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Everything posted by electronicfox

  1. This is possibly a fact that might not have a ring of truth to its existence.
  2. Keep in mind that this is no guarantee of anything that may possibly have a chance of maybe happening (although I am aiming for the incident), and I take no responsibility for head implosions.
  3. you may possibly choose whether to entertain the possible idea of something or nothing of which has yet to be stated or named perhaps is about to occur.
  4. I currently cannot confirm nor deny that I am possibly almost maybe attempting to run with the probability of the chance under the idea that there might be a surprise for you guys in the next couple days. You are under no circumstances to assume that this possible action might probably have nothing or something to do with SpacePort...
  5. Having come across this simple, yet genius idea...I think I might make an additional track set tailored for the rollcage
  6. The tracks arent really made for high speed, so they dont roll over when turning (mostly). Questions should be made on the Rubber Band Inc thread though, so as not to steal focus from the rollcage here.
  7. Had a bit of fun with the Caterpillar Tracks mod (still in dev/shameless plug).
  8. I will likely release a guide on setting up your own tracks to work with the plugin after release. This goes a little against my nature of trying to please everyone, although I am getting better at this part EndlessWaves will know more on this part than I, but he is re-scripting the mirror-symmetry system (so both tracks will aim forward when symmetry is used in the SPH), and theres some bugs that affect the movement of the tracks sometimes.
  9. Because otherwise my career choice is a bust, and you wont be lining my future wallet with pennies.
  10. Thanks! Hopefully it'll get a great deal of use from the community. I wanna see crazy vehicles come outta this.
  11. The idea isn't really to punish the community, and I get that many won't agree with my method, but so far it's worked wonderously. It's only been a day, but not one message about releases. That's an improvement. Not even an expected troll.
  12. Maybe so, but a lot of people (me included) like to watch as projects develop, and its always good to hear opinions or ideas throughout development. If nobody shared what they were developing, we'd have no ksp right now.
  13. Armoured tracks for another planet seems a little needless, but for aesthetic purposes could be a possible design for a future release. As for testers, not looking for any (yet).
  14. Right now they weigh 30 (of whatever a Kerbal weight unit is), but are subject to change.
  15. -snip- Yay tracks and such and so forth...the larger ones actually crush stuff rather well.
  16. No update in this post, just a new rule regarding the tracks because some people (a minority of the actual fans so far) don't understand how annoying they can be. for each person to ask for a release or release date before I actually release the pack, I will delay the release by 1 day after the pack is actually complete (disregarding inevitable trolls). This includes on this forum, pms, YouTube and Facebook. you've all been kept up to date on progress, so you all know just how close to release the set is, it'd be a shame to have to delay it, but this is getting a little out of hand (mostly in pms and YouTube).
  17. Screw propulsion always seemed like a fun idea to me, and I have considered them before but I am unsure as to how practical theyd as a replacement of wheels or tracks. As for underwater tracks, again, Im not sure how useful these would really be and if it would be worth making a specific set for this purpose. You'd be better off with lots of struts and weights.
  18. By aquatic track I mean using the tracks as a paddle-like device for roaming the ocean surface, as well as driving on land
  19. After the initial release, I will be making a couple more sets and adding some extra features (The aquatic tracks seem pretty interesting, so that might get a look at).
  20. The tracks work rather well in low-G and over rough terrain, I'll be posting one more video showcasing them in various environments later. No estimate, there are still bugs to be fixed, but soonTM.
  21. All parts nearly textured, just some small bits left to do and some bugs to kill. Have a video showcasing all 4 sets.
  22. Everyone has their favourite program for texturing. I use Photoshop myself. I'm not sure how it works in Blender but any 3D package should allow you to export your UV map as an image file, from there its just a case of opening that image in whatever program you choose and painting over it. One tip is to have one of the stock-piece textures open too for some colour-picking.
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