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Everything posted by electronicfox

  1. Once these are textured and a few plugin bugs squashed, then comes a release.
  2. Still figuring out the scale of this set a bit, bet here we have the new mini-cruiser. Jeb and Bob seem displeased with the shrinking of things.
  3. currently in a command pod on the surface of Jool...and has been for some time. he remains there as a trophy of my acomplishment.
  4. This might be possible, but that'd be on the plugin side so EndlessWaves would be able to answer this fully.
  5. This does bring to mind giving the tracks a high-power mode to be used in conjunction with a generator (or giant solar array), but these kinds of updates will wait until after the initial release. to that point, any other ideas (realistic and non game-breaking ideas) for these tracks for future updates would be good. I have some small ideas right now (certain track set designs, deployable sets etc.)
  6. I actually hadnt thought of this, I guess the limitation there would be that without a huge solar array, generating enough electricity to run the motors is not possible. Perhaps some form of generator mod would work for this (if it hasnt already been created) to convert the fuel to electricity. I could imagine this would work great for massive mining operations.
  7. The base form is inspired by Wall-e, altered a bit to keep it easilly workable within KSP and more modular.
  8. The first sets are powered electrically, although I have considered some more powerful sets using fuel.
  9. I have now fixed the odd normals issue in the larger track set, and here is a preview of the smallest set for you lovely patient folk.
  10. I guess these could be made in a similar way to the stock extending ladders, in kind of a telescopic fashion. I wouldnt imagine it'd be too difficult.
  11. Both track sets use the same UV space and texture maps, so if the channels were wrong in the normal map Id assume the issue would apply to both tracks.
  12. Nothing majorly new here, but confirmation that 0.20 didnt break anything, and messing with some seats. Jeb, Bill and Bob enjoying their new cruiser... Note the normals issue on one of the tracks, for the life of me I cant figure out why that is happening. Face normals are all fine and there is no form of odd scaling issues, if anyone has any idea feel free to point it out. The trio wanted extra speed, so they made the track'dster. And tried flying it a bit... And died in a horrific crash...
  13. Yes, I noticed this. I've already mentioned I will update you guys n girls when there is something to show, right now EndlessWaves is still working out some kinks in the plugin, and I am still building up the track models (albeit slowly this week).
  14. Considering the physics calculations needed, not very. Maybe a very watered down version for the high-end devices.
  15. Not at the moment Im afraid. I'll post new ones as soon as there is something new to show (Im show-offy like that).
  16. It'd be perfect for me because I'm not dead yet, and neither is my pc, and there hasn't been any apocalyptic prophecies going around for a while, so I don't need to worry about that.
  17. No major updates yet, but they will be slowed a bit till the release of 0.20,
  18. Dem Jaffa Cakes! don't worry about the quiet few days here, these are still very much in development.
  19. Its a shame that the first thread vanished in the forum-pocalypse, I liked the ideas that were thrown around in there.
  20. I think warp mods could be balanced with the weight of their resources, and their resource consumption. For example, the resources could weigh as much as a rockomax tank and the engines last maybe a minute or so with a single tank, while the warp field is generated with huge amounts of electricity. These would be very early, primitive warp engines so theyd likely be very inefficient, but if you could get them to space then you deserve to use them anyway.
  21. Have a video on the big tracks. Theyre a little buggy at the moment so we're working on fixing that, but I thought you guys would like to see them in game. There was some music playing in the background which I didnt notice when recording, so ignore that. Edit: I know I said the above before, but my opinion has changed a little. Countless pleas wont make things go any faster. I am working on these whenever I can but I do also have a job and clients in freelance work, as well as a social life and university so sometimes updates will get delayed, or these wont be released quite as quickly as some of you hope (And unless he is some form of robot, similar stuff will apply with EndlessWaves). Now I know most of you are pretty innocently just wanting to play with tracks, knowing that it may take some time, but I do not appreciate PM's anywhere asking for release after I have said repeatedly that these arent yet ready. I wont name and shame, but you know who you are. Sorry about the little rant, but it had to be done. On a more positive note, thanks to all you other guys for the support an attention on these.
  22. Faster loading times would be a godsend, I dont really know the innards of KSP so I cant help with the info you need, but you have embarked upon a noble and mighty quest that would help many.
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