Greetings, this is my first post. Latest SolarNRG mining mod beta for download http://www./?ci80jehctatad9w YOU WILL NEED DAMNED ROBOTICS INSTALLED --> obsletehttp://www./?sbejfb1ebfj77k1 I'm trying to work on a mining mod, my idea is to send a rig to the moon that drills into the moons surface and it generates little "chips" or different coloured tiny pyramid polygons that can be scooped up and chucked into a hopper that's in the focal point of a solar reflector (that must face the sun or else it won't work). The first video was just me messing around with the damned robotics pack for aesthetic pleasure
The second video is actually my first modification of the game (thanks goes to InnSewerAnts for his help) where I've modified the rotartrons to spin much faster and a complementary opposite spinning one for vehicles.
I was thinking of using the 3m decoupler as the hopper to scoop and chuck these fragments into (I imagine like green being uranium, silver being aluminium, black being titanium, white being ice/water/fuel/oxygen etc) and a bit like the spacebuilt inventory list where you can build something as long as you have the material to make it out of. I'd like some help with some simple models of mining fragments and some code so that when the drill (6 fins and a 7x1 adapter plate) hits the moons surface and it is spinning it makes these little chips for you to collect. I have also built a real life solar tracking solar oven using stepper motors, metal gears, light dependent resistors and an arduino so to do this in Kerbal without having to saw or drill anything is a lot of fun for me. This was my real life solar oven robot in action:
If any of you can help me or give me some pointers to what I'm trying to do I'd be really greatful.