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Everything posted by StoneTJwall

  1. Thanks for working on this. It seems like a bunch of silly bugs got past QA and testing in 1.4 and following. I hope you guys get it all sorted out.
  2. Is there anything we can do while waiting for a fix? I'd love to be able to insert (or edit) some code myself to fix this before 1.4.3.
  3. I'd love a flag and have no flagmaking skills. My "Corporation" is called Stonewall Orbital Sciences (S.O.S. pun, obviously). I'd prefer it to be styled after some of the real-world space agency logos. The shades of blue in the Tennessee Titans uniforms would be sweet. Thanks in advance!
  4. This Challenge needs a bump. I'm starting my attempt today. I've only ever landed on Duna (and Mun and Minmus) with flybys of the inner planets.
  5. Let's all download .22 just to mess with them.
  6. Hello to anyone keeping an eye on this thread. I just downloaded TT's Mk3 Cockpit Internals, and it's not working for my .22 career mode. Any help would be appreciated. Hopefully helpful information: I had already completed the tech tree in my save file when I dl'ed and installed the mod. The Mk3 Cockpit now does not appear in either the SPH or VAB. It does appear in the tech tree. I started a new sandbox and was able to use the Mk3 cockpit and the internals did work. Are there any changes that I can make to the config files to fix this issue? I'm going to start looking through the thread now to see if someone already hasn't figured this out. I also just installed the Mk3 Crew cabin. Does this part need updated for .22 Career also? Thanks in advance!
  7. Do you have any pictures of it docked with the ring? I'd love to see that. And how does it perform while docked? Is there a lot of strain on the two docking ports?
  8. EDIT:removed images from quote Thanks for the reply! The landing mechanism seems very clever to me. I now have more ideas for my own rover designs. Getting them to the destination is always my largest problem.
  9. @OP: Did you design this with a specific launch vehicle in mind? Have you flown it to any other planets/moons? @Everyone else Has anyone gotten this rover to another body? How'd you do it?
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