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Everything posted by electronicfox

  1. I finally built a single-launch mun construction base. Inside those structural fairings are ore, metal and rocketpart tanks, as well as some batteries and monoprop. This is enough to build the kethane mining parts and more tanks to hold more resources. After enough expanding, it can theoretically build a larger launchpad and a duplicate of itself to launch to other bodies. Soon, the Kerbol system will be my VAB.
  2. KAS is also a good mod for this. Just pull up beside the fuel tank, attach a fuel line and bobs yer uncle.
  3. Put a probe core on the ejected fuel tank. Anything without a command part is assumed to be debris, and will vanish. You will need to dock to transfer fuel. Put some control surfaces around the top and bottom of your rockets, also some struts.
  4. I tried designing a single-launch Mun base from which to launch more rockets. Turned into several launches. Just gotta figure out how to get all the base parts into one piece, then I can extend the base once mining has begun.
  5. Yeah that issue was something I overlooked. For the basic quadcopter you need probe, battery, rtg, 4 arm sets (3 parts each), 4 props and 4 shield parts. That ends up with 23 parts. Alone its a small number, but it adds up. I'll likely make lower-part variants such as 1-part arm, a full single-part chassis including probe core, and a prop/shield combo.
  6. I honestly have no timeline. I'm just working on it between client work really. I not even sure I know what I'm doing
  7. It isnt difficult at all. I just havent had the time to do it yet. I'll see about doing it for you guys tomorrow.
  8. There is however a mod discussion subforum which would be ideal.
  9. I think you could rescale the current winch models without issue, not 100% sure on that though. I do wanna make a teeny winch later anyway.
  10. I send the main 3 (Jeb, Bill and Bob) on all the exciting missions...they usually dont come back.
  11. I was thinking more of going with Karbonite stuff than Kethane. But Im pretty sure its simple enough to switch the CFG's to support one mod or the other.
  12. There are always helpful folk on these forums if you ask nicely. They all learnt from somewhere. I have some modelling experience already so I kinda skipped learning that part for modding, but beyond that usually just googling what you wanna do yields helpful results.
  13. I guess you could trigger the rest of the game to timewarp depending on your proximity to the core of the black hole. You'd need to account for the fact that the black hole will need to move at the same speed as everything else in timewarp, while keeping your ship in orbit (not in timewarp). Not sure how you'd handle that.
  14. I'm not actually sure what you mean by that. I wasnt blaming anything on anyone. Apologies if it seemed that way.
  15. Why not take this opportunity to model it and get it in-game yourself? You have a computer capable of running KSP, that means you have a computer capable of making such a mod.
  16. There was enough space to place 2 more layers of engines, but then I'd end up with a tower of the mini-RTG's just to power all of them. There are already 3 in there, and they produce enough power for about half-throtle constant flight.
  17. 200 on Steam, but I had the game well before the Steam release. So 500?
  18. I had a play with the parts between work/making new parts/other stuff. Heres my Duna Delivery pod/lander thing. And finally...for when 4 engines are simply not enough.
  19. I sent my Quadcopter drone to Duna to test its capabilities. Dunas atmosphere is rather thin, so it needed almost full throttle to maintain its altitude.
  20. Well now since the first release seems alright now, I will be releasing a secondary pack that has some pre-made frames and such made from these parts over the next few days. Then I will be making more tiny parts. Any ideas you guys can throw at me will be considered too. So far I'm thinking: -tiny wings (for your RC plane needs) -more tiny floaty parts (for your RC boat needs) -tiny submersible parts (Im sure you know where this is going now) -tiny wheels -tiny science -tiny satellites -tiny docking port -tiny-to-less-tiny-adapters -tiny rocket parts (not orbit-capable on their own, but hey, tiny rockets) -tiny ion engine + Xenon -more tiny batteries -tiny solar panels. Basically tiny versions of everything. Because if we can make RC jet-powered aeroplanes and miniature rockets in real life, the Kerbals damn sure did it first in their back yards.
  21. The strength of the propellers was made with Duna and Eve flying in mind. You need more power to fly on those planets.
  22. It seems that the rescale factor in the CFG gets ignored for root parts when a ship is reloaded. The only way I think I can fix it is to scale everything up/down in Unity manually rather than depending on the CFG rescale (unless anyone has a fix for this). Great to see the parts being used otherwise!
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