 5Ghz on water cooling and to 4Ghz+ on air
  13. ideally you would put it out at Kerbin-Kerbol L4 or L5 maybe L1 but L1 is not as stable but the devs seem to not like L points and refuse to put them in the game even with it not being a huge deal on modern hardware http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lagrangian_point
  14. thats a HDD thing its loading a bunch of stuff get a faster HDD i have to but it settles after about 10 sec also the i7 is a 4 core(physical CPUs) 8 thread(Logical CPUs each cpu can run 2 threads) CPU not 8 core there are i7s with 6 cores and 12 threads as well i have to say the game makes good use of at lest 4 threads so i cant really complain much game runs fine not most power house system any more only 4Ghz i7 860 and 8GB of ram and a GTX 580 so its gen or 2 old on all fronts the 2600k can oc to 4.5Ghz on air and 5Ghz on good water cooling and the new 680s are stupid fast if your still running an old PPU and not a extra GPU for PhsyX you should know the latest drives dont support the PPU cards any more and they slower then even older low end 7x00 cards so you can get a cheap replacement any way
  15. GPU support is a check box item for PhysX with nVidia GPUs any way so that dead easy to do its purely a matter of turning it on on the dev end and making a check box for it in the settings and Multicore/cpu is built in by default PPU was phased out in favor of GPU even a low end 7x00 card is faster then any of the stand alone PPUs that came out but that does leave AMD card owners stuck it would still be nice to see hardware PhysX as an option as the game doesnt take much to run graphicly might as well use that power for some thing for us with high end and SLi setups
  16. i would like to rotate my ships 45dec clock wise ie any idea how to do that? if i do in the VAB controls also get changed which is a pain also that trick done the other way around could be great for building space planes that launch vertically since the mirror doesnt work the same in the VAB
  17. wut? <3 my 580 any way the game is hard on your CPU even my 4Ghz i7 gets a work out with big rockets
  18. hubble fix wasnt a we need it now thing so it doesnt make the top 3 they had time to build hardware the others were all improvised i would rate some of the antics on the later hubble missions over the COSTAR fix like just ripping the hand hold off lol im sure a few engineers couldnt stand to watch that the 3 i listed had be done fast and with what was on hand 1. would of killed the crew and was rigged what what was on hand in the CSM at the time 2. would ended skylab be for the first crew even got there and they needed a fix in less then 48 hours 3. would crippled the ISS other wise and was done with what ever crap they had on the ISS COSTAR was cool just they had time to build custom hardware for it
  19. imo if they left the stuff to rot they gave up the rights to it there for who ever is maintaining it if at all should have last say in this case Tiberion if it where me id send an email to the person saying "this is the what every one else that has parts in teh pack thinks ok until other wise its what im going with" if they care at all and dont like it im sure they will get back to you
  20. mechjeb isnt perfect as it is mine seems to fail at minmus injections >.> but as it is its barely as good as the Apollo guidance computer so even as it is now would some where between basic and intermediate even the Shuttles computer is pretty crude
  21. i have got pretty close but yes i need to use some mod parts but i have working shuttle looking thing lol looks like the Shuttle and Buran had kid lol
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