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  1. I can see this being useful, but only to a very few. Most users don't care about such things. I would think the auto-install feature would far more useful to users (and in some cases, neccessary!)
  2. Not that I'm aware of. This would require all of the mod developers to include some kind of standardised version file. Which would be nice. For now you would have to read the file created date of the downloaded zip to figure out which one was newer. Even then it would be prone to error.
  3. Hey MK3424, KSP Mod Admin is an administrative tool to manage mods, not craft files. Their storage path and management would be slightly different to mods. There was a mod that did exactly this, in-game, but I'll be damned if I can find it. Have you got the latest version? I don't see this. Is the path simply not displayed in the DD or is it not reading it period? (can see mods in the path specified, basically it works, just display issue?)
  4. I think MacTee answered your reload question. On the "list addons" question... Are you wanting a "What's loaded" button that, when clicked (pressed/hammered/goosed ) would show a printable mini-report, two columns, loaded and not-loaded or something else?
  5. Well done MacTee! I'll do my best to try and break it! Now....about that coffee request!
  6. I would recommend not putting Roman Numerals onto the ribbons. There are already a ton of possible devices and space is now at a premium. You also don't want the ribbon looking "busy". Hypothetically, lets say I have 16 missions to the sun. Using your signature as an example, the Sun mission ribbon, imagine having "XVI" anywhere on the ribbon. Now imagine it on your Mun ribbon in the same place. See my point? What you could do is something similar to existing formats. Specifically the "anomalous black dot" in the lower right. With most military ribbon devices, gold colored devices denotes a single "award", while silver denotes "5 awards". So, lets say, on the left side of the ribbon, where the edge color is, you create a space for 3 (possible) stacked "devices". For now, lets use the dot you already have. Getting back to the 16 missions, the ribbon itself is 1, so you would have 3 silver vertically stacked dot's. Obviously, any more than 16 and you'd need another ribbon of the same type to display the devices (see linked wiki). Alternatively, you could ignore the military way an just assign various "colored dots" for a range of mission's (IE: 1 to 5 = gold, 5 to 20 = silver, over 20 = Kerbal green! ) Anyway....M2CW
  7. KSPMA uses SharpCompress to handle compressed file management. Most C# coders use this library. While 7zip has it's own SDK and is "...the best file compressor on the market...", the time difference that you should see will be at most 15 seconds. Depending on how a Mod maker compresses (packages) their mod, if they choose "gimme the best uber compression you got", some people not running that software or on lower spec machines will see this type of problem. If MacTee can give us a "recommended compression type" (IE: ZIP - default, RAR - normal, 7z - LZMA, etc.) for KSPMA, AND (here's the big problem) the Mod makers all use it to make KSPMA more efficient with their packaged mod, then you would see better performance. However, this really isn't MacTee's problem, he just has to deal with all the variables mod makers use, and he does! M2CW? A 15 second delay is not worth the development time. My test VM which is simulating a Pentium1 with 512MB of memory takes 25 seconds to unpack NovaPunch. I can wait!
  8. Still no pictures of the parts in the OP. Think you could do that please?
  9. Verified! Looking good MacTee, looking very good. Now, if only it would make my coffee in the morning!! Great job!
  10. The Space Kraken has reached out and squished your HDD.....smackhim with an SSD!! Bergion, you are a genius! I could kiss ya! Change that setting and WHAMO! Not only that, found several other Kraken related errors. For the record, the problem is with Visual Studio applications and AutoScaleMode settings. The explanation would fill the page, so I will PM MacTee with what I found, why it's happening and how to correct for it. Thanks a million for the help. In 20 years of programming, I never would have figured this out without it. Damn Windows 8... I CURSE THEE!!!
  11. I've tried everything I can think of to try and replicate the symptoms shadow651 is reporting. I got nothin! Can you PM me the sourceforge link to the TreeViewList project? That might shed some light.
  12. I'd hold off on the Spaceport integration until we've seen the new version. Which, apparently, is coming soon. Wonder if they've thrown in web service calls for external developers!?
  13. Not that I expect this to work, but try setting your screen resolution to 1024x768 and use the arrow up/down buttons, don't use your scroll wheel.
  14. In your config file, try changing the line... <Known_KSP_Paths /> ...to read... <Known_KSP_Paths> <Known_KSP_Path FullPath="C:\Steam2\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program" Note="" /> </Known_KSP_Paths> See if that helps any. MacTee - Next time your working, might I suggest you change the sub-element of <Known_KSP_Paths> to something like <PathName> or if there's only one, make it an attribute. It's a bit confusing!
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