I present to you: The Avenger Sent into orbit by one of our patent Tiber MK2 rockets, this orbiting satellite is remote controllable from the ground via our top-secret flight computers. It recieves directions from the ground, aims at a target and launches explosive shells from its four Devestator Railguns. Pictures follow: The Tiber MK2 on the launch pad, carrying an Avenger Satellite Avenger seperates from the Tiber: Avenger stabilised and ready to recieve co-ordinates for firing: Coordinates locked, firing devestators: Two shots, 8 shells make their way to the designated testing range: The Ceasar Heavy Ordinance Deployer (HOD) was recently tested and confirmed to be working after heavy development. It flys over to the place you want bombed, and drops one of its two 'Centurian' heavy bombs. Pictures from the testing follow: The Ceaser on the launch pad: The Ceasar launches: The Ceasar in flight: [img width=800 height=620]http://i41.tinypic.com/veq80h.pn First Centurian dropped: Second Centurian dropped: Returning home: