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Everything posted by Meatsauce

  1. DOWNLOAD .31 HERE MIT License INSTALL: put the AWS folder in GAMEDATA, and put the nose cone on your vessel. UPDATE: replace the entire AWS folder in GAMEDATA with the new one The temporary nosecone part is located under the Control Group. Source in the zip file. Decided to revive and improve on an plugin I made, thanks to this thread. I'll need a part for this, but I'll save the model request for later. Right now, I have it load with a modified nose cone. I feel like the features of this works best for aircraft (the original design was for that purpose) but after some playing around with it, I can see how it will be helpful in orbit ops and planetary missions. Staging will need some work. The basic premise, as requested, was a system that gives you audio clues on flight events, while remaining low-profile (lol window) and easy on the ears. I've included a silence feature to do the obvious; sometimes the sounds can get a bit much if you're purposely flying close to terrain. I've done my best to space out the sounds with timers so they don't assault your senses. I'm open to suggestions on the conditions for triggering sounds, and I'll list out my rules below. When I learn how, I'll have a much better looking UI, but really focusing on utility rather than aesthetics: I'd very much like to have all trigger points defined by the user. The issue is my lack of know-how in making a multi window and minimizing UI in unity. I decided to include read outs of max fuel, vert speed, and fuel remaining; simply because these are the figures I usually want to know at a glance. The system will indicate various flight events with sounds. I've left voices out of this, because the quality of sounds is very limited. I do have a complete set of current aviation cockpit sounds that I could include for the die-hards. Planned Features (as of 2/23) Space Mode - while active will prevent terrain and atmosphere alarms. Additional Alerts & Indications After playing around with it, it really saved my bacon a few times. When you take your eyes off where you are flying, it can give you an advanced warning to pull up in three stages: attention, warning, caution. The escalation of sounds will trigger your response, and save your flight! The power warnings I've included also help, particularly if you forget to open your solar panels and don't want to get stuck with dead probe. I'll be including support for the tech tree in the flightControls group. Will see how this plays out. Of course, your feedback is most welcome. When your vehicle crashes, so long as the part is not destroyed; alarms will glare in dramatic fashion I made the sounds with ableton live. Here's where I am at with everything: Indicators: Vertical Speed Readout Total Vessel Fuel Readout Remaining Fuel Readout Indicator 'Lights' MASTER CAUTION TERRAIN FUEL NOMINAL FUEL LOW WARNING FUEL ATMO NO ATMO CAUTION AIRFLOW AIRFLOW INTAKE MAIN BUS A MAIN BUS A UNDERVOLT Buttons SILENCE - turns off all sounds SPACE- prevents certain ground related conditions from triggering alerts RADAR - enables terrain radar tones (*NOT WORKING YET - soon*) POWER - minimizes window (*NOT WORKING YET - soon*) Sounds Slow Double Tones: Vessel elevation is below 150m Rapid Stab: Terrain proximity warning at > -6 m/s vertical speed below 100m Rapid Klaxon: Terrain impact imminent - pull up. Deep Pong: Low Fuel Warning: current fuel is 20% of take off load - repeats every 60 seconds. Ding Dong: Cruise/Turn Altitude - vessel is between 10 and 11km. Rapid High Tones: Stage is out of fuel [fuel = 0] Rapid Double Tones: Power is below 10% Few Problems Fast rising terrain during level flight (CFIT conditions) not perfected. I think I need to use some ray tracing. (something else to learn) It doesn't like having more than one active vessel with the plugin in the same scene (not sure how to fix this yet) Rockets might need fuel system to only monitor active stage (maybe have flight modes) Code is messy and not optimized IntakeAir is giving me a hard time and is not always accurate [FIXED] Few Ideas Once I get the power button working, maybe I'll load this at start up so we won't need a part. This will probably let you play with the plugin in KMP also. Add sound for 10% of total onboard rcs remaining Add mode or condition to prevent false alarms for rockets during staging (included already to some degree) Altitude call outs below 100 meters in 10 meter steps; and 1m steps below 10m Measure all fuel instead of just liquid fuel, and electric charge Periapsis and apoapsis sound tones. ​Add annunciator panel with gauges/lights [PROGRESS] Messages Removed The way I have it now, you could have fun with it. My thanks and admiration to Innsewerants for his help. 2/23 - Added license & restored download link - Planning new features
  2. It is almost ready for some public testing.
  3. I got something working right now Couldn't resist resurrecting the old plugin. Audio is working for a few conditions. I'll start a new thread when I have something halfway presentable.
  4. I'll see about allowing alarm triggers to be user-set.
  5. Alright. I made one of these last year (with some help) and I don't really like the nadia one (no offense), and since there seems to be a demand; I'll take another crack at it. I'll dig up the old source and get to work. I can make you something that will be helpful. I'll start this weekend. One thing, would you prefer a male or female voice? I have custom sounds in female, but not the call outs. If anyone has a source for bells, dings, alarms, and cockpit annunciations; it could prove helpful. I pretty much have everything needed to do the sound and conditions for many of the requests. The gui I can do also, but it won't be pretty.
  6. Yup add the word multiplayer to the subject of the thread. You've earned it.
  7. Nice, I made one of these last year but never had the time to update/improve it.
  8. Pwolf, you blazed trails that many said where impassable. You did well, sir. Thank you.
  9. If you can, find some time, you seem to have legendary skills. At least share the codebase in an effort to speed up release. There seems to be a lot of people waiting for this feature. -- The first thing we should do when this all comes together is build monuments and shrines to all contributors.
  10. Hey Markus, I read thru the thread again fast but didn't see answers to these questions; 1. how many player connections are you planning to support? 2. will users be able to host their own servers 3. will there be in-game chat Cheers!
  11. Would love a missile base on the mun; is this possible?
  12. Hey Rom, still having fun with the plugin, but notice that craft explode at 6.5km if you attempt to take control of them via RC. Is that still bugged?
  13. Well done fellas Hook us up with a video when you can. Or let me know if you need help making one.
  14. Hey Markus, One thing that I've learned is that mp communities flourish on the diversity of experience, but you are not mistake regarding a challenging goal driving participation. I just don't think that it should be limited to mining because of a resource need. Players will want to play together, for almost anything, others will want to work alone, but still share some element of the MP experieince. Most of these reasons do not hinge around mining integers. What happens after mining? We end up accumulating all these 'resources' that we can turn into rockets? It is just very limited in my opinion and might get tedious. Now, build ingame currency is a potential angle, but makes little sense in a small scale multiplayer short of 30 slots. Its a big universe, and you could very well have players start on other planets and work (as teams) to locate and destroy other factions. Still, I feel the best 'gamemode' for this would be straight sandbox, in which you have minigames and group challenges. Mostly, giving the player the choice of experiences and tools will yield the most rewarding gameplay. Allow a server and sub-mod community to take on a life of its own. If there is one mod you should support, it should be the lasor mod by Rom. That will be maximum fun for those who dislike grinding. The combat takes on a great life with MP and that mod. It would also spur development of counter measures, and early detection radar. It takes the game forward. Most of this could be done only on the client side, and just have the server account for missiles exist, position, vecs and states. As far as tech, yea - a free mode would be fun and part of sandbox. Why restrict? At the very least, give server admins the ability to choose a difficulty setting. I hear you on the difficulty aspect of working together to build space programs, and I'm 100% on board with it. Thank for you for the effort you put in on it. Just my .02 -M
  15. No. You must show a tort or a damage. No damage. No suit. Since we're talking about addons and not commercial software, you can legally use software made public and share it with your friends. You can't profit it from it though, as that would be damaging. A dev might sue you, but for what, and what cost? A suit will cost you $5k and for software, sometimes upwards of 20k. So hypothetically, some admin who puts the mods on his server to be pushed down is not damaging or infringing. He is using the mod, as it was designed and released to do. If MP becomes a supported thing in this or other MP endeavors, mod devs will need to change their terms of use to fit the community's expectations and convenience. I doubt any mod dev would be opposed to distributing mods from cloud sources to affect a MP game. If you changed it around, sold it, and released it under the same name... then yea; that's problematic.
  16. Support for mods are essential. The game is more or less a lightweight shell without them. You could just require mods on the server, and admins will create fan sites, with the list of mods you need to play on the server. Or we can figure a way to push down a message stating the mods required. Alternatively, some mods will just run locally and merely influence the data, prior to network transport.
  17. Does face punch provide support for expression2 Asides from a wiki?Great mod btw. Can't wait to try it. Any hope for having the CPU name and map all parts Ina vessel, and read their status? I'd love to throw an alarm seconds before my ship disintegrates.
  18. Could this be adapted to be used to fire one projectile, e.g. Artillery or MBT tank cannon?
  19. Can you make the video darker? I can still see some detail.
  20. How about we moderate the negative instead of locking the whole thread?
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