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Everything posted by Kayaking4autism

  1. Kayaking4autism Now i remeber your dome dude, it was an awesome package of parts. And it was very early for that kinda of great mod for the kerbals.=) How many levels/layers are in your dome? I digg how you made it so customizable for the users. I read abouyt what happend with your harddrive and life, iam very sorry for the loss.. I have no children myself , but my mom and dad knows what you going trough. I lost my littlebrother early in life and i miss him every day and i will miss him for the rest of my life, but i cherish the good memories before the bad started. On a happier note, glad to se you back to ksp and some modding =)
  2. What a beautiful dome you made sir, as you see I've totally redesigned mine from scratch. Yours seems more of a floating island, wheras mine is a biotech mining base I've been working on this for a long time.
  3. [ATTACH=CONFIG]34989[/ATTACH] Believe me I'm as frustrated with the lack of progress in deep space exploration as you are and I think warp drive is a bunch of hocus pocus but I believe a polywell based deuterium magnetothruster is very do-able as an upper stage, Bussard reckons for breakeven fusion you'll need at least a 3m in diameter "wiffleball" and he never successfully did an exhaust for the million degree waste helium exhaust whereas I think it could both make power and the helium waste could be the propellant. I'm working on it. I propose a pulsed polywell design that in one instance holds and ignites a wiffleball and there need to be very carefully sequenced capacitor banks ready to fire and if one fails a computer MUST immediately re-organize which cap bank is firing and which is charging so at hundreds of hz can ignite/eject/ignite/eject the deuterium to helium wiffleball/wifflejet transition. Won't work in atmosphere Its also possible this will ONLY work in outer space because how else can you eject a superheated ionized gas without letting air into a reactor that will charge the ions and negate the effects of the liquid helium cooled yttrium barium copper oxide magnetic rings? Right now you'll laugh at me saying this is science fiction, but I'm sure it will work.... eventually.
  4. http://www./?gz0lpn0tvb0ag44 biodome alpha 10 released!!! WAAAAHOOOOOO Major updates: Internal engine, CM is now on deck 3 the main room of before is now a housing for the engine. Minor tweaks, lots of painsteaking polygon shaving, merging endpoints, made the trees more pointy worked a bit more on flooring new model also has the quad airlock doors like ver 9.
  5. New Screenshots of Alpha 10: http://i.imgur.com/5O1VH.png Now with internal engine as requested to make tosh's carts easier Now with better looking lower polygon trees: http://i.imgur.com/wz1FZ.jpg Phew expect Alpha 10 out imminently! Here's a video of the new engine in action landing on the moon:
  6. I think we'll be crying and huddled together in a crater here on Earth desperately trying to survive a nuclear world war and wars over the few remaining geiger counters to check if food is safe to eat will be the main issue. I doubt mankind will venture into the stars for at least another 50 years after that. If that doesn't happen however and we somehow manage to control our urge to destroy one another... I think there's already a covert manned presence on the moon launched out of A51 and I think the Russians also have a covert modern day equivalent of Almaz. So Quite how far reaching that covert military presence even in 2070 I think we'd be kept in the dark about. The overt civilian presence in "space" in suborbital flights to other places on Earth I think will be available for most people to buy by then to go to Australia or Japan or Africa or wherever in the blink of an eye. Unless you built some sort of biodome with telerobots over many many months the moon isn't really going to be inhabitable. I estimate you'd need 14 acres of pressurized hydroponics to produce enough oxygen indefinately and sustainably for one person. Not an easy task so to have ISS crew levels on the moon. Perhaps there is another way involving chemistry extracting oxygen out of moon rock... Perhaps we suss out nuclear fusion and work out how to do a deuterium implosion mangeto-thruster based on the polywell perhaps this is far more realistic than "warp drive, jump gate and time travel" I think the cost of rocket engines will fall dramatically and the payloads going into orbit will be million dollar instead of billion dollar. I forsee fuel getting more expensive and any real life mechanical mouse industries kethane attempts will be shot down in flames by the oil companies just like Stanley Meyer or that Australian electric car dude.... Kethane may well be POSSIBLE but whether or not the oil and automotive industries will allow it is a different matter. I think the main thing holding Earth back from space travel is our own selfish greed, grudges against one another and spending too much money on war. If in 1969 vietnam had ended and there was world peace we COULD have done Mars already like Gene Cernan predicted. I believe the only way to get to mars is if the entire world unites and puts asides its differences to ensure our species no longer has all its eggs in one basket here on Earth.
  7. 14/10/12 Biodome alpha 9 is now out here you go: http://www./?l8p1lcxxhvhnvhc
  8. How do I do lights? Every time I add a light in blender the game crashes on boot There are plenty of rooms to fit electrical plugins. I want to do solar energy differently with parabolic mirrors when I finish the top deck. BTW here's alpha 8 http://www./?ovgyu1j41mgy2at
  9. http://i.imgur.com/zxprH.png latest picture of colony of Eve new windows in latest version coming soon
  10. You might consider flying my ready made biodome colony ship: http://www./?9vn3gn4bt7mtxo6 The blender files are there so you can add to your colony what you want, its a community project I'm trying to make a space city that's self sustainable, generates oxygen, biofuel you name it. Thanks for taking an interest this is still very very new I haven't done the casino and the hookers yet..
  11. DOWNLOAD BIODOME ALPHA 4 WITH SOURCE BLENDER FILES. http://www./?utb4sjuygi4cj4g Update on the biodome module, now has 5 floors accessable by staircases with safety rails, pot plant, managers office, water recycling. FULLY PLAYABLE LEVEL More will be added to this "space city" as time progresses check back regularly as this part is updated. People please stop just saying "texturing" explain exactly where things need to be, PLEASE BE SPECIFIC. this level is full of holes I'm patching them up as I go, I've heard ideas for schools, homes, restaurants, churches, pubs, hookers, clubs, shops, stores, back alley stores, landing bays, barracks, police/security force base, cyber warfare division, weapons RnD, biofuel refuel capability, mineral bio-processing, cinema/theatre, agricultural harvesting rooms and oxygen production cylinder refill station.
  12. Try launching her on top of holy red dwarf: http://www./download.php?d3xzgqgepv2tdaj I think my ship is bigger
  13. Latest pictures of biodome: http://i.imgur.com/xAj5v.jpg http://i.imgur.com/1H7CQ.jpg latest biodome mod: http://www./download.php?6ca4gzq7kx6nx92
  14. launchpad obliterator, spacedock warp it to the moon Storage bay area: http://i.imgur.com/a7Je8.jpg Airlock bay for the base and workers: http://i.imgur.com/DsmuQ.jpg Hydroponics lab on glass wall: http://i.imgur.com/gmWMX.jpg
  15. 19/10 Biodome Alpha 11 development copy released! Customize your OWN dome they way YOU want to: Shaved down to 21 meg today added a new ramp to get your carts in and out of more easily DOWNLOAD BDA11DEV: http://www./?j1dqq11f21h8cs1 New piccies http://i.imgur.com/Wu3LM.png http://i.imgur.com/D7FSB.png http://i.imgur.com/gkAuJ.jpg http://i.imgur.com/CX77c.jpg http://i.imgur.com/MdUWa.jpg http://i.imgur.com/xPw3T.jpg http://i.imgur.com/3PnA9.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Rm9ap.jpg http://i.imgur.com/DPuks.jpg http://i.imgur.com/WDj0q.png http://i.imgur.com/DOzmN.jpg 10/18 Biodome 10, with internal rocket engine prototype successfully flown to moon once: http://www./?gz0lpn0tvb0ag44 new movie: 10/17 http://www./?3psk3z159tjei48 alpha 9.1 minor bug tweak included AQ_holly "Holly" The ships computer an advanced SAS module that has a familliar looking face on it. 10/14 Biodome alpha 9 ready Latest video of the biodome on minmus demonstrating the new garage airlock doors and the work done to the colonial quarters on deck 2 including bed, carpets, flooring, new fauna, shelves, table, window. Minor tweaks done to glitches in textures, this is an iterative process of going over and over the same bit and editing that object in blender one endpoint at a time. Ramp access now goes all the way to roof and there are now 5 layers of windows the top layer is quite complex and not yet finished expect to be complete in alpha 10. Appreciate all the bug reports and ideas keep em coming! 10/13 latest video including hangar doors: http://www.youtube.com/watch[ATTACH=CONFIG]34746[/ATTACH]?v=CHAy-wEuSBU moonbase landing [ATTACH=CONFIG]34642[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]34642[/ATTACH]I give you the blender files and the basis of a colony module I offer you a biodome with plants included. add your own layers on top and roof after, decide carefully what you blender into it. Recommended layout you leave lower level for cargo middler layers for hab and offices and work, middle high for food and processing and higher for command control and expensive parties for the super rich.[ATTACH=CONFIG]34586[/ATTACH] BIODOME ALPHA DOWNLOAD 13/10/12 http://www./?ovgyu1j41mgy2at EXPECT UPDATES FREQUENTLY Come on guys I want to hear your thoughts. more screenshots: http://i.imgur.com/imSAh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/zxprH.png
  16. Haydn: I was hoping the rocks would ping around with the scoop but it only has one node collider and won't work currenly so I kept it simple one rock spawner one rock collector. I also have yet to include a rock limit because if you drill non stop the game gets chuggy. Bare in mind this is a work in progress right now my main concern is to write a 3rd rocktype you can spawn with the drill. If anyone knows how to do this I would be most grateful. Here's the WORKING code: http://pastebin.com/Gd6ztAEc Here's the experimental non working code attempting a 3rd rocks: http://pastebin.com/Wd7TGX8f
  17. This ship got suddenly attacked by the space kraken on launch this launch attempt is highly classfied the KSP maintains its public stance that they cannot confirm nor deny the existence of such extra terrestrial beast. This footage says otherwise:
  18. [ATTACH=CONFIG]34333[/ATTACH] Here's a photo of Beta 2 in action. Download is on 1st page. updated.
  19. [ATTACH=CONFIG]34279[/ATTACH] Hey guys I know everything's been a little quiet as of late but here's a screenshot of the upcoming mining inventory which is demonstrating currently able to distinguish between two types of rock and add each type into the right box, we're working very hard on this mod and its also a learning curve. For me at least I think Red Dwarf and Starbug side projects (which I'm very happy with) were important steps. When I started this mod I was totally in the dark even about .dae. Now look, I'm coding, modelling, texturing, part.cfg monkeying working in unity. Don't get me wrong I still got a LOT to learn but I think I've really surprised myself how much work I've done in such a short space of time. Now Red Dwarf and Starbug are basically done apart from a few extra beds and walls in the decks I'm returning this month to work on mining mod. The votes have spoken 12,000 vs 3,000 Miningmod vs red dwarf. I think this mod warrants more attention and so it shall. I hope this mod can out-do kethane eventually but not conflict with! This mod will be ONLY used for all the other elements bar fuel. YOU CANNOT MAKE FUEL WITH THIS MOD AND NEVER WILL BE. But I am hoping you can make engines (if you have enough materials) I mean right now its possible to spawn rocks, I'm hoping it will also be possible to use the new menu to select which part you want to spawn and then deduct a certain amount from your cargo bay to spawn it. i.e 2m truss uses 4 aluminium 1m uses 2. In the future there will be more elements and you can spawn a computer for 3 silicon, 1 germanium 2 copper and 1 tantalum. Currently the coding for the orerecycler is doing an if else is it rock1 is it rock2, but really this needs a case statement for all the materials you want. the next challenge will have to be a mining map where in certain places you get calcium and carbon and nothing else and some areas you get mainly lead and bismuth. I'm going to ask about to see if anyone remembers the legendary "red faction" wall rocket tunnellling code because I think terrain alteration would be awesome especially for terraforming.
  20. Latest update 03/10/2012 Featuring the all new pilotable Starbug standalone mod[ATTACH=CONFIG]34068[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]34069[/ATTACH] Instructions: copy paste files into your KSP folder, load ship Starbug2, press spacebar twice, then hit r for RCS, then hold 'k' until you're headed straight up then hit 'T' to hold that place then hold shift to apply thrust up and away you go! http://www./download.php?x1p7bkbs89a090v Also here is a video of how to build it yourself and fly her to the moon: ENJOY
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