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Everything posted by Sbowyer28

  1. Well Kouston we have a problem... My KSP files were corrupted, I'm going to take this opportunity to restart the mission list though with Voyager I Being the only one still there.
  2. Hmm I didn't notice the engine failure but I was out like a light about 20 minutes after launch. I know one of the engines shuts off actually sooner than the others and It happens to be the Gimballing engine in the center I threw in to give it some control. EDIT: If you want to try it the link is in my signature.
  3. Im going to do alot of tests on my VL Server, Get ready for the missions list to fill up!!!
  4. No this is a tall rocket and suprisingly stable, This would be my Falcon 9 Recreation.
  5. Have you tried the Plooto V, Should be able to get it into an orbit around Kerbin atleast.
  6. Unlimited Wishes Unlimited Money Kerbal Space Program was Real life (With a Respawn code in place )
  7. Hmm Dusty.... AND RED!!!!!! *Dramatic DUN-DUN-DUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNN*
  8. Here's one from Scott "Bowyer" Kerman "If at first it doesn't succeed, You most likely have a small nuke on your hands"
  9. No it is actually the most stable rocket I've built, Just need RCS to turn because the engines dont gimbal EDIT: Assuming you are experienced you can get to an orbit, This thing is on a fuel budget definately because of its size. EDIT AGAIN: Updated the Pack the Fulcan IX and and the Merkury's Have fun with the Fulcan IX It is actually very stable.
  10. That purple mark is the direction of flight and its about 2 continents away, I Know you're busy but I'm working on a TON of new payload and manned rockets for VL, I've built about 30 and only 8 have passed.
  11. He wants some Seperatron missles too from his post. Think ya can take this one off Voyager Labs hands, Found out planes arent my type, Prob should of told bob, Bill and Jeb first
  12. Heres a present, Merkury Atlas Heavy, Fulcan I And Fulcan V!!! Merkury Atlas Heavy (Fictional) Fulcan I (Falcon I KSP Replica Somewhat ) Fulcan V (Falcon V KSP Replica Somewhat ) Note: These spacecraft aren't meant to be manned and these are just for ideas on how to build them I will update the download tonight.
  13. Well practice makes perfect Lucario, Chech this out It helped me learn.
  14. Yes, I haven't really gotten around to it until today, I'll fix it when I get a suitable pic
  15. Status Report Time: Working on uploading the Updated Merkury (Redstone, Atlas, And Atlas Heavy) and Fulcan (I & V) Also Uploading the Murs I and II in the Download Link. Edit: Zapy I'm working on your plane just cant get good missles
  16. I used Kyle and Winston Payload Fairings here. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/2448-0-16-KW-Rocketry-v0-5
  17. Updated the board, Welcome Princess Venus and Jeb Thrillmaster, Pleasure having you with us I also added a download link to our main Spacecraft and Aircraft in the main post.
  18. Duna: Caz Com 2 Log: [Day 237:Hour 17:Minute 32] [burn Execution Day] ------------------------------------------------ Data Flow: [binary Translation Start] [Approaching Duna injection burn] [burn code input: T98D====Correct] [Periapsis after burn====100KM] [Apoapsis after burn====100KM] [solar levels====High] [NavBall code====Input corrected] [Guidance systems====On course] [Main system burn====Go] ------------------------------------------------ KSC Input [Main system code input====Burn 7] ------------------------------------------------ Edge: [burn]====[Execute] [Could not process...rebooting] [Error====9783] [system reboot] [Attempting Burn] [Error====System failed to load] [Rebooting====Error S.A.S.N.] [solar Accumulation Service Null] [WARNING: Power levels] [Main system reboot==== standby] ------------------------------------------------ [Main system reboot complete] [WARNING: NavBall code] [WARNING: Power levels] [WARNING: Communications] [service: G++] [Attempt 9] [burn computer====shutdown] [Failed to load command] [Error====NavBall code shutting down] [burn]====[Execute] [WARNING: MAIN SYSTEM FAILURE] [WARNING: POWER LEVELS NULL] [WARNING: GUIDANCE SYSTEM FAILURE] Well found out wat it says.
  19. Hmm, Didn't know that but my tank .craft file was lost when I reset my laptop :/
  20. Cant use .craft files from different versions unfortunately.
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