The first thing is anything in the smaller planets SOI would get flung out f the solar system at the seed of light then they'd just pass through each other annhilating any craft in the way
Well my favorite in the Solar System is Mercury, It's tidaly locked so imagine the view on the Terminator line. My favorite Exoplanet however is Kepler 22B as it's theorized to be like Laythe and has potential for Extra Terrestrial Life.
My first OFFICIAL Mun mission went very well, This was back in 0.12 X4 I believe I cheered after many UNKERBED probes smashed into the Mun, I cheered!!!
1: People need to learn to play the game or you won't get your moneys worth out of it. 2: If you count on it too much it will fail you (Like it did me ) 3: Alot of craft can't fly without mechjeb...
I mean with a kerbal, I did the grandtour with probes, My only Duna test went a little like this. Im still planning a Grand tour for my first trip out of the Kerbal System