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Everything posted by electronicfox

  1. Bit of an update for you folks. Have some of those sexy, sexy tracks.
  2. More updates, because Im an updatey kinda guy. The large platform to go atop the crawler is modelled together. Like the previous parts, its all modular, so making a huge or small launch platform would be not problem with this.
  3. Mobile launch platform to the mun! You know it belongs there!
  4. So it turns out to be possible. As such, I might want to look into this later down the line
  5. The tracks themselves have a 2m connection and 4 1m connections, so they can be used with things other than the crawler parts (and the platform parts can also be used for other things, I'm all about maximum usability of parts). So if someone made a launchpad to fit a 2m part, it would fit together just fine.
  6. I thought about this before, it might be possible but I think it'd take a very skilled programmer to do it. I guess it could be done by allowing you to place the drive wheel, then all the guide wheels along a single plane, creating a curve around those wheels then generating a mesh along that curve with a repeated texture.
  7. These were actually uploaded to Spaceport, I may have neglected to mention it beforehttp://kerbalspaceprogram.com/proof-of-concept-tracks/. That should have the ones you're after (ignore the preview image, I was just too lazy to make a separate one). I will be making new sets to match that design though. To go with the tracks in the previous image, I have started working a little with Frizzank (creator of the FASA mods) to make a complete mobile launch patform set. Heavily based on the NASA crawler and platforms, but redesigned and simplified for more modularity and varied usage, while also keeping the polycount low for those with less-than-stellar PC. Plus many flat surfaces to add all the sciency stuff should you want to. (The rockety shape in the images represents a rocket made from 2m parts)
  8. This is something I am considering right now. I have also suffered the torn-apart vehicles because the tracks fight each other so much. The NASA crawler used this kind of steering rather than the conventional tracked steering, likely for the same reason.
  9. Great to see the interest in these tracks still exists. Work has taken me away from this for a while but now I'm back to fix 'em up and make 'em pretty (Because I really dont like how the current ones look. They never were meant to be permanent). There are some changes now though. The original plugin creator seems to have also vanished, and I cannot get a response from him. This means I cannot hand his plugin over to anyone else to edit, so we are most likely making a new plugin altogether (6.Forty has offered his skillsets for this task). GalacticRuler (who has kept hold of these tracks during my absence) has also handed me a list of the common requests for these tracks, such as variable speeds and grip, more realistic tracks and more. We shall see what can be done for these requests. Correct, you win the nothing. Please keep nothing away from eyes and orifices, do not feed the nothing after midnight, do not anger the nothing. The nothing is not suitable for human children, or human adults. There was suspension on all the tracks, although on most it was very stiff. I'll take this into consideration with the new sets though.
  10. I am pulling this thread up from the depths, to announce that I have returned to work on, and update the caterpillar tracks. I wont say much about my plans yet, but things are in motion. For a nice teaser, have one of the newest sets currently in development. First person to guess what the design is based on gets something. I havent decided on what the something is yet, but chances are its a nothing.
  11. Well I've shot off a message to EndlessWaves, although his profile says he was last online back in December so I'm not too hopeful for a reply anytime soon. I do have the Unity scenes and scripts myself, but I am not a skilled programmer (And the little I DO know is in javascript, these track scrips are in C#, it all goes way over my head), and Im not sure what the rules are here regarding editing plugins in the absence of their creator. That said, if anyone knows how to contact EW outside of KSP forums, please let me know.
  12. Ladies and GentleKerbs. I am the original owner of these here tracks. I've been away from KSP for a good while (Been busy with client project, and working on my own things/getting a portfolio together etc.). I've been reading through some of the comments here and it is evident that there are some issues with the tracks in the latest KSP updates. I have just tested the tracks (using all the original parts w/o any fixes and such) and the largest set does seem very off. I will speak to EndlessWaves to see if he can update the plugin for this, I'd honestly have no idea where to start myself. Keep in mind that this no no guarantee that they'll be fully working and fixed anytime soon, since EndlessWaves may be just as busy as I am. While I have given distribution rights to GalacticRuler, I am happy for anyone else to take over the modelling side of this mod (lord knows the models need an update, they were only ever intended to be temporary).
  13. That was the sacred summoning dance of the Kraken...and it was beautiful.
  14. So the update only 8 days ago doesn't count as a Christmas present? Chances are, the guys got very busy pushing the last few updates, and now they want a Christmas break. I dunno what really goes on behind the scenes with Squad, but I'm pretty sure its a damn lot of work. So what if they dont put out something new every celebratory day?
  15. The new RAPIER engine may be slow, but using it I made a 5-part SSTO that made a 75km orbit with fuel to spare.
  16. With the new RAPIER engine, comes my minimalist SSTO to test it. Managed 75Km orbit using a larger 1m tank, still enough fuel left over to de-orbit.
  17. Trolls? I dont want to alarm anybody, but we're severely lacking in forum trolls here. I mean we can probably count all of them on one hand. Am I the only one worried by this? Will the new update increase troll traffic?
  18. Forget 0.24, where's the realistic clouds and destructible terrain, and terraforming? Where are the planetary rings that render every small rock? Where is KSP-Mobile?
  19. Because I can see the future due to angering the kraken so much, it ripped open a space-time hole, sending Jeb and Bob well beyond the solar system from the explosion. I can predict the following will happen: 17th will come, and at 00.01AM in every timezone, cries will be heard throughout the forums. When the release is actually released, cries of slow-ass downloads will be heard from non-steamers. Soon after, a few complaints about these 'obvious bugs that should be noticed in testing', for which a small patch will be released days afterwards, then the congratulatory, thank you threads. Finally the threads stating there are too many 0.23 threads.
  20. Only ever so slightly related to this, I find funky coloured hair and those cat-ear things adorable. Wigs however, not so much. As for arguments, I dont really have much to say. We're all guilty of mis/under-informed arguments. Its the way of the internet.
  21. This is all I can think after reading the title of this thread...
  22. If you can find someone who can measure the gears and clockworky stuff required to make a full KSP orrery, you could then model that very structure to printing standards and violla.
  23. Depending on how large you'll want to print the craft, you may come up with a lot of issues with thin/small fiddly parts. Floating parts will often just be printed seperate, so you'll end up with some random tiny pieces. Wings may be too thin to print properly, especially some of the stock wings. Most detail will be lost since it was normal mapping, not geometry, and shallow geometry will be almost completely lost. In all honesty, unless you remodel the craft yourself (perhaps using the ripped model as a template), you arent likely to get the desired result. Planets can be done because they use (I think) displacement maps that can be applied to any old sphere, and you'll have a lovely defined shape. Kerbals can be done because they're just damn lucky (although I dont know if they were edited to be printable, since the visors are gone I'd say yes).
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