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Everything posted by electronicfox

  1. We have 2 that are textured and in-game, but right now they use very little resources and hold a lot of them. Balancing still needs to be done. Thank you. I am getting 4 sets done for the first release (the two you've seen in-game, the large set and a small probe-sized set), once these are done, released and de-bugged, chances are that a few more sets will be created.
  2. the large tracks are now in-game (i'll post screenies when I'm at my pc), just trying so sort some misbehaving normals. I still need to finish the texture on them. the probe-size set is being started tonight.
  3. you mean a modular station?
  4. Jeb was probably the one making everything explode.
  5. Apparently, Hollywood has been playing KSP so much, they based a movie upon it.
  6. Like I said, it is designed for large builds, the approx size is 9x4x7 (Length, height, depth)
  7. Nope, I'll give you a hint: Its been mentioned on this thread a couple times already, and its fictional.
  8. I have tested the tracks on all bodies and they handle pretty well, I have occasionally gotten a kerbals head stuck between the wheels but it didnt cause any major issues (aside from brain damage).
  9. Heres a bit of a preview of the larger track set for you folk. A special prize* to the first person to guess what the set is heavilly based upon. For scale reference, those are dual 1-m attachment areas at the front and back, this set is made for rather large builds. *Special prize is fictional, all you get is a slim feeling of having accomplished something.
  10. I think this is more a limitation in KSP/unity rather than a problem with the B9 pack. Take a look at other large parts in other packs (KW pack for example, if I dont strut properly I get all kinds of wobbliness and exploding between large parts).
  11. The tracks will now turn on the spot (so long as you don't make an unreasonably long and narrow craft). as for progress, endlesswaves has been worrking on the mirroring in the SPH so we don't end up with reversed tracks all the time, it's nearly there aside from some odd graphical quirks. I'm putting together a set for larger vehicles today, and a set for small probular rovers. once these are all implemented into the game and balanced out, they will be released as the first track pack.
  12. I have a good many mods installed, about 5 minutes on the laptop and 2/3 on PC.
  13. The first set wasnt designed to work upside-down, so they never will. The newest set are however, as a special feature.
  14. Disaster-in-waiting. Up-goer and space-stayers are personal favourites, as well as sky-shooter.
  15. Google up some tutorials on UV mapping techniques, aside from that I reccomend Roadkill, its an unwrapping program that will do most of the hard bits for you.
  16. I really wouldn't think a semi-dense ring would be too bad to run, like someone mentioned before, it could be done in a similar fashion to terrain scatter, only with some collission enabled when up close (and a pretty image at a distance). The ring scattered rocks would all be on rails similar to that of moons, so there's no massive need for physics to work with it, and it doesn't need to be rediculously dense.
  17. In all honesty I dont know what Squad said regarding caterpillar tracks, they are skilled devs and probably had some ideas on making their own tracks working, I just didnt want to wait for them to arrive on their terms xD I have noticed this problem, its a shame parts don't negatively scale when mirrored in SPH. To counter this I am considering making left/right tracks for all the side-mountable parts at the cost of slightly longer part loading times and less accuracy when placing the pieces opposite each other. Im hoping to have the first release ready by the end of this week, this is not a guarantee though. I prefer Jaffa Cakes, post a Jaffa cake through my door and I'll give you early access. In all the time I've been on these forums, I dont think any amount of pleading or rushing has caused a mod to be released prematurely, if anything I find it to be a motivator to make things better when people really want to use something we're creating...
  18. Don't forget endlesswaves, he has a huge integral part in this. Without his coding this wouldnt have gone beyond theorizing ways that it might work. He brought the theories to fruition.
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