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Everything posted by Ultraflight

  1. I have a minor issue: When i was flying my Saturn V replica, I performed the transposition and docking manuever (no LEM though, it was Apollo 8 style), only to find upon munar periapsis that my SPS engine refused to fire. My CSM was pretty much identical to the one in that petal adapter tutorial video you put on the OP, and the RCS worked fine. My kerbals ended up in a wide orbit with no hope of escape, because I don't roll with this silly "Free Return" stuff. Any help on getting it to fire?
  2. [DATA EXPUNGED] Waiter, there's a Scientologist in my soup!
  3. You ordered some hot coffee along with it, the chef must have dropped his coffeemaker into the soup. Sorry, let me get that ou-AHHH MY FINGERS THEY'RE MELTING-AGHGHHGHGHGUHHGH Waiter, there's a dead pony drowned in my soup. Looks like it's Pinkie Pie.
  4. Yes, the BabyEater 700 landed on its tail, in both water and ground landings during the several launches I conducted. The parachutes were enough to slow it down, but just to make sure, I used the remaining Skipper fuel to bring it to a safe stop. It's basically a HTVL spacefueltank.* *you can't consider it a spacePLANE, it's a winged, plane-LIKE SSTO, but it's a fuel tank otherwise.. EDIT: well, actually, it's meant to be a K-Prize entry, but it could be both a K-Prize AND a Gatecrasher, if you lifted off vertically. That would improve the fuel level in orbit, but then again, I was aiming for K-Prize entry, not Gatecrasher.
  5. The KSP2 easter egg uses the pre-V0.21 models for the space center. This gave me an idea: What if you could bring a Kerbal to the VAB, make him enter it, and build spacecraft using the old, pre-V0.16 parts? What do you guys think?
  6. I have a rather.. unconventional SSTO here. I call it the "BabyEater 700". It's just BARELY capable of getting orbit, with 100 units of fuel left in the tank for the Rockomax Skipper engine to deorbit. The vehicle is extremely hard to land, so normally I just pop the emergency chutes, like in the picture. It takes off horizontally, but the wings and wheels are basically the only things plane-related aboard the vehicle. To fly: 1. Full throttle down the runway 2. As soon as you go over the end, pull up 3. Fly straight up 4. Fly like a rocket 5. If you can't land the vehicle normally, pop the chutes Craft file: https://mega.co.nz/#!pUBDXTbC!_bfCQTQmpL4FoBumv9yTQMHsLptSscwY-R3sSaJbugA Note: It will take the entire runway including the end boost to get the pig off the ground.
  7. Hello, and welcome to OrbitCo Industries. We strive to bring you affordable, low-part-count rockets for your every need. We also have a bunch of extra probe cores and solar panels, so I guess we've got probes, too. We are using the Home Grown Rocketry mod for our spacecraft, so make sure to install it. So far, we don't have many products, (due to our founding being not long ago), but here are our current available vehicles: ROCKETS GP-1 GP-1 is our first attempt at constructing a launcher. It is capable of easily getting a probe into Mun orbit, but we still haven't tested the lower stage in Mun landings. This rocket has been used to launch most of our space program's landers and orbiters. The download comes with the Mun 1 probe vehicle attached. Download link: Mun 1+ GP1.craft 39 KB https://mega.co.nz/#!II4E1RIQ!oMHZUXKNRqEgzjPKjd3i0RP5Uxgvt0viq64AU4YcEIM So far that's it, but we are working to expand our selection of vehicles. Peace, Ultraflight, CEO of OrbitCo
  8. Banned for not constructing a Venera 7 look-alike.
  9. As for me, I personally want the Tech Tree reworked, something like BTSM. Starting with basic airplane parts, *propellors?* air contracts, the Stayputnik core, and a few SRBs. That'd be a much better start than getting the MK1 Pod right away.* *it's creeping me out, how does Wehrnel Kerman stay alive inside it all the way to Eeloo?!
  10. The issue with "manned followup" is that it still makes probes pointless. In sandbox mode, they have a reason, but in campaign it's useless to send probes. Example: I sent a fairly well-stocked robotic lander to the Mun in .23.5. It didn't get much science despite having several experiments. Once I tried a manned followup, I found that the orbital areas were already drained of Science by the probe. This meant that the potential science from orbit is significantly lowered. Just a slight annoyance though. The main issue is that you can launch a manned mission from the start of the campaign, or invest in lesser-value probes. They could definetely help with the reputation bar, but there's something oddly satisfying in watching Bobfred Kerman fly into Minmus. I definetely agree with impactor instruments, Sky_Walker.
  11. At that point, the quail pecks the Japanese soldiers to death. It then proceeds to travel through time, acquire a bird-shaped spacesuit with indefinite air supply, and get stuck under the Surveyor 3 lander in the 60s.
  12. As of 0.23.5, I feel that using a probe and transmitting has such a decreased science potential that it's pointless to even transmit or send probes. So I have a few ideas to change that: 1. Robotic Arm This arm will allow a landed probe to take a surface sample, at the cost of an amount of electricity roughly equivalent to a transmission. The probe still can't take a Crew or EVA report, though. 2. Tweak the transmission rates to get a slightly higher bonus. As I said before, the science points you can get from a probe compared to a manned mission makes probes almost useless right now. Any ideas of your own? Reply to this!
  13. Hey Giggle, While this idea isn't really any real rocket in particular, Why not make a rocket with solid boosters only? *aside from the final stage, that could be liquid* Like the idea?
  14. Here's my idea for what these cities could be used for in Campaign Mode: At the start of C-Mode, there are a limited amount of villages around Kerbin, and your airport. (It would not yet be a space center) The villages each have specialties (Coal Mining, Oil Drilling, Electronics Manufacturing, etc.) depending where they are. Besides money, you need resources that these villages provide. As you use these resources, they grow until they become Towns, and then Cities. Occasionally, there will be Natural Disasters or Epidemics that will ravage a town. If you want to keep the town running, you might want to donate money in order to help the town recover. At worst, the town will be abandoned or demolished. As more towns grow, Villages found alongside them. You might start with 3 villages, but you might go bankrupt seeing 20! Astronauts come from these villages, and a village might be angry if a Kerbal from that village dies in the space program. They will H.A.T.E. it when you crash into a village, and might ask the Government to close the Space Program. If too many people petition this, You lose! You can charter village planes to transport astronauts or resources to places. Villages might start wars between other villages (NO NATIONS, VILLAGE TO VILLAGE WAR) that could result in losing a village. In Sandbox Mode, you can freely level cities up, and they will not become angry at you for wrecking their village. Hope you liked that whale of an idea. -Ultraflight:D
  15. So i downloaded some emulators and some other stuff, and all of a sudden whenever i go onto Chrome or any other browser, i get a browser called "BASICSERVE" instead. It's HORRIBLLY SLOW! But worst of all, its incomplete! I tried to download a fresh copy of Chrome, but i still get Basicserve! It is so incomplete, i can hardly get to the KSP forums because it says NO RESULTS! I will try to download Pivot Stickfigure because it has its own browser, but i need you guys's suggestions to help!
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