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Everything posted by Meatsauce

  1. This looks fun, but why must we register to download? Use dropbox. Very handy.
  2. What did he get banned for? If it would revive the project; I\'d offer a $500 'X-prize' to first dev or group of devs who engineer a playable synchronous MP.
  3. This is very cool! As an idea, perhaps have a manipulator arm, and hardpoints we can attach to vehicles when docking is enabled.
  4. I had fleeting idea like this about a month ago, and came back on the forums tonight to conceptualize and write it up. ...and here it is. Well done! Looking forward to trying it out.
  5. I agree such an effort would require a need for a volunteer group of community devs to organize for demanding projects. Its likely that there\'s a few models and cases (an experiences by devs) that would translate into a self-organized approach. It often emerges from the best led, documented, and community-demand driven environments. The audacity of developers, user suggestions, and user generated content should not be under-estimated; nor should the possibility of what glorious things can emerge if a great team is assembled and led properly. The prospect alone is worth nurturing. I know I\'ve seen community driven incentives before but examples escape me at the moment. The legality isn\'t in question. It\'s a person to person transactions for essentially time. The question is about getting a nod to run ... ...well basically ...a X-Prize for KSP. Looking forward to seeing how things unfold.
  6. Nothing wrong with wanting to have a chat about it. I would put *Unofficial* in the title and header just as a courtesy to the devs.
  7. Congrats on seemingly being the first person to have ever done a \'real\' science mission in KSP. You know what would be badass... An instrument that we can place on probes, and can create these images for display at the Kerbal Science Academy or via instrumentation.
  8. I would love to help. Short of testing, the only thing I can think of is to offer a financial incentive for the first successful synchronous multiplayer with the features listed above, and functionality for docking when introduced ...plus room for growth. If it were to fit that bill, and such a community investment were not frowned upon by the devs, I\'d be willing to make a personal investment to spur development ...and yes - I want MP that badly. Hmmm ...So maybe the question becomes, how much am I willing to pay to have the first working server and client?
  9. Ya - build a frame, then slap on the stucco. Not the other way around.
  10. First off, thanks for this! Its a bold step in the right direction. I\'m getting this error when initiating a vehicle launch; Client socket created Intrepid SLS-v2auto telemetry transmitter 52c2f493: online 1 Exception in thread 'main' java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: 'I ntrepid SLS-v2auto 52c2f493 Rpitch' at sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.readJavaFormatString(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Float.parseFloat(Unknown Source) at elderberryni.TelemetryData.<init>(TelemetryData.java:39) at elderberryni.ElderberryNi.getData(ElderberryNi.java:366) at elderberryni.ElderberryNi.main(ElderberryNi.java:320)
  11. Any tips for applying this part? Whether I put it as the first or last stage, I still cant get it to work properly.
  12. Only if the one determined to have priority overheats and explodes.
  13. Anyone working on a plugin to support a LUA shell? If so, I thought about how something like this might best be implemented. After seeing some code examples of drawing GUI and pulling data, and after trying out that sweet auto ascent computer and auto pilot - I first envisioned an environment that we could place on rockets in the form of a small model, perhaps an antenna or radial node - and a 1m or larger equivalent part for incorporation in larger designs. Why we would want a small part became apparent to me while using IFE\'s SLS rocket system. I would have loved to have 'computer' capacity without having to dump the 1m module after payload deployment. Put another way, the Altair lander doesn\'t have room for a 1m module, and advanced flight controls should be usable for all craft. If we had a shell, then we could simply run these types of plugins natively without parts; ones that load as part of a vehicle start up systems. Secondary to this, it would be fairly easy to draw up lua scripts to initialize a startup sequence, build on-screen preflight checklists, and trigger events with functions like sounds for better immersion. If such a plugin could efficiently pull all the variables from parts, then you could create a system to monitor total vehicle integrity, and hunt down problem areas. It will also be cool to hear a master caution alarm go off seconds before a catastrophic failure.
  14. Appreciate your response. I follow you on remote access, and it certainly is an exciting plugin. Great work! I have some experience building GUIs in LUA, and would make an attempt if when we have some documentation. If you know of any... I wonder, could future iterations be used to accept flight commands from a ground station application? My thinking here is that the parts are addressable, and enable two-way comms between satellites, and remote probes. This way you can monitor fleet telemetry, and send correction commands to wayward probes.
  15. This would prove helpful if there was a GUI or built in listener that translated some information, or if there was a LUA shell we could use to execute commands. This plugin might be ahead of it\'s time since the game core doesn\'t have a way to display this info yet. An in-game MFD would be ideal. Damn I wish we had cockpit views. This information would be critical for engineering data and visual cues, and a launch from first person view would be epic.
  16. Well, thanks alot... Started off as a small refueling station, and turned into a deep space supply cruiser. [gmod]Images placed in spoilers at request. -DR[/gmod]
  17. This is absolutely brilliant. Now to find some truss. Note: some parts appear to become misaligned.
  18. Think about it, since there is no surface to crash into, you\'re into or going around a very deep gravitational well.
  19. I have Universe Sandbox. I wonder if I could try something in there.
  20. I think you\'re right on. There is some influence, but I believe a weak one relative to the attractive force of the mass. Whether or not it could \'throw you off' might be determined by the initial point. An object on the super rotating body would have inherited its velocity relative to the mass. A sudden increase or decrease would be catastrophic, but gradual increase should also be inherited and would continue until the mass spun itself apart. All spherical spinning bodies bulge at the equator ...I guess with enough rotation, and destabilization due to the energy released, the planet would destroy itself ...that would count as being \'thrown off\' I suppose.
  21. Try not to exceed 200 to 300x magnification. The results with <8-10\'\' mirrors are less than exciting. I have a 130mm reflector from Mead that I got from the Discovery Store in 96. It is alright, but was not built very well. The tracking gears are shot and some parts have fallen off. Definitely time for an upgrade so I\'m happy I found this thread.
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