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Everything posted by trippytripp

  1. It doesn't matter what you're making, i'm still super excited to see it!
  2. Well. The landing legs look like they're from B9 Aerospace. The Cupola looking windows are from KSP stock part expansion. The trusses look like they're from the Tri-Hexagonal-Strut mod. And the engine looks like it's from Kosmos Angara. But i'm not sure.
  3. And what if the copy of the Ship Persistence is a tad too long to send in a PM?
  4. So if someone (Me) wants to submit a craft, do you need the actual persistence file? Or just the craft's file?
  5. Hey, i'm not sure if this has been addressed, but I think there's a spelling error. Right before they find out where the sound is coming from, the ISA sat says "swithing to anomalies."
  6. I really like the use of faded colors. It doesn't look all bright and dandy, but it's instead kind of dark and gloomy, which i'm extremely fond of. And the details look great. Especially concerning those of Jool.
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