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Everything posted by electronicfox

  1. Seeing some big D's could also mean something about men too. I for one do love grabbing a D or two on my voyages.
  2. I have only tried an E so far. Getting the CoM lined up just right on an uneven surface is the first challenge (for which I developed the multi-claw docking system), you'll likely just slowly spin that rock rather than push it. The next issue is controlling the rotation. Normally some RCS or SAS modules placed around the rock would help, but the claw likes to wobble the modules around (again, fixed by my multi-claw docking system). Finally, you'll need the strongest engines to even budge these things at a decent speed (or spend a good few hours with nuclear engines if you have the fuel and patience), and you'll need a lot of fuel for that engine. I now have one in LKO where I test new designs, and I have come up with a good method of catching more giants. 1- Send the first intercept rocket. Uses 3 claws at the front to prevent wobble, features some RCS thrusters a good distance to the rear of the craft for more leverage to rotate the rock (but its still very slow), use this rocket to slow the asteroid into a stable orbit around kerbin. 2-send a few multi-claw docking systems, place one directly in line with CoM, and the rest evenly spaced around the rock. 3- send RCS thrusters with plenty of monoprop, all attached to looong stable towers (+ electrickery and such). This allows for optimal rotation control over the rock 4- Send engines, big ones, powerful ones. 5- send fuel as needed 6- enjoy your flyable class E. I havent tested this all out yet, but based on experiments on my current class E, it should work.
  3. Pulling the asteroids seems easier than pushing, so long as you can get around that issue.
  4. I'm quite loving the new update (I have me a class E in LKO, and am building a lovely base on that mammoth), and am hoping to have the plugin fixed for this version. I also had an idea for small sticky-tracks to use on asteroids, but I'm not sure how possible this is yet.
  5. That solves the mystery of my class A, its orbit skims the orbit of Minmus, so its likely to have had the nudge from there. I havent gone to collect it yet, in fact the E has been my only manual capture so far. I'm using that for testing asteroid-puller designs.
  6. I have a class A that I never intercepted, but did track it. It somehow got itself into a polar inclined orbit and never despawned. I also have a class E in 100km orbit with specialised docks attached to them for base-building.
  7. Better to be told its unfinished, than a company pretending its a finished product, and selling it at full price (I'm sure you can all name a few examples of this).
  8. After a while, I decided that using only one claw on each module was dumb, and flimsy. So I came up with the 3-clawed docking system. Just line it up to the CoM, slam it into an asteroid and violla, you'll have a perfectly lined up dock for engines. Also works for building bases.
  9. I've been doing this for aaaaaaaaages using shift+mousewheel. I thought everyone knew this.
  10. Remember my giant asteroid I dragged to LKO? Now its parked at a 100km orbit, with an extra triple-claw dock, ready to be science'd!
  11. I went to catch my first asteroid, which meant, catch the biggest rock I could find. In this case, it was a 3050 tonne class E mammoth. After finding out that conventional grabby-ships wont work on one, I developed the 3-claw docking system, which slaps onto the rock, after I have aligned with the center of mass. Then I can just dock tanks and engines to it (it has one central 2m dock, and 3 1m docks around the outside, very versatile) without worrying about messing up the COM alignment. I'm now dragging this to LKO, so I can test other asteroid-grabbers on it.
  12. Mission update: In an effort to control the rotation of this monster, and keep it stable enough to fly into LKO, I flew a set of probes, each laden with monopropelant, rcs thrusters and reaction wheels. These would be placed around the rock, and hopefully would be able to turn it manually. Getting there was easy, and it took about 20 minutes to stick all the probes to the asteroid. This does now rotate the asteroid to my whim, albeit slowly. But slowly is something! This mammoth is under my command! Now I just need to refuel that engine and fly it closer to Kerbin...what could go wrong?
  13. Now that asteroids are nicely in KSP, I decided to have a go at catching one. The first one I found was a class A midget rock, so I built a nice little unmanned probe to capture it. Just after launching and getting ready to rendezvous with lil' rocky, a class E caught my eye, a 3000 tonne beauty. So plans changed, and I figured, if I can get that thing home, I can do anything, and its way bigger than the measly pebble I found before. Lets get this fat B*****d. So off I went to catch fat-rocky. Soon after getting close to the rock, I realised the first problems. The main one being that nuclear engines dont do much to 3000 tonnes, and definately dont do enough to park in Kerbin orbit. Secondly, the claw is wobbly. It wobbles worse than docking ports. In the end, all I ended up doing here was slowly spinning the rock. Then I had a plan. Realising that the rock would pass betwixt the Mun and Minmus, I figured it wouldnt be too difficult to catch in in Kerbins SOI, so I made a biger, better, manned grabby rocket. Some time later, the rock was caught, and the wobbly claw struck again. (Getting the center of mass on these things is also a challenge, and controlling the rotation of these rocks is also quite the challenge). After much controlled-bursting of the engines, I managed to park this beauty in LKO. This is my first asteroid capture, and I love that rock. My next plan is to get this in LKO (about 100km or so) and use it to test new asteroid grabbers, or turn it into a space-base.
  14. I let 6.forty know, but such issues with new ksp releases are common.
  15. Are you using bump, or normal maps? Have you set them as the correct kind of map in Unity? Have you messed with any of the filtering/compression stuff in Unity?
  16. I'll say youre almost right with the nature of the tracks, except that every guide and drive wheel that touches the ground in the tracks have their own corresponding wheel collider (their own physical wheel). The fact that they have several wheels each may cause some oddities with tweakables, but I have never used the tweakable plugin myself so I dont know.
  17. Most of the wheel parameters are not in any script, but in the wheelcolliders within unity. 6.forty has been attempting variable suspension within unity so far, but to very odd results. I am hoping we can get these sets to become fully editable by the users, but this is not a guarantee.
  18. I see no reason why not. In fact, I can provide the UV layouts later for people who want to completely re-texture the older models. I have no issues with people modifying the track models, so long as credit is given to their original creator (me).
  19. The tracks are a little dark, but theyre rubber, the rest seems quite light on my screens. I have just enabled the glossiness on the sketchfab version, its a bit closer to how it'd look in KSP, might help a little.
  20. I got around to fixing them cables, and getting this up on sketchfab.
  21. You'll need to bring in your texture images too. Then assign them to a material within unity, and apply that material to the model.
  22. You've just gotta know what tutorials to look for. My own process is usually as follows: Sketch > Rough model > Hi-poly model > Low-poly model > Unwrap UV's of low poly model > Bake maps > Texturing > use the model for whatever it was made for. It can be shortened for a beginner though, just find tutorials for each part of the workflow. It will all come together. A workflow for yourself could be as follows: Sketch > Low-poly model > Unwrap UV's of model > texturing > Unity stuff.
  23. What is stopping you from importing to KSP? The fact that you can run KSP means you can at least run Unity, and there are thousands of tutorials on using Unity. There are a good few on these forums too.
  24. I will now use this image to reference my own life.
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