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Everything posted by crasher925

  1. Yes but i cant haz proper grammar. Grammar has never been my strong suit and I also make some grammar errors on purpos becouse I <3 to troll grammar nazis.
  2. So update this project is tempalaraly on hiatius im visiting my cusion and idk if they will let me install blender. Dont worry this project WILL. NOT. DIE.
  3. me to! I might have a sort of change for the Pheonix as well (not making any promises)
  4. oh you know it! * In Russian Accent* in soviet Russia crasher laugh at you! LOL
  5. banned for [REDACTED] banned for hating bronies banned for being a grammar nazi
  6. banned for trying to make that ban fixed
  7. sorry i just got really excited o_O what the heck did i just watch...
  8. uh i'm sorry your ganna have to explain the windows thing. and no because I want it to be EXACLY 2.5M radially and 15M high but i do refer to images to make my Phoenix.
  9. oh ok sorry I'll stop, I just wanted to get the finer details down.
  10. WIP people WIP did i do something wrong it seems like you're angry with me??
  11. out of date, low quality, and I knew about that already its a dead mod
  12. yes it is look at the pic credit to Cpt. Kipard for pic
  13. *Warning* Epic overload *Warning* Epic overload *Warning* Epic overload *Warning* epic *spark* over... *spark fire* loaaaaaaaaaaa... * head explodes*
  14. of cours im makeing cusum fairings they are probably ganna from 2.5M to 3M to 2.5M also whats do u mean the bumps are wrong?? btw a really appreciate your feedback its very helpful.
  15. ohhh ok you scared my there... ok in that case nvm mind have fun now to recording for you!
  16. ok will do hey NO MY mod not yours don't go claiming my work i have a licence.
  17. Wait I am???? ok! lets look at the list you gave me 1. the windows. what have i missed in them?? 2. I just wanted to hype people up that's all and 3. I do not believe and average modeler could make a Phoenix in 15 min of the quality I'm making. (but that's my opinion.) I work on this in my free time and i am not finished or even close to being done. now to keep this from turning ugly let me say this: we all where once new to the forums and we all had to learn the ropes I'm sorry if i seem like a jerk I'm not trying to be I'm no used to talking to people on forums I also have a problem that i write something that seems perfectly fine TO ME but in reality its rude I really hate it when i do that it just makes people upset with me and just gives me a bad rep. but Darth Trololo you are right this is my first mod but I thank you both fro the constructive criticism (and not being like "OMG YOU SUCK I HATE U AND UR MODS I CAN DO BETTER THAT U ASFDFHKLDHKSLFDHSF!") and giving it in a calm civilized way. (there has got to be a better way of saying that *facepalm* or at least more polite.) to answer your questions the IVA has not yet begun but it will have one. The cockpit will hold 3 Kerbins ( Jebram keryne, Billiam K Krikker, Korddi Ka Forge ) and I know the RSC trusters look like crap again i ask you to refer to title spacificly WIP thank you for your criticism I will keep that in mind. -crasher925
  18. what about t plugin for nukes where when i nuke detonates a bright flash followed by the "glowing Mushroom cloud" and then a shock wave ect.... that would be the BEST. THING. EVER.
  19. i am i RLY want em I'm working on the Pheonix and I want to add a nuke with the Titan II rocket for the LOLZ but it will only be a robe no nuke no mushroom cloud explosion no EMP
  20. i never said it was on a rocket i dropped it into your mouth and get the heck outta there so i deal damage
  21. you know bumbing's against the forum rules right... anyway the ravenspear is famous for being a REALLY bad space plane you really should just resign your craft completely and make a totally different new one. (my planes are really good)
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