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Everything posted by electronicfox

  1. Like 6.forty says, the old pack has flippable tracks, they work pretty well. I will be making an updated version of those too.
  2. They dont break at all yet BUT I do hope to add breakability in the end. Although not quite as sensitive as the stock wheels.
  3. As good an idea as this is, I think it would cause some visual issues with stretching the treads, and morphing them in odd ways.
  4. Nobody said the triangular tracks are out of it yet there will be variations for each size.
  5. Have a sneak preview of the smallest tracks for this pack (to replace the old tiny ones). These ones use rubber treads.
  6. Sorry, I brainfarted and didnt provide a link to the older versions of this. You can download them here. Keep in mind though that they are very buggy in that release.
  7. Th mod is actually my own, the plugins new plugins are still under dev by 6.forty, but when you're doing your own crawler parts, feel free to shoot me a pm.
  8. Going back to that sweet, sweet crawler way back a few pages, you might be interested in the caterpillar tracks mod (under re-development) to get that going.
  9. Deamoria has crawlers planned? I need to see these, see if some form of collab would work.
  10. There will be several attach nodes on this set. The big central cylinder (fits 2m parts), the two sets of smaller cylinders at each end (fits 1m parts), and the flat areas just above the smaller cylinders, and the bottom will all have attachment nodes.
  11. You mean the white coloured wheels, or the white areas around the top of the body? The white wheels are just because I forgot to apply the textures to those parts in Unity. The materials are all KSP mats, I'm guessing its something in the Normal map. As for the clipping, I've got the same kinda guess. I have something of an idea I wanna try out later to fix that. Im just hoping a more experienced modder than me might have some ideas.
  12. Time for updates. I quickly shoved this first set of tracks into KSP, but I have come across some issues, and hope someone here might have some answers on fixing them. First, there seems to be some odd artifacting on the treads, which arent there in Unity nor Maya. Secondly, an issue that came up with the previous version of the giant tracks, but never was figured out. The tracks like to vanish at certain camera angles. Other than these, the tracks are looking good. I think Jeb approves.
  13. I believe there is a set of instructions much earlier in this thread that explains how to make the tracks faster with the current plugin, but this sounds about right. I'll also pretend to know what torque actually is...its that thing that does that stuff and makes wheel spin, right?
  14. I am only the artist here, my coding skills are pretty limited. 6.forty is currently working on coding the plugin, and EndlessWaves was the author of the first version of the plugin. When the new plugin is ready, I'll see if 6.forty is happy to give out the info.
  15. On a similar note, feel free to post any issues (even minor ones) you've all had with the tracks. The more we know, the better we can fix them.
  16. This is a little odd since all the guide wheels in the treads have wheel colliders. Although I understand that the angle of usability for the wheel colliders in Unity is very slim (so if the bottom of the tracks are rotated just a couple degrees from the ground angle, traction could be a problem). This is more a Unity issue, but a workaround should be possible.
  17. First off, I really hate when people spurt 'sorry' for no reason I have a friend who does it aaaall the time. Secondly, I am open to suggestions, I welcome suggestions, I will bake your suggestions cookies and prhaps have a romantic time with your suggestions. As for the style of tracks, the old pack included a set of tracks that could be flipped, and they worked rather well too. Im not sure about making a single-part rover though, I never did like single-part vehicles in KSP, far too limiting. I can however make some purpose-designed parts that would make such a rover in 3 parts (2 tracks, and a probe body). Much like the crawler set, theyd also be designed for use in whatever other creations you can come up with. Retexturing the old sets might be an afterthought, right now I am planning to replace them all with better looking, and hopefully better handling sets. I will be adding in new parts (not just tracks) such as adapters, I am also adding in a slimline 2m robotic motor designed to attach atop the large crawler tracks to enable some way of rotating the tracks (in the way the real NASA crawler does.
  18. Hahaa yes, I do think these parts are quite the improvement over the old tracks.
  19. You mean the older sets? At the moment 6.Forty is working on the plugin, hopefully we'll have them all working pretty soon. If you meant more newer sets, they havent been modelled yet.
  20. Update time. Texturing on all the crawler parts are now good and pretty.
  21. Its generally to reduce part count for larger vehicles, also to provide more support and avoid random buckling/bowing of heavy parts. I can, and likely will add one-sided giant tracks eventually, only with a warning to use all the struts.
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